

The "Story" of Multiple Narrative and the Works of Educatting the Public

【作者】 龚奎林

【导师】 孙先科;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 “十七年文学”(1949-1966)非常丰富而驳杂,许多从战火硝烟中走出来的革命文艺工作者既是战争的目击者,又是战争的参与者,积蓄了大量的战争素材。当新中国成立后,特殊的战争经历和稳定的和平环境他们使渴望通过小说创作把昨日战争的艰难和今日和平的来之不易以及革命意义诉求表达出来。而新政权的社会主义民生发展和现代化建设急需精神文化的辅助,因此,唯有借助新文化建构才能把革命先辈的崇高精神和信仰价值观进行普适性传播,以鼓舞新中国人民的建设热情。于是,战争文艺尤其是长篇战争小说应运而生,成为一种的社会主义文化资本,进而确证社会主义新政权的合法性、有效性与优越性。但是,长篇战争小说文本诞生以后并不是凝固的静止状态,而是一种由生产、流通、接受、反馈组合而成的包括版本修改、艺术(包括曲艺、话剧、戏曲、绘画、音乐、连环画、影视等)改编及传播推广的运动变异的状态,笔者把这种文本演变发展的动态流变过程称为“文本发生学现象”,而本文就是对这种现象进行研究。为此,我们必须回到文学生产、流通、消费的原初场景去梳理文本变异的历史过程,探寻革命意义重组和文化象征资本建构的各种可能性:为什么修改,怎样修改,文本修改取舍背后潜藏着怎样的社会文化心理,为什么改编,怎样改编,作家、意识形态、时代审美与编辑出版之间的复杂博奕是如何进行的。这一系列问题要求研究者不仅考察“重述”与“转述”革命意义的差异与缝隙,更要穿越表象的话语情境和历史场追问它们是如何打造知识范式,从而寻找不同艺术版本的复调对话和文本间性,挖掘出不同话语、不同文化之间摩擦互动的历史以及作家幽暗的心理书写和精神滑变,进而重新阐释文本,丰富文学史的重写。本文结构分为导言、上篇(三章)、中篇(四章)、下篇(四章)和余论四个部分,主要从历时性与共时性的时空场域和版本修改与艺术改编两个维度进行文本发生学现象的知识考古和演变探讨。导言对“十七年”长篇战争小说半个世纪来的文本传播、版本变异与艺术改编进行了问题归纳,明确了论文的研究对象,界定了核心概念“战争小说”、“版本校勘”、“艺术改编”和“文本发生学现象”及“文本发生学现象研究”的理论内核,梳理了研究目的、研究意义以及研究现状,进而确立了研究的视角、层次、方法与价值立场。上篇试图对文本发生学现象的起点语境进行必要的外围梳理,阐释承载革命起源与革命意义的“十七年”长篇战争小说不断经典化生产和通俗化传播的过程。革命作家的少共精神、军人规范、侠客梦和青年气质等生命体验和创作特质与社会舆论导向建构起战争小说的经典化生产与打造,并在此基础上通过文艺报刊、艺术改编、教材教育等进行通俗化传播,由此产生了文本发生学现象。中篇主要以4部长篇战争小说《铁道游击队》、《保卫延安》、《红日》、《苦菜花》为个案研究对象,从半个世纪来的文本发生学现象的变迁轨迹考察版本生成、版本校勘、艺术改编和意义传播等问题。《铁道游击队》的版本修改由艺术完善的修改逐渐转向政治规范的继承,而艺术改编则从革命英雄儿女的形象塑造逐渐转向儿女情长的人性叙事,但作者刘知侠在文化与政治的夹缝中也坚守着对民间文化的认同和热爱。《保卫延安》版本修改的核心就是使艺术更加完善,使英雄群像更加生动丰满,而艺术改编则是由1950年代重基层英雄形象塑造转向新时期以降的高级指挥者形象塑造。这种重心转移是随着历史评价与文艺观念的互动而变化的。在不同时期,《红日》的版本修改与艺术改编在人性萌动与革命伦理的互为消长中进行取舍,作者及编导者的潜在写作部分消融了革命二元对立的强化。而《苦菜花》的文本发生学现象呈现出家族叙事、三角恋爱与革命伦理的多重变奏与取舍,女性情感的坚挺在政治规范裂缝中暗含着反抗男权的人格勇气,消解了逻各斯中心主义“改造”女性的单向度压抑,但1980年代以降的艺术改编重新操纵起男权话语,使得女性情感成为一种“花瓶”式的修辞。下篇则从“十七年”长篇战争小说的修辞策略、正文本修改、副文本变迁、艺术改编策略四个角度进行共时性的文本发生学现象探询,寻找这种流动叙述的背后缘由、动机以及意义,总结其文本发生规律。重点研究“十七年”长篇战争小说的革命伦理、历史代述、神话隐喻与审美裂隙的修辞功能,并对小说正文本的修改原因、修改内容和小说副文本的封面画、插图画、内容提要、引语、序言、繁简字、版型等进行总体考察,同时对不同时期不同艺术样式的改编策略进行了挖掘。由此发现作家与艺术改编者在特殊语境下通过文化象征符码和革命意象体系的建构去生产读者所需要的相关革命知识,尽管文化资本在不同语境中会产生意义的滑变,但本质性内核不会发生变化。总之,“十七年”长篇战争小说的文本发生学现象作为一种“真理”和“经典”的生产、实践、传播与应用的过程,在当下的社会主义核心价值体系的建构中依然能够发挥作用,对其研究也永远是未完成状态。而且,文本艺术样态的再次转型、大众传媒的全面介入、手稿等新史料的挖掘、作家作品档案的开禁以及口述史的再现等都给该研究带来广阔的阐释空间。因此,笔者在余论中也提出了当下语境中的红色资源再利用和现当代文献学学科建构的可能与设想。

【Abstract】 "17-year literature"(1949-1966) is very rich and heterogeneous。Many revolutionary writers,Coming from the smoke of the wars,not only were the witnesses but also were soldiers of the wars,so they collected many war materials.When the new China was founded,the special experiences of the wars and the peaceful environment motivated them to write novels,in order to express the hardships in the past,the present hard-won peace,and the aspirations of the significance of the revolutiona.At that time,the new government needed the spiritual aid in developing people’s socialist livelihood and modernization.Therefore,the only way to encourage people to participate in the construction of new China is to build a new culture that spreads the noble morals and beliefs of the martyrs.Thus,war novels emerged at the historic moment,it became a socialist cultural capital,which guaranteed the legitimacy,validity,and superiority of the new socialist regime.However,the texts of the war novels aren’t in a static state,but a mixture state of production, circulation,acceptance,and feedback,including reversions,adaptations(in the form of folk art, drama,opera,painting,music,comics books,film,etc.),and other variations.This evolutionary process of texts is termed as "the phenomenon of textual genetics" in this dissertation,which focuses on the phenomenon.So,we must return to the original scene of the literary production,circulation and consumption to find the historical process text of variation and explore all the possibilities of reorganizing the significance of revolution and restructuring the symbol of the cultural captital: Why and how to modify;the socio-cultural psychology underlying the modification:why and how to adapt;as well as how the game between the writers,ideology,the aesthetic and the editing and publishing proceeds.All the issues require researchers not only to examine the differences and gap of iterating and reporting the revolutionary significance,but also to penetrate the surface historical context of the discourse to enquire how they build their knowledge paradigm,to search for the dialogue and inter-textuality of different versions and represent the history of the interaction between different discourse and different cultures and the writers’ psych and spiritual changes,and then to re-interpret the text enrich the rewriting of the literature history.This paper is divided into the four parts:introduction,partⅠ(three chapters),partⅡ(four chapters),partⅢ(four chapters),and conclusion.It mainly studies the phenomenon of textual genetics and reviews its evolution from two dimisions:the diachronic and synchronic space-time field on the one hand,and of and the modifications of versions and art adaptations,on the other.The introduction summarizes the issues of the spread,modification,and adaptation of the "17-Year" war novels;defines the subject of the disseratation and the core concept of "war stories", "version of collation","artistic adaptation" and "the phenomenon of textual genetics" and "the research of the phenomenon of textual genetics";reviews the objective,significance,and state of the research,and then establish a research perspective,the level,method and the value of the position.PartⅠmakes an attempt to clarify the initial context of the phenomenon of textual genetics interpret the process through which the "17-year" war novels that carry the origin and significance of revolution are continuously produced and spread.The life experience and the creation attribute, which is characterized by the spirit of Young Communist Party,the norms of soldiers,the dreams of paladins,and the temperament of youths,and the orientation of the social opinions are responsible for the building and molding the war novels into classics.And on this basis the phenomenon of textual genetics emerged by means of spreading through the literary newspapers and periodicals,artistic adaptation and education materials.PartⅣtakes four novels,namely,The Railway Guerrillas,the defence of Yanan,the Red Sun and the Sow Thistle,as example to examine the issues like text generation,version collation, artisitic adaptation,and propagation following the track of the changes of the phenomenon of textual genetics in half a century,the modification of versions of The Railway Guerrillas is the process from artistic perfection to inheritance of political norms,while the artistic adaptation from creation of revolutionary heroes to the narrative of human nature.But the author,Liu Zhi-Xia, sticked to the acceptance and love of folk culture between culture and politics.The revisions of The defence of Yan’an centers on improvement of artistic quality to enhance the vividness of the figures,but the artistic adaptation geared to creation of grass-roots heroes in the 1950s while in later times,it gears to the creation of the high-level commanders.But the change of focus varies with the interaction between historical valuation and literature concept.In different times,the versions and the artistic adaption of the Red Sun vary with the alternative increase and decrease of humanity and revolutionary ethics.So the strengthening of revolutionary dualism had been melted by the writer and director.But the phenomenon of textual genetics of the Sow Thistile showed the multiple variations and choice of the family narrative,love triangle and revolutionary ethics.The strong female feelings implied the personality courage of revolting against male-centrism in the political norms,and it liberates the unilateral suppression when female are transformed by Logos-centrism.But the artistic adaptation again resumes male controls of discourse since the 1980s,so the women’s sentiment become a "Vase"-like rhetoric.Part three investigates the phenomenon of textual genetics of the 17-year war novels from the four perspectives of the rhetorical strategies,the modification of the original version,the evolution of revised versions,and the artistic adaptation strategies,searches for the reasons and motivations and their significance fo the narrative,and summarizes the regularity of the textual development. The emphasis is placed on the revolutionary ethics,historical narrative,mythological metaphor, and the rhetoric function of d the aesthetic fracture;besides,an overall investigation is made on the reasons of modifying the original version,the changes made to the original version,the cover drawings,illustrations,abstracts,prefaces,introductions,and simplified characters and version type etc.At the same time,a thorough investigation is made about the adaptation strategies of different artistic styles at different times.The basis of above effort leads to the conclusion that these writers and playwrights produced the revolutionary knowledge that the readers need through cultural symbols and revolutionary image system in the special context.Although the cultural capital changes in significance in the different contexts,the essential core remains the same.In short,"17-Year" war novels of phenomenon of textual genetics,as a process which the truth and classics are produced,practiced,spread and utilized,still has its role to play in constructing the core socialist value system.So the research will always be in an ongoing state. Moreover,the transformation of artistic forms,the involvement of the mass media,the excavation of new materials and the removing the ban on files of authors and works,as well as the reproduction of oral history will bring more interpretation space to the study.Therefore,in the concluding section,possibility and tentative plan are pointed out on the re-utilizing ’red resources’ and the construction of contemporary philology in the current context.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2009年 10期