

【作者】 王飞绒

【导师】 陈劲;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 随着市场范围的不断扩大,顾客需求偏好的日益多样化和产业边界的日趋模糊,企业间竞争的时空体系发生了巨大的变化,创新者间的横向和纵向交流的重要性迅速提高,孤立的创新者和企业已经无法跟上技术创新的步伐,传统的企业之间的个体竞争模式逐渐被结盟企业之间的群体竞争模式所替代,形成了以合作竞争为基本特色的“新竞争”格局。作为一种新型的技术合作方式,技术联盟已经成为许多企业技术创新的一种新模式。尤其是技术密集型产业中形成的广泛的技术联盟,如联合研究和产品开发,不仅成为产业发展的必要途径,而且带来了高水平的知识交流和技术转移,促进了企业创新的快速发展。生物产业作为技术密集型产业的代表,科技的发展已使企业从单纯的技术自给转变为技术相互合作和技术相互依赖,利用合作伙伴的产品开发设施或市场渠道是促使生物技术公司积极寻求战略联盟的重要因素。尽管联盟具有单个企业无法比拟的优势,但联盟的失败率居高不下却是不容置疑的事实,而联盟间学习和沟通的不足是当今许多技术联盟失败的根本原因之一。因此解决联盟伙伴如何通过组织间学习达到知识的积累进而提升创新绩效的问题具有战略性的现实意义。本文正是围绕这一核心问题展开研究。在明确了研究背景和研究目标后,作者提出了要解决的主要问题:生物产业技术联盟发展的基本现状;组织间学习对创新绩效的影响;技术联盟中影响组织间学习的因素,这些因素如何通过组织间学习影响联盟成员企业创新绩效的机理和路径。为解决上述问题,作者在文献研究的基础上,对浙江、江苏、上海等地的20多家企业进行实地调研和深入访谈,并进行了大样本的问卷调查,采用典型案例分析、数理统计和结构方程建模相结合的方法进行研究。本文的主要研究内容和研究成果为以下几个方面:第一,借鉴现有的技术联盟、组织学习和创新的相关理论,并结合浙江海正药业的案例,探索性地分析了技术联盟的组织间学习与企业的创新绩效提升的机理,在此基础上,提出了基于组织间学习的技术联盟与企业创新绩效的理论框架概念模型。第二,通过对随机抽样的生物企业进行问卷调查,根据取得的样本数据进行实证研究,分析了目前我国生物企业技术联盟的状况。研究结果发现:目前我国大部分的生物企业存在技术联盟现象,技术联盟的对象包括企业、高校、科研院所。而作为高技术产业的代表,生物产业目前整体的研发投入水平还比较低下,这也是为什么那么多企业寻求建立联盟的原因,希望通过合作伙伴的资源共享达到合作的共赢。第三,采用SEM结构方程建模和经典统计方法对基于组织间学习的技术联盟与企业创新绩效的内在作用机制和路径进行了实证分析,研究结果表明:组织间学习中的知识共享、知识的转移和吸收,知识的整合与应用对创新绩效具有显著影响;而组织间学习又受到技术联盟中本身企业性质的影响、技术联盟对象性质的影响、技术联盟伙伴间关系紧密程度的影响以及技术联盟整体管理水平的影响。因此企业在建立联盟关系时一方面要合理打造自身的形象,另一方面要选择良好的合作伙伴。第四,采用方差分析,探讨了不同结盟对象和方式等因素对企业创新效果的影响。研究结果表明技术联盟中企业规模不同、联盟地位不同、联盟时间不同、联盟紧密程度不同对企业创新绩效都有显著的差异,而联盟对象不同、联盟治理结构不同、企业所有制性质不同则对企业创新绩效没有显著的差异。联盟资源组合方式不同对创新绩效指标中的不同指标的差异存在不一致的地方。这也意味着企业在选择联盟伙伴时,要注重的实际上更多的是双方结合过程中的细节,如联盟时间的控制、联盟地位的把握,联盟紧密程度的掌握等等,只有各方建立起良好的沟通机制,在共同目标中达成一致的理解,才能解决联盟中出现的众多问题,获得共赢的局面。本论文研究成果丰富和完善了组织间学习理论,使技术联盟的相关理论更具系统性,并为我国生物企业如何更好地利用技术联盟提升自身的创新绩效提供了科学有效的理论指导。

【Abstract】 With the expand of the market scope,diversification of customers demand predilection and indistinct of industry boundary,the competition among enterprises has a great change,the importance of innovators’ horizontal and vertical communication increases quickly,isolated innovator and enterprise can no longer follow the step of technology innovation.Traditional individual competition was already replaced by collective allianced competition,co-competition occurred as a new competition pattern.As a new technology cooperation model,technology alliance has become a new mode of technology innovation,especially in technology intense industries,cooperation research and new product development etc.not only become the necessary way of industry development,but also brings high level knowledge exchange,technology transfer and innovation improvement.With the development of science and technology,biotechnology industry as a representative of technology intensive industry,technology cooperation and dependent has replaced technology self-support.Taking advantage of product development facilities or counterpart’s market channels is the main factor of biotechnology enterprises actively looking for partners to build technology alliance.Though alliance has much more advantages over individual enterprise,high failure rate is the most serious problem,one of the fundamental reason is the scarce of learning and communication between alliance partners.Therefore,solve the problem of how to improve innovation performance through inter-organizational learning has strategic actual meaning.After definite research background and aims,the author puts forwards the following problems:how is the development status of biotechnology alliance;what’s the effects between inter-organizational learning and innovation performance;which factors in the technology alliance affect the inter-organizational learning,how can these factors influence innovation performance of enterprise in technology alliance, etc..In order to solve these problems,based on literature research,the author implements research through field investigations and interviews more than twenty enterprises located in Zhejiang,Jiangsu and Shanghai,and a big-sample questionnaire investigation.With typical case study,mathematic statistic and SEM model,the main contents and results of this research are listed as follows: Firstly,utilizing existing theory of technology alliance,organizational learning and innovation,together with case study of Zhejiang Hisun Pharmaceutical Co.Ltd, the author analyzed the mechanism of inter-organizational learning in technology alliance and enterprise’s innovation performance,based on such analysis,the author put forward the theory concept model of inter-organizational learning in technology alliance and enterprise’s innovation performance.Secondly,through the questionnaire investigation on random sampling of biotechnology enterprises,this thesis makes empirical study on acquired sampling data,analyzes the nowadays status of biotechnology technology alliances.We find that:nowadays most of the biotechnology enterprises have alliances with other enterprises,universities and research institutes.Though biotechnology industry is technology intensive,their R&D input is rather low,that’s why so many biotechnology enterprises want to establish alliances with other units,they wish to take advantage of partners’ resources to get win-win result.Thirdly,Structural Equation Modeling(SEM) and classical statistic analysis are used to discuss the mechanism of inter-organizational learning in technology alliance and enterprise’s innovation performance.The results show that:knowledge share, knowledge transfer and absorption,knowledge integration and application can facilitate innovation performance significantly;meanwhile,the three phases of inter-organizational learning are affected by the characteristics of the enterprise in technology alliance,the characteristics of the allianced partner and the closeness level between them,and the management level of the alliance.Therefore,when enterprises want to build alliances with others,they should in one hand set up their own images, on the other hand,they should choose good cooperation partners.Fourthly,through variance analysis,the thesis expounds several factors’ influence on innovation performance,such as different alliance partner and different alliance mode.The results show that:different firm-scale,different alliance status, different alliance duration time,different closeness relationship all have prominent discrepancy to enterprise innovation performance.But different alliance partner, different governance structure,different property right all have no prominent discrepancy to enterprise innovation performance.That means when choosing alliance partners,enterprises should pay more attention to the cooperation details,such as duration time,alliance position and dose relationship,only when favorable communication system is built,consistent understanding is achieved,can allianced partners solve the problems occurred and acquire win-win result.This research enriches and perfects the theory of inter-organizational learning and makes the theory of technology alliance more systematic.And it also gives scientific and exercisable directions for enterprises to take good use of technology alliance to improve its innovation performance.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 07期
  • 【分类号】F273.1;F272;F224
  • 【被引频次】24
  • 【下载频次】2183
  • 攻读期成果