

The Dilemmament of the Enlightenment in Revolution

【作者】 刘骥鹏

【导师】 吴福辉;

【作者基本信息】 河南大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 左翼启蒙派文艺思潮产生于20世纪30、40年代的左翼文艺运动中,在五四启蒙思潮和鲁迅思想与创作的影响下,一批被称为“鲁迅后期弟子”的左翼作家与其他有共同思想倾向的作家一道,逐步形成了一个松散的文艺派系,他们在左翼文艺向工农兵文艺转型过程中仍然坚守着相对自由开放的思想观念和文艺理念,力图将五四启蒙思想融进日益意识形态化的理论与创作中去,从而呈现出与左翼功利派倡导的工农兵文艺思潮明显差异的理论品格和文艺形态。左翼文艺运动不仅是20世纪30——80年代中国文艺领域的重大历史现象,而且也是该时期中国思想文化领域的关键问题,甚至还是同时期中国政治生活中的主要问题之一,因此,提出“左翼启蒙派文艺思潮”这样一个语词具有跨学科的重大学术意义。首先,引入这一概念,能够深化对左翼作家文艺创作及文艺思想的认识,探寻左联前后、40年代与建国后三个历史时期左翼文艺运动的内在肌理和脉络,将不同时期不同地域左翼作家的文学活动纳入中国现当代文学发展史的整体框架予以观照,从宏观上分析、把握文学史上的相关分歧,并进而形成关于左翼文艺运动的整体观。其次,明确提出这一概念,可以具体分析把握这一文艺思潮的理论特质与思想特征,有利于将其与左翼功利派文艺思潮予以明晰、透彻的区分,并从这一特殊角度探寻五四启蒙话语的具体走向与潜在变化。再次,使用这一概念,可以深化对20世纪30——80年代一系列政治文化事件的认识,探寻其中的内在逻辑,挖掘相关的规律性内涵。具体来说,左翼启蒙派发端于左联后期,并逐渐在1940年代的解放区和国统区呈现出不同的存在样态,解放区左翼启蒙派是毛泽东《讲话》精神所规训的主要对象,而国统区左翼启蒙派则无意中成为《讲话》精神统一文坛的主要障碍。在与左翼功利派文艺思想的对峙过程中,左翼启蒙派逐渐形成了一系列独具特色的文艺思想,首先,从创作主体的角度尝试文学本体论的建构,尽可能地维护文艺的本体地位。其次,在文艺与意识形态的关系问题上,承认文艺在一定程度上服务于政治任务的前提下,重视艺术批判现实的功能,自觉地策动了在日益全能化的意识形态围困下的艺术突围,尽可能地为文学活动争得一处相对独立的生存与发展空间。再次,在文艺功利性问题上,相对于左翼功利派极力强调的政治功利,左翼启蒙派则重视文艺对国民精神的提升,着力追求启蒙功利与革命功利的统一。此外,左翼启蒙派还澄明了左翼功利派对五四主流文学观念的遮蔽,捍卫了启蒙主义文学传统的价值与存在意义。无论是在中国现代的思想文化版图上,还是在中国现代文坛上,左翼启蒙派作家都是相当独特的、不容忽视的一种精神现象。与新月派、京派、“第三种人”等具有自由主义倾向的作家追求社会的渐变与改良不同,左翼启蒙派认同中共领导的社会革命,具有更炽热的现实参与情怀;相对于左翼功利派较单纯的社会革命诉求,左翼启蒙派作家追求思想启蒙与社会革命的统一,也就是说,他们尽力把民族解放、社会解放与人的解放协调起来,达到一种理想的全方位的革命境界,因而在中共领导的革命阵营内部呈现出比左翼功利派更为复杂的政治意识。作为具有启蒙主义和人道主义色彩的革命者,左翼启蒙派作家在审视革命中的个体生存状态时发现,革命在打破既有的封建奴役之后又重新使个体陷入被忽视被奴役的状态,其根本原因在于,革命并没有祛除革命者意识深处的封建观念,没有建构起对于个体的人道关怀。而当他们试图把生命本位与个性解放的观念引入革命文艺阵营内部、改造革命过程中人的精神素质的时候,他们却遭受到左翼功利派的“规训与惩罚”,他们自身连同其启蒙努力一起陷入了历史性的困境。然而,尽管左翼启蒙派作家先后都遭到清洗,但他们却以自身的追求彰显了鲁迅开创的中国现代知识分子传统。

【Abstract】 The Left-Wing Literary Thoughts originated in the Left-Wing Literary Movement in 1930s and 1940s. Under the influence of the May 4th Movement and Lu Xun’s thoughts on literature, a loose literary school emerged, which was mainly composed of the Left-Wing writers named“the disciple of Lu Xun”and other writers with the same theoretical orientation. They insisted on a relatively free idea of literature, and attempted to unite the Enlightenment thoughts with the literary theory and artistic creation which were imbued with ideology, thus presented a kind of literary theory quite different from that advocated by the Left-Wing Utilitarian School.The Left-Wing Literary Movement is not only a very important historical phenomenon in the field of Chinese literature in the 20th century, but also an important issue in the Chinese cultural fields, even one of the main subjects in the political sphere. Therefore, the introduction of“the Left-Wing Enlightened Literary Thoughts”is of cross-disciplinary significance: Firstly, it can (i) deepen the understanding of the literary works and thoughts of the Left-Wing writers, (ii) demonstrate the fine-grained picture of the Left-Wing Literary Movement in the three historical periods, namely, around the foundation of the Left-Wing Union, the 40s, and after the foundation of the People’s Republic of China, (iii) put the literary activities of the Left-Wing writers in different periods and places into the overall frame of the developmental history of the Chinese contemporary literature, which will help globally analyze and comprehend the relevant disagreement in literary history and develop an integral viewpoint of the Left-Wing Literary Movement. Secondly, it can help grasp the theoretical attributes and ideological features, which is helpful in distinguishing from the Left-Wing Utilitarian Literary Thoughts and exploring the future and potential changes of the Enlightenment discourse since the May 4th Movement. Finally, it can deepen the understanding of the intrinsic relationship of a series of political and cultural events from 1930s to 1980s, and the investigation of the logic and regularity between the events.In 1940s, the Left-Wing Enlightenment Literary Thoughts developed into distinct state in the border area governed by CPC and in the KMT controlled area. In the former case, it was among the main targets criticized by Mao’s Yan’an Speech, but in the later case, it was among the main obstacles in unifying the literary schools under the spirit of the Yan’an Speech.A series of distinctive literary notions emerged among the writers of the Left-Wing Enlightenment Literary School in their artistic activities when it stood against the Utilitarian School. The notions are as follows: Firstly, they attempted to construct and protect the ontological status of literature. Secondly, for the relationship between literature and art and ideology, they claimed to serve the politics by promoting the spirit of folks as well as the participants of revolution while recognizing that literature should serve the politics; they attached importance to the critical role of literature, and contrived consciously literature’s emancipation from ideology so as to win for literature a relatively free space for its existence and development. Thirdly, for the utility of literature and art, unlike the Left-Wing pragmatists who stressed the political utility of literature, the Left-Wing Enlightenment School concerned with the human fate and emancipation, stressed the literature’s role in promoting the common’s spirit, and pursued the unification of the Enlightenment task and the revolutionary task. Finally, the Left-Wing Enlightened Literature School insisted on the interpretation of the May 4th Movement from the perspective of Enlightenment so that they can uncover the key thoughts of the Movement which had been covered by the Left-Wing Utilitarian Literature School, thus defended the value and significance of the Enlightened literary tradition. The Left-Wing Enlightenment writers are a spiritual phenomenon that cannot be ignored, for they have their own characteristics not only in the contemporary literary circle but also in modern literature in China. They, unlike the writers of New Crescent School, Beijing School and the“third kind of people”who sought after the steady reforms of the society, agreed with the social revolution led by the Communist Party of China, participated in it with enthusiasm. Also in contrast to the Utilitarian School’s appeal to social revolution, they hoped to unite the social revolution with the spirit revolution. That is, they tried to coordinate the nation’s emancipation with the social emancipation and human’s emancipation to achieve a wholesome revolutionary state. So the political consciousness is more complex among the revolutionary camp led by CPC than in the Left-Wing Utilized Literature School.When reviewing the subsistent condition of the individuals in revolution, the Left-Wing Enlightenment writers, as revolutionists with Enlightenment and Humanism concern, realized that the individuals after emancipated from the of feudal cage were put into another slavery state. The reasons resided in the fact that revolution failed to remove the feudal thoughts rooted deep inside the revolutionists, and as a result, humanitarianism was not established. They found that the Left-Wing Utilitarian Literature School regarded both literature and art and human beings as the tool of revolution, and revolution was alienated into fetishism. However, when they attempted to introduce the idea of human freedom into the revolution camp in order to abolish the slavery of fetishism and modify the revolutionary spirit, they were disciplined and chastised by the Left-Wing Utilitarian School, and were consequently plunged into a historical dilemma. Although most of the Left-Wing Enlightenment writers were purged, they exemplified the spirit of Chinese contemporary intellectuals started by Lu Xun with their steadfast pursuit.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 河南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2010年 05期
  • 【分类号】I206.6
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】709