

University Public Crisis :Growth and Governance

【作者】 孙华

【导师】 刘献君;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 教育经济与管理, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 大学公共危机是指由大学组织发起的,能够导致大学组织或社会失序的重大群体性事件。大学公共危机是对现行社会政治、经济、文化等各种社会矛盾的集中反映和放大。鉴于大学在国家社会生活中的地位和影响,大学公共危机对社会和政府往往产生强大的冲击力,从而动摇社会的秩序和政府的合法性基础,这就使得任何一个政府都不可能对它漠视或放手。尤其是在当前,我国高校的多年连续扩招、高校自身的管理改革、改革开放所暴露的政治体制层面的深层次问题、社会弱势群体剧增、政府的社会控制能力减弱、利益阶层分化加剧、国家民族利益面临挑战等等诸多因素,使大学公共危机进入一个多发期,这就使本研究具有一定的理论意义和现实意义。本研究使用扎根理论作为整个研究的分析框架。在系统分析相关案例的基础上,得出有关大学公共危机的特质、诱因、发育和治理的初步假设。随后,按照扎根理论的程序要求,展开对假设的讨论。在问题和假设的析出部分,本研究严格按照扎根理论的程序和要求逐次展开。按照理论抽样——开放式登录——主轴登录——建立典范模型——核心登录——开发故事线——析出结论的规范研究范式,得出关于大学公共危机的价值冲突诱因以及多因素发育的机制等结论。在对假设的讨论上,本研究改进了扎根理论对研究假设讨论过于简单的传统结构,通过运用社会冲突等成熟的理论结合具体的案例分析,运用逻辑演绎的方法对扎根理论的结论进行理论验证并使之丰满化和系统化。这样既保持了扎根理论研究范式的完整性,又使研究结构上形成了扎根理论与逻辑演绎研究互相印证的格局,增强了研究的信度。通过以上工作,本研究得出如下结论:第一,大学公共危机具有冲击性、突发性、组织性和复杂性的特点;大学公共危机的结构包括冲突的各方、冲突目标和冲突手段;大学公共危机既具有破坏性,也具有促进社会与大学当局良性进化,不断改进的建设性作用;根据不同的诱因,大学公共危机可以分为不同的类型。第二,大学公共危机的诱因是政府与大学之间的价值冲突,而这种冲突的动力则源于知识与权力的本质特征。大学组织一贯追求和坚持的人类社会的理想价值观与政府基于现实需要所选择的实用价值观之间的分野导致了双方之间的价值冲突。通过更深层次的考察,本研究发现这种价值冲突的宏观因素源自社会变迁及其所导致的阶层分化和话语形成。第三,大学公共危机的发育机制是一个复杂的有机过程。大学在探究知识,追求真理过程中所养成的组织性格、组织偏好和组织传奇以及它自身的组织特性使它对政府所秉承的实用价值和以强制为特征的权力意识一直保持着历史性的关系紧张。同时它还深具挑起对政府发动行动批判的伦理动力和文化资本。当这种紧张关系达到一定强度,由于双方的沟通阻滞和偶发事件的激化,大学公共危机就会瞬间发作。而大学组织特殊的社会身份则又赋予它强大的号召力,从而使大学公共危机产生更为强大的溢出效应。第四,大学公共危机的治理必须选择制度化的治理范式。大学与政府各自的组织性质和社会角色定位决定了双方之间的价值冲突在所难免,所以让大学的价值批判能够在既有体制内,通过当局所提供的有效、充足、合法渠道表达,即,通过有效的制度供给使大学的价值批判成为制度化的行动或舆论批判。这也是大学公共危机治理的最终目标。这种制度化治理大学公共危机的模式既包括危机状态下的沟通对话、妥协让步、社会动员和社会强制等方式,也包括大学日常治理中为了预警、规避、消弭危机而制定、实施的各种政策法规和管理措施。表现在理论层面上就是:政府只有不断提升社会制度的公平正义内涵并有效动员各种社会资源,才能降低大学公共危机的爆发几率,同时推动大学与政府之间,或大学当局与大学组织成员之间的价值冲突得以制度化地在体制内表达。

【Abstract】 University Public Crisis refers to those significant colonial cases initiated by certain university’s organization, which will possibly cause the university’s organization or even the society to be in disorder. University Public Crisis is the comprehensive reflection and enlargement of the various current social conflicts existing in political, economic, cultural field and so on.In view of the position and influence of the universities in social life, University Public Crisis often exerts great impact on the society and government, and then forms a threat to the social order and the legitimacy of the government, which makes it totally impossible for any government to show indifference to it. Especially at present, so many factors, such as the continuous college expansion in recent years, the full-scale reform implemented by universities themselves, problems exposed in the depth of political system in the process of China’s reform and opening to the outside world, the sharp increase in the number of the social vulnerable groups, the decrease of the government’s social controlling power, the further division of the interests groups, the challenge confronted by the national interests and so on, make the frequent explosion of the University Public Crisis available, which indicates both theoretical and practical significances of this research.The analytical framework of this research is based on the Grounded Theory. The primary hypothesis about the features, inducement, growth and government of the University Public Crisis will be drawn on the basis of systematic analysis of the related cases. Then, according to the required procedure of the Grounded Theory, further discussion about the primary hypothesis will be made.The analysis of the problem and the hypothesis will be strictly launched according to the required procedures of Grounded Theory gradually. The conclusions that the inducement of the UPC’s value conflicts and growth mechanism caused by various factors will be finally reached by adopting such a research paradigm as theoretical sampling, open coding, axial coding, model’s establishment, selecting coding, story line’s exploration and finally the conclusion.The Grounded Theory usually discusses the hypothesis too simply while this research verifies the conclusion drawn on the basis of the Grounded Theory theoretically and makes the conclusion rich and systematic not only by adopting the matured theories such as Social Conflicts and so on to analyze the specific cases but also by applying logical deduction to it. Thus, not only the integrity of the Grounded Theory’s research paradigm can be kept, but also it forms the pattern that the Grounded Theory and the logical deduction can be supported by each other, which enhances the reliability of the research.Through the work mentioned above, the conclusions drawn from this research are as follows: first, University Public Crisis has the features like huge impact, abrupt occurring, organization and complexity. The components of the University Public Crisis include the parties involved in the conflicts, the aim and the means of the conflict. For one thing, the University Public Crisis has the destructive effect; for another, it will urge the society and the universities to improve themselves constantly. According to the different inducements, the University Public Crisis can be divided into several groups. Second, the inducement of the University Public Crisis is the value conflicts between government and universities. But the impetus of this kind of conflict originates from the nature of the knowledge and authority. The difference between the ideal values of the human society always pursued and held by the universities and the pragmatic ones chosen by the government for the real purpose leads to the value conflicts. By further observation, this research finds the macro-inducement of the value conflicts originates from the social changes itself and the division of the social class and the formation of discourses caused by the social changes. Third, the growth mechanism of the University Public Crisis is a complicated organic process. University’s characters, preference, legend and its features formed in the pursuit of knowledge and truth lead to the historical strained relations with the government’s pragmatic values and its consciousness of authority featured by force. And also, the university has the ethical motivation and culture background which can make it easier for the university to launch a criticism in action to the government. When such strained relations are intensified to a certain degree, the University Public Crisis will immediately break out because of the interdiction of the bilateral communication and the intensification of the accidental event. In view of the university’s special social status and its clarion call, University Public Crisis will have a greater impact. Fourth, the governance of the University Public Crisis must take the form of institutionalization. Because the universities and government’s respective natures and social roles cause the inevitable value conflicts between them, the final object of the UPC’s governance should be like this: the value criticism of the universities can be expressed through the effective, sufficient and legal way offered by the authority within the present system. To put it another way, the universities’value criticism should be made into an institutional action or public opinion’s criticism through the effective system offering. This pattern of governing the UPC through the institutionalization should not only include the communication, compromise, social mobilization, social constraint and so on in crisis, but also contain the various kinds of laws and regulations and management measures for early warning, evasion and elimination of the crisis in the universities’daily government. From the aspect of the theory, it should be like this: when and only when the government constantly improves the implication of the justice and motivates various social resources effectively, the possibility of the University Public Crisis’s eruption will be decreased and the value conflicts between the government and the universities or between the authority of the university and its organizations will be expressed within the system in the form of institutionalization.
