

【作者】 徐双庆

【导师】 徐金发;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 企业管理, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 企业生存发展以市场为基础,无论企业以何种方式运行,最终要在市场上完成其经济价值的转化,因此对市场份额的占有成为企业纷纷追逐的目标之一。企业为此在市场上的竞争程度愈加激烈,方式也多种多样,将企业整体进行营销是最有效的手段。纵观现代企业竞争发展百年历史,伴随现代企业所经历的机械化大生产、技术创新、知识经济等阶段的激烈竞争,企业曾经寻求过以规模、技术等作为主要竞争手段。伴随企业的成长与发展,以非技术性、非物质性手段的竞争方式一直存在,并越来越发挥出巨大的作用。企业在现代生产技术平台基础上,能够以独特的企业品质、价值理念,获得各方面利益相关者的认同和支持,确立个性化、差异化竞争优势,维护企业的先进性和不可替代性地位。在企业经营各个环节中,以生产能力、技术创新、知识更新等硬性竞争手段趋同的情况下,依靠企业理念认同、价值观念吸引的软性竞争手段建立竞争优势的企业整体营销时代已经初露端倪。企业理念和价值观念是企业身份的重要组成元素,利益相关者对企业理念的认同、对其价值观念的认同,其实质是对企业本质身份的认同。由于利益相关者对企业本质身份的认同,将可能导致他们对企业产生潜在或现实的倾向性,这种倾向表现为企业对利益相关者的吸引。消费者作为利益相关者的主要群体之一,是最能够直接受到企业本质身份影响的,企业整体营销理念正是需要以此方式来赢得消费者的忠诚。因此本文将研究企业本质身份对消费者群体的影响问题。消费者群体对企业竞争力的反馈性作用体现在其忠诚程度上,而消费者对企业本质身份的理解则建立在企业声誉基础上。因此本文的研究问题可以具体化为企业声誉如何影响消费者忠诚。企业以理念认同、身份吸引的方式建立竞争优势,其主要决定于利益相关者对企业身份的认知情况。企业声誉是企业身份的一种集中体现方式,消费者群体通过对企业声誉的掌握,对企业身份的价值取向产生判断,从而影响消费者的认同程度,影响与企业之间的关系质量。由企业声誉引发的消费者在态度上的变化,将可能影响到消费者的忠诚意图和行为。企业声誉评价中既有理性认知因素可供客观衡量评价,又有情感因素为消费者主观判断提供依据。企业声誉是理性和感性两种影响因素混杂在一起的综合体,而且两者之间存在相互作用。目前的研究尚不能将两个部分完全分离开研究,而且分离研究势必将割裂两者间紧密的相互作用。因此本文对企业声誉驱动性构成要素进行分解性剖析,研究不同声誉构成内容可能通过对消费者企业认同,以及对双方关系质量的作用,从而影响消费者忠诚意图和行为的机理过程。基于以上研究思路,本文尝试从企业外部人员视角对企业身份认同问题进行研究,使用组织认同理论,并结合关系营销理论进行综合分析。对相关领域的现有研究成果进行总结归纳,梳理理论发展动向,理顺消费者企业认同与关系营销的理论关系,为后续深入研究搭建理论平台。本次研究以个人电脑行业为研究目标,此行业的企业名称与产品品牌一致性程度较高,相对减少多品牌产品研究中的可能产生的调查对象不清晰问题。随着摩尔定律的应用,个人电脑淘汰和再次购买频率逐渐升高,某些企业已经在消费者群体中建立起一定的忠诚度。个人电脑企业数量适中,既未多到纷繁复杂而无从选择;又未少到只有几家垄断企业,消费者的选择相对自由,无较多转换成本障碍。研究调查主力消费群体对企业品牌的选择、企业声誉的评价、企业认同、关系质量及忠诚度水平等研究中所涉及变量,通过四个方面的研究逐步完成对问题的分析:研究一,企业声誉、消费者企业认同以及关系质量三者之间的相互作用关系。这一研究包括两个方面:一是消费者产生的企业认同感对消费者企业关系质量的影响程度;二是企业声誉对两者的影响情况。企业声誉作为企业本质身份的表现载体,将企业身份信息传递给消费者。消费者基于企业身份理念与自我理念的匹配程度,而形成对企业不同的认同感受。消费者对企业的认同程度将可能影响到双方的关系质量。通过实证研究表明,并非全部企业声誉构成内容都能对消费者企业认同产生影响,声誉构成内容中无法用具体数量指标进行衡量的伦理规范、社会责任和公平环境维度对认同有直接影响。消费者企业认同会对关系质量中的关系满意和关系信任都产生影响,同时关系满意也影响关系信任水平,并中介企业认同对关系信任的影响作用。研究二,分析消费者企业认同与关系质量对消费者忠诚的联合影响作用。消费者企业认同对消费者忠诚态度能够产生何种的影响,在消费者企业关系质量的联合作用下,消费者忠诚会发生什么样的变化?关系营销理论认为关系质量的提高有利于消费者忠诚度的培养。在消费者企业认同因素作用下,关系质量对四种主要的消费者忠诚方式的具体影响值得深入研究。通过本次实证研究,再次验证关系质量对消费者忠诚的作用关系,而且关系质量还作为中介变量,中介消费者企业认同对消费者忠诚的影响。其中关系满意并不与消费者忠诚发生直接关系,而是通过关系信任的中介效应产生影响作用。消费者企业认同与消费者忠诚之间有直接正向影响关系,同时也通过关系质量的中介效应产生影响。在四种主要的消费者忠诚形式中,关系信任只对支付溢价的忠诚方式有直接影响,而消费者企业认同则对口碑传播、推荐意愿、重购首选等其它忠诚方式有直接影响作用,同时还通过关系信任的中介作用对支付溢价产生间接影响。研究三,企业声誉对消费者忠诚的影响机理的整合研究。分析企业声誉对企业声誉对消费者忠诚的直接影响,以及可能存在的消费者企业认同与关系质量的中介效应。在研究一与研究二的基础上,对企业声誉影响消费者忠诚的整体模型进行分析。实证检验结果显示企业声誉能够通过多种途径对消费者忠诚产生影响。在企业声誉的多种构成内容中,部分内容直接对消费者忠诚形成影响,部分内容仅通过消费者企业认同和关系质量产生影响,还有部分内容对消费者忠诚既存在直接影响,同时也存在间接影响。在进一步针对典型企业的分析发现,企业声誉中较为出色的声誉内容将对其消费者群体的忠诚态度产生特别影响,并对实证研究中发现的一些现象进行较为深入的讨论。研究四,消费者的忠诚态度对企业声誉的反作用研究。消费者忠诚态度影响到他们的口碑和推荐,而这将对新一轮企业声誉状态产生影响。本研究借助传染病模型研究成果,通过调整和修正而建立适合口碑声誉传播的数学模型。使用计算机模拟技术对传播过程进行仿真研究,分析传播过程中影响因素对传播效果的作用情况。这一研究使企业声誉与消费者忠诚之间循环作用分析的逻辑过程更为完整,有助于清晰理解企业声誉传播及作用的整体过程,并对研究结论中的现实意义进行必要的讨论。本研究在企业整体营销思想下,从企业外部视角,以社会认同理论、组织认同理论,对消费者通过了解企业声誉所形成的企业认同做详细的理论阐述分析及实证检验;以认同理论和关系营销理论解释企业声誉对消费者忠诚影响机理;以消费者对企业的认同作为消费者忠诚建立在内在动因之一,较为合理的解释企业声誉可能对消费者忠诚产生影响的作用途径,深入分析企业声誉具体构成要素内容的影响作用,并进一步丰富企业整体营销理论的研究内容。对于本次研究中一些有意义发现进行讨论,希望能够为企业管理实践带来一些启发。本次研究仍存在一定的不足和尚待完善部分,在今后的研究中,将继续从理论深度和实践意义两方面入手,对相关问题进行更为深入研究。

【Abstract】 Market is the base of corporate development.Firm’s economic value has to be transferred in the market,whatever the firms operate.So the share of market is the final goal that corporations chasing.Corporations compete in the market with many measures.The corporate level marketing is the most effective way.Reviewing the hundreds of years of firms’ competition,with the times of mass production, technology innovation and knowledge information,corporations have made scale, technology as the main competitive ways.With the development of corporations,the competition of non-technology and non-material measures always exist and show more energy.On modern production basis,corporations can get stakeholders’ identification and support through particular identity and values to keep the competition advantage and irreplaceable.In the situation of the similar producing capacity,technology innovation,knowledge updating etc hard competition,the era of corporate marketing which depends on corporate idea identification and value attraction to establish competition advantage is coming.Corporate idea and value is the major elements of corporate identity.The essence of stakeholders’ identification to corporate idea and value is identifying the identity of the corporate.Due to the stakeholders’ identification,it may result in their potential and factual tendency to the corporate.This tendency performs as the corporate attractiveness to the stakeholders.Consumer as the major parts of stakeholders can be influenced by the corporate identity directly.Corporate marketing wins theirs loyalty by this way.This dissertation will research corporate identity’s influence to the consumers.The corporate competitiveness feedback of consumers embody in loyalty. And consumers’ understanding to corporate identity is established on the foundation of corporate reputation.Therefore the research question can be specified as corporate reputation’s influence on consumers’ loyalty.The way to establish competitive advantage by corporate idea identification and identity attraction is determined by the stakeholders’ recognition to the corporation. Corporate reputation is the concentrated reflections of corporate identity.Consumers can judge the corporate value then influence their identification and relationship quality with the corporate,through their knowledge to the reputation.Consumers’ attitude change due to the corporate reputation may influence their loyal intent and behavior.In reputation,there are both rational factors offered to evaluate by objectively and emotional factors to judge by subjectively.Reputation is the mixture of rational and emotional factors.Both of the two kinds of factors affect mutually. Current research cannot separate them clearly,and separation will cut off the close mutual interaction between them.So this research decomposes corporate reputation’s driving constituent factors,and analyzes the mechanism of different reputations constituents influence consumers’ loyal intent and behavior through their influence to consumer-company identification and relationship.Based on the research thought above,this dissertation tries to research company identity from outsiders’ view with organizational identification and relationship marketing.Review current research,arrange the relationship between company identification and relationship marketing and set up theoretical platform for following research.The research target is PC industry which company name is consistent with production brand and it will decrease the unclear investigation target problems in multi-brand research.According to Moore’s law,the out rate and repurchase rate of PC is increasing and some corporations have set up certain loyalty.The amount of PC company is not too much to choice,and also not too less to compete.Consumers can choose relatively freely with less transfer barrier.This research will investigate main consumers’ selection,evaluation of corporate reputation,company identification, relationship quality and loyalty level etc variables and complete the whole analysis of research through four parts.Research one,the research of relationship among corporate reputation, consumer-company identification and relationship quality.This includes two parts: one is the influence extent of consumer-company identification to relationship quality; two is the influence of corporate reputation to both of them.Corporate reputation is the vector of corporate identity and transmits the identity information to consumers. Based on the fitness of corporate identity and self-concept,consumers have different feelings to one corporation.The degree of consumers’ identification will influence the relationship quality between them.Through empirical research,not all the contents of corporate reputation can influence consumer-company identification.The contents of reputation which cannot be measured quantitatively such as ethical norm,social responsibility and equity etc have influence on identification directly. Consumer-company identification influence on relationship satisfaction and trust, meanwhile relationship satisfaction influence relationship trust and have mediate effect to company identification and relationship trust.Research two analyzes the joint influence of consumer-company identification and relationship quality to consumer’s loyalty.In the theory of relationship marketing, relationship quality can improve consumers’ loyalty.But in the circumstance of consumer-company identification,it is worth to research the influence of relationship quality to four kinds of consumers’ loyalty.Through the empirical research,it re-proves the influence of relationship quality to consumer’s loyalty.And relationship quality as mediator influences consumers-company identification to consumers’ loyalty.Relationship satisfaction has no direct relationship with consumers" loyalty, but influences it through relationship trust’s mediate effect.Consumer-company identification has direct relation with consumers’ loyalty,meanwhile it influences through relationship quality mediate effect.In the four main kinds of consumers’ loyalty,relationship trust has direct influence on word-of-mouth communication, recommendation will and repurchase & first choice etc.consumer’s loyalty, meanwhile,it influences paying premium through relationship trust mediate effect.Research three is the integrated research of corporate reputation to consumers’ loyalty.It analyzes corporate reputation’s direct influence on consumers’ loyalty and possible mediate effect of consumer-company identification and relationship quality. On the basis of research one and two,the integrated model of corporate reputation to consumers’ loyalty is analyzed.The empirical results show that corporate reputation can influence consumers’ loyalty through many ways.Among the components of corporate reputation,some contents influence consumers’ loyalty directly,some do it through consumer-company identification and relationship quality,others have both two kinds of functions.In further analysis of typical company,the excellent parts of corporate reputation have special influence to consumers’ loyal attitude,and some findings are discussed.Research four analyzes the reaction of consumers’ loyalty to corporate reputation. Consumers’ loyal attitudes influence their WOM(word-of-mouth) and recommendation,and this will influence new round reputation.This research sets up model of WOM reputation communication by adjusting epidemic model.Reputation communication process is simulated and influential factors are analyzed.This research finishes the cycle action of corporate reputation communication and consumers’ loyalty and is helpful to understand the integrated round of corporate reputation communication.The practical meaning is discussed.From outside viewpoint with corporate marketing idea,social identity theory and organizational identification theory,this dissertation analyzes consumer-company identification from consumers’ knowledge of corporate reputation,explains mechanism of corporate reputation to consumers’ loyalty with identity theory and relationship marketing theory,and uses consumer-company identification as one of reasons of loyalty to interpret corporate reputation’s function to consumers’ loyalty and influential function of reputation’s detail components.Some meaningful discoveries are discussed.There are still some shortages needed to fulfill.In the future, it needs farther research both in theory and practice.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 10期
  • 【分类号】F272;F274;F224
  • 【被引频次】20
  • 【下载频次】2645
  • 攻读期成果