

Theory and Method of Complex Mechatronical Product Design Driven by Performance and Application in Large Scale Injection Moulding Equipment

【作者】 魏喆

【导师】 谭建荣; 冯毅雄;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 机械设计及理论, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 针对复杂机电产品设计的创新性、层次性、演化性、尺度性、耦合性等固有特点,将性能知识引入到复杂机电产品设计过程中,提出了性能驱动的复杂机电产品设计理论和方法。为基于知识的复杂机电产品性能设计提供理论基础;为性能驱动复杂机电产品设计的过程建模与性能知识获取提供方法依据;为性能驱动复杂机电产品设计的方案优化与多领域性能知识集成提供技术支持。并结合实际应用将本文的理论和方法应用到大型注塑装备设计过程中,取得了良好的效果。本文的主要内容包括:第1章介绍了复杂机电产品设计的内涵、特点及研究现状,分析了现有设计方法在实现复杂机电产品设计过程中设计描述和建模的局限性、知识获取和优化的局限性以及过程协同和集成的局限性,阐述了性能驱动复杂机电产品设计理论和方法的核心思想和主要内容,给出了本论文的课题来源及论文内容的总体结构框架。第2章从复杂机电产品设计过程出发,对驱动机电产品设计的性能知识进行了严格的定义。在“功能-质量”体系下的狭义性能知识定义基础上,对性能知识在“作用-反馈”体系下进行了适当的补充和扩展。并且在不同体系下分别对性能知识进行了分类研究。分析了机电产品性能知识的特点,阐述了性能知识搜索、性能知识过滤和性能知识抽取的性能知识获取体系,归纳了性能驱动复杂机电产品设计的4种驱动方式。为性能驱动复杂机电产品设计过程奠定了理论基础。第3章主要研究了结构性能知识以映射驱动的方式完成复杂机电产品的结构建模与求解。在“作用-反馈”体系下,依据机电产品性能知识定义的理论基础,针对性能驱动的复杂机电产品设计建模进行研究。将机电产品性能知识单元化。建立了便于性能驱动复杂机电产品设计的性能知识符号模型。在机电产品性能知识语义描述的基础上,扩展出机电产品性能需求集的语义描述方法,建立结构性能知识单元与机电产品实例结构的映射关系,分别根据理想、冗余和耦合映射关系,提出机电产品结构设计的求解方法。以示意简图的方式形象的说明了实现性能驱动复杂机电产品结构设计的过程。第4章主要研究了行为性能知识以演化驱动的方式完成复杂机电产品的多参数同伦反演。依据离散的机电产品性能实际测试数据与连续的理论计算数据,建立多参数关联的机电产品行为性能反演分析模型,采用数值与几何结合的方法,利用多参数关联的数值几何同伦反演技术与多参数同伦两段修正技术,获得或逼近实际的连续数据。第5章主要研究了目标性能知识以融合驱动的方式完成复杂机电产品的多尺度设计优化。将多尺度理论引入到机电产品性能优化中,分别描述了机电产品在性能驱动产品设计过程中在零件尺度、部件尺度和整机尺度上的多尺度性能优化问题的特性和本质,并研究了复杂机电产品性能在多尺度上的融合条件。采用基于粗糙集的支持向量聚类方法缩减外部种群数量,提高强度帕累托进化算法的计算效率。第6章主要研究了使能性能知识以应用驱动的方式完成复杂机电产品的多领域数据集成。提出了一种符合性能驱动复杂机电产品设计方法对性能知识需求的多领域性能知识相关系统组件接口技术,对组件接口进行语义描述,构建了组件接口模型。通过对组件PDAPI的结构、实现、访问的研究和对技术优点的阐述,说明组件接口技术的具体实现,以及对自我包容、沟通协作、复合使用和不可持续的满足。第7章选取典型复杂机电产品大型注塑装备为性能驱动复杂机电产品设计理论和方法的应用对象,详细阐述了本文提出的方法在性能驱动大型注塑装备设计过程中的具体实现。介绍了HTMD产品设计系统的主要功能以及HTMD系统与SAP R/3 ERP系统的多领域性能知识信息集成的实例。验证了性能驱动复杂机电产品设计理论和方法的可行性与实用性。第8章对性能驱动复杂机电产品设计理论和方法进行了总结,归纳了论文工作的主要研究成果和创新之处,对论文相关研究领域的发展前景进行了展望。

【Abstract】 According to the innovation,hierarchy,evolvement,scale,coupling of complex mechatronical product design and so on,performance knowledge is applied to the design process of complex mechatronical product.The theory and method of complex mechatronical product design driven by performance are proposed.They are the theoretical basis of complex mechatronical product design based on performance knowledge,the valid approach of process modeling and performance knowledge acquisition in complex mechatronical product design,and the technical support of result optimization and multisource integration about performance knowledge. Furthermore,the practical application on the large scale injection moulding equipment proves the advancement and validity of the new theory and method which are presented in this dissertation as well.Topics covered in this dissertation are as follows:Chapter 1 introduces the intension,characteristics and current research of complex mechatronical product design.The limitation of design description and design modeling,the limitation of knowledge acquisition and result optimization and the process cooperation and knowledge integration in the complex mechatronical product design are analyzed.The key concept and the mostly content about the theory and method of complex mechatronical product design driven by performance are described.The source of assignment and the frame of this dissertation are also proposed particularly.Chapter 2 defines performance knowledge which drives the complex mechatronical product design.Performance knowledge is renewed and expanded in the "Action-Feedback" system based on the special definition of performance knowledge in the "Function-Quality" system. Besides,the performance knowledge is classified in the different systems.The characteristics of complex mechatronical product performance knowledge are analyzed.The knowledge acquisition system based on performance knowledge search,filter and extraction is expatiated. Four driven methods are generalized.The theoretical basis of complex mechatronical product design process driven by performance is established.Chapter 3 introduces the structure modeling and seeking of complex mechatronical product which are mapping drived by structure performance.The research of complex mechatronical product design modeling driven by performance based on the definition of performance knowledge in the "Function-Quality" system is described.The performance knowledge of mechatronical product is unitized.The performance knowledge symbol models are founded.The semantic description method of performance requirements is presented.The mapping between performance knowledge unit and mechatronical product structural is set up.According to the perfect mapping relationship,superfluous mapping relationship and coupling mapping relationship,the solution of mechatronical product design problem is proposed.The realization of mechatronical product design driven by performance is explained by a diagrammatical view.Chapter 4 introduces the multi-parameter homotopy inversion of complex mechatronical product which is evolutively drived by behavior performance.A multi-parameter inversion analysis model of mechatronical product according to the discrete practical test data and the consecutive theoretic account data of mechatronical product performance is established.By combining the numerical and geometric analysis methods and using multi-parameter correlation homotopy inversion technology,a scheme inversion analysis method which can be applied to obtain or approximate to the actual parameter data based on the theoretical calculation data and the actual test data is proposed.Chapter 5 introduces the multiscale design optimization of complex mechatronical product which is syncreticly drived by target performance.The multiscale theory to optimize the performance of mechatronical product is used.The characteristics of multiscale performance optimization problem in the part scale,assembly scale and machine scale are described.The amalgamation condition about mechatronical product performance in multiscale is studied.By using the rough set-based support vector clustering method to reduce the number of external stocks,the computational efficiency of strength Pareto evolutionary algorithm is improved.Chapter 6 introduces the multisource data integration of complex mechatronical product which is applicablely drived by enable performance.A system composing interface technology of multisource performance knowledge is presented,which could meet the requirements of complex mechatronical product design driven by performance.Composing interface is described. Composing interface model is founded.The realization of composing interface technology is explained by analyzing the structure,realization,accessing and advantages of PDAPI. Meanwhile,the technology satisfies the integrated restrictions:self-containment,collaboration, unsustainably and recombination.Chapter 7 selects the typical complex mechatronical product called large scale injection moulding equipment as the application of complex mechatronical product design driven by performance.The methods which are proposed in this dissertation are realized in the design process of large scale injection moulding equipment.The main functions of HTMD product design system are introduced.The integration of HTMD and SAP R/3 ERP is established. Therefore,the theory and method of complex mechatronical product design driven by performance are validated.Chapter 8 summarizes the theory and method of complex mechatronical product design driven by performance.The key research achievements and novelties of this dissertation are concluded along with recommendations for future research.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 11期