

A Village Losing Its Farmers: A Narrative of Xia Village (1976-2006)

【作者】 章伟

【导师】 吴毅;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 社会学, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 本研究沿着费孝通的“差序格局”理论脉络,通过梳理30年来汉学人类学理论发展和相关学科研究进程,使用了“差序场”的分析框架,进行了深入思考;同时用田野调查的方法在浙江宁县夏村做了长期研究,积累了大量的资料,并以民族志“深描”和“阐释”作为研究方法,厘清了小社区和大历史的远近关系,完成了一个综合民族志。在这个民族志中,细致描述了夏村人社会流动的内在动力、家和分家关系的变化、为了土地所做的斗争、处于城市郊区的时空特点、日常生活中的娱乐和话语、村民性关系的变迁、村庄权力格局的动态进程等方面,从自我、家庭、村庄、村-镇关系、更广阔的时空整合,解释30年以来江南农村的社会变迁。作者认为,现在的沿海村庄已经由横向的社会整合,转变为横向整合和纵向整合结合的格局,“差序场”就是在“差序格局”的基础上,以行动和结构互动为特征,以日常生活的意义构建为内容,形成与汉学人类学传统理论的对话。“差序场”的概念(费孝通,1999n)被使用,并不是对于费孝通提出这一概念的理论思考,而是将此放到前述对立当中,以期看到作为“理论”的分析性框架的解释力。家庭的经济功能被家外组织主导,使差序场沿着家庭和家外组织的双重脉络发展。社会纵向的整合超越了“序”作为文化等级观的概念,“伦”确定的文化等级逐渐被更加复杂的社会整合代替。村庄原来由“伦”的文化约定而确立的尊卑等级和权利义务,进一步被日益渗透的现代国家通过政治、经济、法律规范来厘定,村庄渐渐失去约定权和裁决权。其次,各种组织通过资源控制削弱了伦的力量,而转向公共等级的象征资源:职业、身份、学历、财富、居住、消费、格调等,这些东西成为“序”的主要指标。“差”表示的社会差等机制,仍然是社会秩序的重要构成。由于从人生的时间分布看,大部分时间和亲人聚居、得到生活照顾和情感濡化、居住在村庄范围、共享一套方言和较多文化记忆。“场”的主体是村民和与村民不断互动的各类权力主体,同时也可以认为是村民作为权力主体面向政治力量、社会力量、经济力量的运作领域。“场”是一个客观的存在,是空间性的,也是时间性的,它是一个变动的过程,也是一个提炼的结构。“场”和“格局”相比重要的是突出其多主体同时在场和变动不居的一面,以及对于静态时空观的反动。它不仅仅是费孝通意识到的文化场:重叠、交融、互动;也是经济场:劳动、追逐金钱、买卖商品、消费;也有政治场:占据地位、追求权力、顺从或反抗意识形态等等。本研究的创新意义在于,传统汉学人类学研究多数着重“华南”、“华北”地域研究,此研究以综合民族志作为理论和方法,对于“江南”地域的汉学人类学做了继承和发展;通过建构微观“小历史”和生活史,与大历史形成对照,更好的理解小人物、家庭、小社区在历史洪流中的位置、情感和生计;研究继承了“差序格局”理论揭示的个体行动和社会结构互动的特点,认为“差序场”作为分析框架,能够解释30年来社会整合的内容和趋势,为人类学扩展个案的全局视野和意义延展做了一些探索。

【Abstract】 Following the path of Fei Hsiaotung’s theory of ChaXuGeJu(pattern of difference sequence), the research has conducted a deep going reflection on the theory development of Chinese anthropology and the research progress in relative courses in the past thirty years by using the analysis framework of ChaXuChang(field of difference sequence). Meanwhile, with a method of field survey procedure, the research accumulated a large amount of materials based on the long-term study on Xia village, Ning County in Zhejiang Province. And it completed an integrated ethnography by way of thick description that clarified the relationship between small community and macro-history.In this integrated ethnography, a detailed narrative about Xia villagers is given in aspects such as the inner motivation to social mobility, variation in the relationship between family and family divisions, struggles for the land, space-time feature of being a suburban village, entertainment and discourse in daily lives, changes in sexual relations and the dynamic progress of power pattern in the village. From self, family, village, village-town relation and broader space-time integration, it explains the social changes in the areas south of the Yangtze River in the last thirty years.The author holds the opinion that now the coastal villages have transformed from lateral social integration to the combination pattern of lateral integration with vertical integration. With the construction of daily life as its contents, ChaXu-Chang, based on ChaXu-GeJu and featured by the interaction of action and structure, forms a dialogue with traditional Chinese anthropology.The innovative meaning of the research lies in that it inherited and developed the Chinese anthropology in the areas south of the Yangtze River through a theory and method of integrated ethnography while most researches in traditional Chinese anthropology focused on areas like south China and north China; it formed a contrast with macro-history by constructing micro-history and life history to better understand the emotions and lives of ordinary people as well as the position of small community in the mighty history torrent; it inherited ChaXu-GeJu theory to expose the characteristics of the interaction of individual action and social structure and explored an overall point of view and meaning extension for extended& crossover case in anthropology through the analysis framework of ChaXu-Chang.

【关键词】 差序场差序格局纵向整合日常生活
【Key words】 ChaXu-ChangChaXu-GeJuVertical integrationDaily life