

A Study on the Integration Pattern between Market Strategy and Non-market Strategy

【作者】 邓新明

【导师】 田志龙;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 企业管理, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 作为一个开放系统,组织战略与环境之间的互动关系一直是组织与管理研究的核心议题之一。但一直以来,经典的战略管理理论所强调的是企业如何通过市场战略影响外部市场环境进而获取持续性竞争优势。因此,对非市场战略以及整合战略的研究拓展了以市场为核心的经典战略管理,也是战略管理领域的新发展趋势。本文探讨了在中国经济转型过程中企业整合非市场战略与市场战略的行为模式,旨在回答以下关键性问题:中国企业进行战略整合的前因变量是什么?企业战略整合的具体行为模式是什么?企业战略整合的结果是什么?企业的战略整合模式在不同的行业制度环境中是否存在显著性差异?企业如何整合实施市场战略与非市场战略?首先,为了探讨企业战略整合的前因变量,本文以企业政治战略作为研究的切入点,分析了企业内部的资源状况与外部制度环境的力量是如何影响政治战略决策的。本文在一定程度上验证了资源基础观的理论,即企业政治战略的应用是与企业资源基础相适应的,并且给企业管理者提供了一个有效的政治战略决策框架:首先,企业应该对其所面临的外部环境进行分析;其次,企业应该对竞争者的资源特征进行分析;再次,对自身的内部资源特征进行分析;最后,根据选择的政治战略,确定战术性行动方案,以获得政治绩效。其次,本文主要基于资源基础理论,并以制度理论作为补充,提出了一个企业市场战略与非市场战略整合行为模式选择的概念模型并对其进行了实践检验。我们通过深度访谈与大样本问卷调研,实证地提出了:第一,中国转型环境下企业所拥有的三种资源类型,即市场资源、非市场资源以及制度资源;第二,企业战略整合的三种行为模式:即一种内部行为模式(战略协同)与二种外部行为模式(战略互动与事项整合),研究结果表明战略协同是战略整合的核心,事项整合与战略互动均会对其产生显著的正向影响;第三,战略整合的绩效维度不仅包括市场绩效,还包括非市场绩效(经营合法性),本文认为企业在追求市场绩效的过程中,不应以牺牲经营合法性作为代价,因为这将会影响到企业的长期竞争优势。然后,本文以中国家电行业主要企业为研究对象,基于结构化内容分析法,从企业市场行为、非市场行为以及整合行为的角度全面探讨了企业之间的竞争互动问题。研究结果发现,2002~2007年期间对象企业所实施的972个竞争行为中,市场行为被实施的数量为571次,比重为58.7%;非市场行为的数量为313次,占总数的32.2%;另外协同行为数量为88次,占总数的9.05%。这一结果说明企业的市场行为虽然是企业之间竞争互动的主要方面,但要真正从全局上把握企业动态竞争的全貌,非市场行为以及整合行为的重要性与价值也不容忽视。最后,为了将理论研究落实到实践层面,本文提出了一个企业非市场战略与市场战略整合实施的战略管理模型,旨在为企业实施战略整合提供规范化指导。该模型首先在传统的战略分析阶段纳入了非市场事项的分析、选择与评估机制,这一机制将主要发挥两大功能:其一是有助于企业聚焦于某一正确的非市场事项并做出正确的前摄性行动;其二是有助于对企业竞争环境中非市场维度的分析;其次在战略目标的确立阶段,要关注公司目标中的非市场维度;而且在战略方案制定、战略实施过程中也要考虑非市场成份,即企业战略中有市场战略的成份,也有非市场战略的成份;企业所采取的竞争行为中有市场行为,也有非市场行为。

【Abstract】 As an open system, the interaction between organizational strategy and its environment has always been the core issue in organization and management field. However, so far, what the classical strategical management theory truly focused on is how the firm to affect its external environment for the purpose of gaining the sustainable advantage. Thus,the research on non-market strategy and integrated one extends validly the classical strategy management range, and furthermore, is a new trend in the strategy management field. The thesis explores firms’integration pattern between market strategy and non-market one in Chinese transitional period aiming to answer the following questions: (1) What is the influcing factors of Chinese firms’strategic integration? (2) What is the specific behavioural pattern for strategic integration? (3) What is the outcome of the implementation of firms’strategic integration? (4) Is there siginificant differences for integrational pattern among different industrial environments?Firstly, to explore the antecedents for firms’strategic integration, the thesis view political strategy as a valid cut-in point to analyze how the firms’internal resources and external environmental power influence the political strategy decision. The paper, in some degree, tests the rightness of resource-based view and indicates that firms’strategy should apply to its environmnet. Furthermore, the paper provide the praticing managers with an significant political strategy decision framework: (1) Analyzing firms’external environment in-depth firstly; (2) Exploring competitors’resource traits thoroughly; (3) Analyzing its own internal resource characteristics; (4) Deciding finally the specific political tactics for the purpose of obtaining political performance based on the political strategy chosen already.Secondly, through using resource-based view as our fundamental theory and institutional theory as a valid complementary, we provide a conception model for firm’s integration between market strategy and non-market one and give it a practicing test. Through in-depth interview and big sample questionnaires investigation, some conclusion were drawn as follows: (1) In Chinese trasitional environments, the resources possessed by firms could be classified into three types which are market resources, non-market resources, and institutional resources; (2) The integration pattern exists three kinds as well, which are strategic synergy, strategic interaction, and issue integration. Strategic synergy is the core of the strategic integration and we figured out that strategy interaction and issue integration would have a positive influence upon strategy synergy significantly; (3) The performance dimensions include not only market performance, also non-market one (such as legitimacy), and we found that, on the way to seek market performance, firms should not sacrifice its legitimacy, which would finally affect its long-term health and development.Then, the thesis chose some key companies from Chinese household appliance industry as objects and based on the method of structural content analysis, explored fully competitive interaction from the perspective of market action, non-market action, and integration one. The results indicate, during the period of year 2000 ~2007, the sample firms totally implemented 972 competitive actions and the amount of market actions are 571, accounting for 58.7%; nonmarket actions 313, taking up 32.2%; synergy action 88 and the proportion is 9.05%. This outcome suggests that, though market action is the major aspect of competitive action-reaction, to truly grasp the full picture of firms’competitive interaction, the value and significance of non-market and integrated action should not be ignored.Lastly, for the purpose of fulfilling our theory insights in practice, we come up with a management model for the implementation of integration between market strategy and non-market one, in order to provide some systematical insights for the practicing managers. The model suggests: (1) Adding a mechanism for non-market issue analysis, choice and evaluation, which will paly two main roles: firstly, helping firm’s focusing on some right issues and take corresponding right proactive actions; secondly, promoting firms to analyze the non-market dimensiion of its competitive environment in a proper way; (2) urging firms to pay great attention to the non-market dimension of corporate goals in the stage of setting up strategic goals; (3) When formulating and implementing the strategy, firm should not only take non-market factor into account, but market aspect. That is to say, firm’s strategy should include both market and non-market aspect, and meantime, firm’s competitive action should include both market and non-market action.
