

A Study of Public Expenditure Transition and Its Effect on Economic Development

【作者】 刘俊英

【导师】 耿明斋;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 区域经济学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 转型背景下政府公共支出的经济发展效应是公共经济领域关注的基本问题。改革开放30多年来,中国经济实现了高速增长,政府的财政政策发挥了重要作用,特别是适应市场经济发展的公共支出政策的不断调整。当前,中国经济快速增长的同时伴随着社会公平问题日益突出,经济发展失衡问题集中爆发。随着经济社会的发展,人们对于公共服务的需求不断增加,与此同时近年来政府在公共服务领域失责程度不断加剧。在这一过程中,经济转轨的体制背景是一个具有重要影响的约束条件。结合体制转轨的背景,基于政府职能由经济建设型向公共服务型转变的视角,对政府经济职能的执行成本——公共支出进行研究,分析与政府职能转变相适应的政府公共支出转型及其对经济发展的影响,具有一定的理论价值和实践意义。领域文献研究发现,国内外公共支出相关文献的研究内容主要涉及了公共支出的涵义与范围、公共支出的规模与结构、公共支出对于经济增长的影响、公共支出对于社会公平的影响四个方面。综合分析发现,以往的研究主要存在以下几点局限:第一,政府公共支出调整多以促进经济增长率最大化为唯一目标;第二,公共支出多归类为生产性支出和非生产性支出,对经济增长或社会公平的影响缺少了二者的协同分析;第三,经济水平考察通常侧重于经济总量分析;第四,公共支出调整对具体的经济制度与经济体制多有忽略。鉴于此,本研究结合发展经济学、公共经济学等相关理论,构建了一个统一的公共支出分析框架,把经济增长与社会公平统一于经济发展的理论框架之中,基于政府职能转变的视角对公共支出转型及其对经济发展的影响等进行了分析。本研究的主要内容有以下几个方面:(1)从公共产品与政府职能理论分析入手,对政府职能转变与公共支出转型的关系进行了理论分析。经济转型使政府的行为目标和约束条件都发生了根本性的变化。公共支出是政府行为的数量反映,体现政府政策选择和执行成本。公共支出结构的变化有效度量了政府职能的转变。在中国,随着经济体制转轨,政府职能从经济建设型向公共服务型转变,公共支出结构也应当从原来的经济建设型转向公共服务型。(2)考察中国公共支出转型中公共支出规模与结构变化的时空特征,并通过部分发达市场经济国家和发展中国家经济发展水平与公共支出规模结构的国际比较,剖析了中国政府在安排公共支出方面存在的与政府职能转变不相适应的问题。研究发现:中国的公共支出结构事实上已经从经济建设型转向公共服务型;改革开放以来中国政府提供的公共服务产品还较短缺,其公共服务职能并没有得到切实的增强。(3)依据公共支出转型中规模结构调整与经济发展水平关系的理论推论,采取中国1980~2006年的时间序列数据和省级横截性数据,运用向量自回归方法实证检验了政府公共支出转型中公共支出规模结构调整与经济发展水平之间的长期和短期均衡关系及其因果关系。研究发现:政府预算内经济建设支出的名义GDP占比与经济发展水平之间存在较显著的正相关关系;政府预算内公共服务支出的名义GDP占比与经济发展水平显著负相关,即在中国目前经济社会发展水平还较低、社会公共设施和公共服务水平与市场经济较发达国家相比也非常不足的情况下,教育、医疗、卫生等公共设施与服务水平表现为对经济发展水平的负向作用;基本公共服务支出的名义GDP占比与经济发展水平正相关;政府预算内支出的名义GDP占比与经济发展水平为反向变动关系;长期而言,经济建设支出、地方财政支出是经济发展的格兰杰原因,公共服务支出、基本公共服务支出和政府预算内支出不是,而基本公共服务支出与经济发展呈双向因果关系,反过来,经济发展水平还是政府预算内支出增加的长期原因。另外,本研究还采用最小二乘法估计了公共服务支出总量与结构对经济增长与社会公平的影响。研究发现:中国公共服务支出占GDP的比重与经济增长率负相关,与社会不公平程度正相关,这一结论说明了公共服务支出的增加并没有带来预期的经济增长效应,同时也没有导致全社会成员公平地享有经济增长的好处;一般公共服务支出占总支出的比重的增加抑制了经济增长,也不利于提升社会公平;科教文卫等基本公共服务支出占总支出的比重的增加对经济增长有促进作用,同时能显著提升社会公平。(4)结合中国实际,对公共支出由经济建设型向公共服务型转型的影响因素进行了分析。研究发现:经济总量规模、体制因素、收入不平等状况、财政供养人口和转移支付规模为公共支出转型的重要影响因素,但其对公共支出转型的影响程度具有非均衡性。最后为六点政策建议:(1)政府公共支出政策应从效率观转向以再分配为核心的公平增长观,以公平促发展;(2)加快公共支出转型,进一步提高公共服务性支出尤其是基本公共服务支出比重,把建立公共服务体系作为推进政府职能转型的主要任务;(3)尽快实施基本公共服务均等化,发挥其调节社会收入公平的作用;(4)加快公共财政体制建设,克服政府支出严重低效浪费现象;(5)进一步完善转移支付制度;(6)注重适度调节公共支出总量来提高公共支出转型程度。

【Abstract】 The effect of economic development of government public expenditures on the background of economic institutional transition is a fundamental issue in the field of public economy. More than 30 years of reform and opening up, Chinese economy has realized high growth and government’s fiscal policy has played an important role, especially the policy of public expenditures adjustments in the development of the market economy. At present, China’s rapid economic growth accompanied by an increasingly prominent issue of social equity, and the imbalance of economic development broke out. With the economic and social development, the demand for public services increased, while the degree of duty default of government public service aggravated in recent years. In this process, the background of economic institutional transition is one significant constraint condition. Combined with the background of the system transition, based on the perspective of government function changing from economic construction model to public service model, the article researched government public expenditures - the implementation cost of government economic functions, analyzed government public expenditures transition and it’s impact on economic development adapting to the change of government function, which having a theoretical value and practical significance.Studies in the field of literature found that the researched context of correlative literature of public expenditures home and abroad mainly deals with the meaning and scope of public expenditures , the scale and the structure of public expenditures , the effect of public expenditures on economic growth, and the effect of public expenditures on social equity. Comprehensive analysis found that previous studies mainly have some limits: First, previous researches of government public expenditures adjustment more target promoting economic growth maximizing as a sole goal; Second, public expenditures were more classified as productive expenditure and unproductive expenditure, and their effects on economic growth or social equity lack synergy analysis; Third, the economic level usually focused on the analysis of economic gross; Fourth, previous analysis of public expenditures adjustment more neglected specific economic institution and economic system.In view of this, combined with the correlative theories of development economics, public economics and so on, this research constructed an unified analysis framework of public expenditures, united economic growth and social equity into an unified theoretical framework of economic development, analyzed public expenditures transition and its effect on economic development based on the perspective of transition of government functions.The study mainly includes the following areas:(1) From the theories of public goods and government functions, the research analyzed the relationship of government functions change and public expenditures transition. Economic transition made the government conduct objectives and constraints conditions fundamentally change. Public expenditures not only reflect the quantity of government’s actions, but also embody government policy choices and implementation costs. The changes in the structure of public expenditures effectively measure the transition of government functions. In China, with economic system transition, government functions changed from the economic development model to public services model, public expenditures’ structure should also transited from original model of economic development to public service model.(2) Studying the temporal and spatial characteristics of Chinese public expenditures scale and structure changes in public expenditures transition, making international comparison about the level of economic development and the scale or the structure of public expenditures of some developed market economic countries and developing countries, the article analyzed the problems that exist in the arrangements of public expenditures not meeting government functions transition. The study found: the structure of Chinese public expenditure had actually changed from economic development model to public service model; Since reform and opening up, public services products provided by Chinese government were still very shortage, and government public service functions had not been effectively enhanced.(3) Based on the theory inference of the relationship between the scale and structure adjustment of public expenditures in transition and the level of economic development, adopting Chinese 1980~2006 time series data and provincial cross-sectional data, using the newly developed vector autoregressive (VAR)methods and co-integration theory, the research empirically tested the long-term and short-term equilibrium relationships and their causal relationship between the scale and structure adjustment of public expenditures in transition and the level of economic development. The study found: Government budget economic constructive expenditures ratio in nominal GDP more significantly positive correlated with the level of economic development; Government budget public services expenditures ratio in nominal GDP significantly positive correlated the level of economic development, namely the current level of economic and social development in China still relatively low, public facilities and public services also inadequate compared with more developed market economy countries, education, health care, health and other public facilities and services played an negative role in economic development; Basic public services expenditures ratio in nominal GDP had positive correlation with the level of economic development; Government budget expenditures ratio in nominal GDP negatively correlated the level of economic development; In the long term, economic constructive expenditures and local financial expenditures were the granger causes of economic development, public services expenditure, basic public services expenditure and government budget expenditures were not granger causes of economic development. Basic public services expenditures and economic development had two-way causal relations. On the contrary, the level of economic development was the long-term reason of government’s budget expenditures increasing. In addition, in order to better analyze the effect mechanisms of public expenditures transition, this paper, using OLS method, estimated the role of the gross and structure of public services expenditures to economic growth and social equity. The study found: The increasing of public services expenditures did not produce expected effects of economic growth and did not let people fairly sharing in goods of economic growth too; Normal public services expenditures negatively correlated economic growth and social equity; Basic public services expenditures significantly promoted economic growth and social equity.(4) Combining with Chinese practices, the research analyzed the effect factors of public expenditures transition from economic construction model to public service model. The study found: the scale of economic gross, institutional factors, income inequality, the population of financial support and the size of transfer payments are important effect factors of public expenditures transition, while the effect extent are not balanced.Finally, for the six-point policy proposals: (1) Government’s public expenditure policy should shift from efficiency concept to equity growth concept with the core of redistribution; (2) Speed up public expenditures transition to further increase public service expenditures, especially basic public services expenditures proportion, have the establishment of public service system as the main task to promote government functions transition; (3) Implement basic public services equalization as soon as possible, playing its regulating role of social income equality; (4) Speed up the construction of public finance system and overcome seriously lower effectiveness and wastefulness of government expenditures; (5) Further improve the system of transfer payments; (6) Pay attention to adjust moderately the total of public expenditures to improve the degree of public expenditures transition.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 10期
  • 【分类号】F812.45;F124;F224
  • 【被引频次】14
  • 【下载频次】1075
  • 攻读期成果