

Creation of Beijing-Shenyang Qing (Dynasty) Cultural Heritage Corridor Based on Analytic Hierarchy Process

【作者】 王肖宇

【导师】 陈伯超;

【作者基本信息】 西安建筑科技大学 , 建筑历史与理论, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本文提出构建“京沈清文化遗产廊道”。京沈清文化遗产廊道是以“清文化”为主题,以四条历史主线作为遗产廊道的构成依据,它们是:满族崛起及入关前明清战争的历史主线;清朝皇帝东巡祭祖的历史主线;清前期藏传佛教在满族传播的历史主线;清前期满族与汉族文化交融的历史主线。这条廊道全长600多公里,是由57处重要的文化遗产节点元素构成,其中列入世界文化遗产保护地点8处(北京故宫、避暑山庄、承德外八庙、山海关、清昭陵、清福陵、清永陵和沈阳故宫);国家级文物保护单位10处(赫图阿拉城、广宁城、兴城古城、中前所城、雍和宫、莲花山圣水寺、觉生寺、太平寺、北京孔庙和北海白塔);省市级文物保护单位19处(界藩城、萨尔浒城、慈恩寺、佑顺寺、实胜寺、瑞应寺、圣经寺等);其他的节点20处。还有其他类型具有清文化特征的物质文化遗产和非物质文化遗产。京沈清文化遗产廊道的构建引入决策科学的理论,应用层次分析法把廊道主线涉及到的文化遗产资源进行科学的计算,设定评价指标、构造判断矩阵、进行重要度的排序,得出构建廊道的具体节点,确定廊道的地理范围。在廊道展示方面,采用先进的基于网络的地理信息系统(Web GIS),运用计算机编程辅助实现廊道主线遗产资源和廊道整体格局的展示。在线性文化景观遗产日益受到关注的今天,借鉴遗产廊道这一历史与自然保护并举的遗产保护思路和方法,完善和建设我国的遗产保护体系,无疑是非常有意义的。构建京沈清文化遗产廊道既是保护这条线性文化景观遗产的需要,也是在快速城市化背景下建设高效和前瞻性的生态基础设施的需要,同时更是进一步开展文化旅游的需要。

【Abstract】 Creation of Beijing-Shenyang Qing(Dynasty)cultural heritage corridor is presented inthis paper.“Qing(Dynasty)culture”is the theme of Beijing-Shenyang Qing(Dynasty)cultural heritage corridor.Four clues are composed of the heritage corridor,they are:The clue how Manchu and their culture had been shaped and developed in the coursewhen they got into Shanhai Pass;the clue where past Qing dynasties made inspectiontour in the east;the clue how Tibet Buddhism was led into northeast region;the cluehow Manchu and Han nationalities are jointly lived.Beijing-Shenyang Qing(Dynasty)Cultural Heritage Corridor is more than 600 kilometers long that is composed of 57important historical points.8 points of the corridor are listed in the directory of theworld cultural heritage protection,such as Beijing Imperial Palace,Shanhai Pass,Qing(Dynasty)North Tomb,Qing(Dynasty)East Tomb and Shenyang Imperial Palace;10points are China state key historical relics protection units,such as Hetuala city,Guangning city,Xingcheng city,Yonghe Temple,Beihai tower and Kong Temple;19points are provincial-level relics protective units,such as Jiefan city,Saerhu city,CienTemple,Youshun Temple,Shisheng Temple;20 points are the others.There are othermaterial heritage items and immaterial heritage items are relative with Qing culture inthe corridor.Decision-making theory is introduced on research for creation of Beijing-ShenyangQing(dynasty)cultural heritage corridor,analytic hierarchy process(AHP)is used todefine the evaluate target,construct judge matrix,conduct importance order for theheritage resource on major clue of the corridor,so the points will be got and thegeographic area will be defined.Web GIS is programmed to show the heritage resource on major clue of the corridor,and the whole structure of the corridor.In today that linear cultural landscape heritage has increasingly been paid close attention,by drawing lessons from the thinking and method of heritage protection forsimultaneously carrying out both historical and natural protection to the heritagecorridor,we need to perfect and build Chnia s heritage protection system,which willundoubtedly become very meaningful.Creating Beijing-Shenyang Qing(Dynasty)cultural heritage corridor is both the need to protect this linear cultural landscapeheritage and to construct high-efficient and prospective ecological infrastructure againstthe background of quickening urbanization as well and,even the need to further developculturel tourism simultaneously.
