

Industrial Transferring and Industrialization for Traditional Agricultural Area

【作者】 王宇燕

【导师】 耿明斋;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 区域经济学, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 从发达国家经济发展的历程来看,工业化是欠发达国家或地区走向现代化的一条必由之路,是一个国家或地区从传统的农业社会走向工业社会的必经阶段,工业化的发展程度是衡量一国或地区现代化发展水平的重要尺度。中国地域范围广阔,不同地区实现工业化都将具有本地区的鲜明特征。作为欠发达地区的代表类型——传统农区,由于受资源禀赋、区位因素的影响,实现工业化就必须发挥传统农区的后发优势,积极承接国外和国内发达地区的产业转移,加快工业化进程,赶上或缩短与先进地区的差距,实现经济的跨越式发展。从国际经验来看,在经济全球化的背景下,国际间的分工进一步细化,全球范围内产业结构调整升级步伐加快,国际产业转移层次不断提高,呈现出复杂多变的新趋势。在国内,珠三角、长三角区域协作体系的形成,加速了区域经济的融合,产业转移已经成为影响区域产业结构优化升级的重要方式。从目前国内外的大量案例来看,一些欠发达地区的经济发展正是通过承接产业转移来逐步实现工业化,并最终促进经济发展的。由上所述,本文着重从产业转移的角度阐明传统农区工业化的内在机理。特别地,本文选取河南省周口市为例详细阐明了传统农区工业化的动因、方式、效果、障碍与对策。之所以选择周口市为分析的重点对象,是因为该市是一个典型的传统农区,工业相对落后,农业生产方式长期得不到有效改善,而近年来该地区的经济发展和产业转移有着密切的联系,如果能够对周口的产业转移和工业化作出一个详细的分析与整理,不仅在理论上有助于认识传统农区工业化,而且对周口市的经济发展将具有一定的指导作用。更为重要的是,在我国广大中西部地区,还存在着众多经济主要以农业为主、人口以农民为主的发展水平比较落后的传统农区,本文对于周口市的分析结论对这些地区的经济发展也会具有借鉴意义。鉴于以上的阐述,本文的内容结构框架安排如下:第一章是导论,提出研究背景与意义、界定相关概念、综述文献并指出本文的研究思路与创新。这一章中,我们首先界定了传统农区的范畴,系统阐述了传统农区工业化的基本内涵,对国内外有关产业转移的文献进行了系统综述。提出本文的研究思路、研究框架与可能的创新之处。第二章是理论框架,从产业转移的角度分析了传统农区工业化的演进机制,阐述了产业转移的一般理论与产业转移对传统农区工业化的影响方式及绩效,阐明产业转移对传统农区工业化的影响机理,并指出了实现传统农区工业化的基本路径,即承接产业转移。同时,还结合传统农区的特点重点分析了产业转移促进传统农区工业化的动力机制,并从产业结构、生产要素综合利用、技术模仿、制度移植等方面,分析产业转移的趋势、动力、载体、机制(政府作用和环境)及对传统农区工业化的作用机制。第三章是实证检验,从人均国内生产总值、产业结构、就业结构、城乡结构和工业内部结构等方面对周口市目前所处的工业化阶段及水平进行了分析,结果表明,周口市目前正处于工业化初期阶段,发展趋势与全省保持一致,但滞后于全省发展水平,也相对落后于省内其他地市。同时,还结合周口市近年来的产业转移承接现状,从宏观的角度定量分析了周口市产业结构、产业转移对经济发展的贡献、产业转移影响因素及其作用。本章主要以典型传统农区——河南省周口市为例,建立了针对产业转移和工业化的计量经济模型,运用周口市的具体数据,对本文提出的结论进行了实证检验。第四章是案例分析,从微观层次分析传统农区转移型企业进行产业转移的动因、途径和效应。本章以益海(周口)公司为案例,具体分析益海(周口)公司产业转移过程中的动因、途径、效果与障碍,为产业转移提供了一个微观案例。这和第三章的宏观定量方法结合,共同构成了本文的经验分析部分。第五章对周口市承接产业转移的区位条件、人口资源、农业资源、外部环境等优劣势条件进行了分析,并就如何承接产业转移提出了基本思路,并从政府与企业两方面,从观念、政策、环境、产业基础等不同角度,提出了周口市承接产业转移的相关解决思路和对策建议,最后,确定了七种产业类型作为周口市未来承接产业转移的重点。第六章是结论,对全文予以总结,提炼出结论,并指出进一步研究的方向。

【Abstract】 According to the process of economic development in developed countries, as a country or region from a traditional agricultural society to industrial society, industrialization is the necessary step and its development level is often regarded as a measure of the modernization of a country or regional. China’s vast territory, different industrialization of different regions will be a distinct characteristic. As a typical representative of less developed regions - the traditional agricultural areas, because of resource endowment, locational disadvantage bound to play on the industrialization of traditional agricultural areas advantages, and actively undertake the industry transfer of the developed areas to speed up the process of industrialization and catch up with or shorten the gap with advanced areas to achieve economic development by leaps and bounds.With the international experience, in the context of economic globalization, it shows further refinement of international division of labor, the global industrial structure adjustment and the improvement of international transfer of industry-level, demonstrating a new trend in the complex and changeable. In China, the formation of regional collaboration of the Pan-triangular cooperation, the integration of the Yangtze River Delta system accelerated the integration of the regional economy, increasingly frequent transfer of industry, and the market is gradually occupy the dominant position of the allocation of resources. Industrial transfer has become an important economic activity in the upgrade of regional industrial structure. From the view of large number of cases at home and abroad, some backward areas realized industrialization of agriculture, the upgrading of the industrial structure and ultimate economic development through the transfer of industry.Different from the traditional discussion, this dissertation highlights the inherent mechanism of industrialization of traditional agricultural areas from the perspective of industrial shift. In particular, we select Zhoukou City in Henan Province as an example to elaborate motivation, methods, effects, obstacles and measures of the traditional rural areas. Zhoukou City is chosen as the focus of analysis because the city is a typical traditional rural area with the backward industrial structure. Agricultural production methods are not effectively improved in the long-term. But in recent years, the tie of the region’s economic development and industrial transfer becomes close. If we are able to make a detailed collation and analysis on the transfer of industries and its industrialization, it can not only make up the lack in realization on the traditional industrialization in rural areas in theory, but also has direct reference for the city’s economic development. And, more importantly, the majority of the central and western regions in China, there is also a large number of agriculture-based economy. If the conclusions from the analysis of Zhoukou city can be applied into these areas in the process of their economic development, China’s economic development in different areas will go hand in hand which also has great significance for the China’s regional balanced development.In view of the explanation given above, the framework of this dissertation is as follows:Chapter 1 is the introduction, which demonstrates the research background and significance, defines the relevant concepts, reviews related literature and points out thinking and innovation of this article. In this chapter, we first define the scope of the traditional rural areas and demonstrate the basic connotation of the industrialization in traditional rural areas. We also give an overview of domestic and foreign related literature. This study puts forward ideas, the framework and possible innovations.Chapter 2 is a theoretical framework with the analysis of industrial transfer and the motives, methods, influencing factors, and the effect of. This chapter demonstrates the mechanism of interaction between industrial transfer and industrialization and builds a theoretical framework. We pointed out the basic path of industrialization for the traditional agricultural areas, that is, transfer of industry. Immediately after that, combining with the traditional characteristics of rural areas, we focus our intention in the analysis of power mechanisms and analytical framework in the process of promoting industrialization in rural areas through the way of transfer of industry. And we also make the analysis of trends, power, carrier mechanism (role of government and the environment) in industrial transfer from the perspective of the industrial structure, utilization of production factors, technological imitation and transplant system. Chapter 3 does empirical test. Judges the level of Zhoukou City’s current stage of industrialization, the results show that the city is currently in Zhoukou the early stages of industrialization, the development of the province in line with the trend, but lags behind the development level of the province, but also behind other cities and provinces.The dissertation does the quantitative analysis on the Zhoukou’s industrial structure, industrial transfer’s contribution to economic development, the influencing factors and the role of industrial transfer. This chapter establishes the econometric model of industrial transfer and industrialization in a typical traditional rural areas—Zhoukou in Henan Province. With the use of Zhoukou’s specific data, this chapter demonstrates an empirical test in order to testify the conclusions of this dissertation.Chapter 4 does the Case analysis. The dissertation analyzes traditional industries cause, approaches, performance and problems from the micro-level analysis of business enterprises in rural areas. Taking YI HAI (Zhoukou) company as example, the dissertation does a specific analysis on the approaches, effects and obstacles in the process of transfer of industry for the company. It provides a micro case for the transfer of industry. The combination of this micro case and the macro-quantitative methods in the third chapter constitutes the part of empirical analysis.Chapter 5 is Suggestions.This chapter analyzes the Zhoukou City location, human resources, agricultural resources, external environment conditions, such as the advantages and disadvantages for undertaking industrial transfer, and put forward.basic ideas to undertake industrial transfer. In addition, this chapter analyzes the obstacles and difficulties in undertaking industrial transfer in Zhoukou, and put forward specific suggestions on how to undertake the transformation of industry. We analyze obstacles from the aspects such as transfer of power, government efficiency, sunk costs, facilities and so on. The solutions and suggestions are put forward. And determine the type of seven industries to promote industrialization as a development of Zhoukou city’s pillar industries, at the same time as the transfer of industry to undertake future the focus of the industry.Chapter 6 is the conclusion of the dissertation. The dissertation extracted conclusions and pointed out the direction of further study.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 10期
  • 【分类号】F062.9;F403;F30;F224
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】1478
  • 攻读期成果