

A Study on Chinese Experience-insight

【作者】 李霞

【导师】 周庆元;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 体悟是人的本源性的生存状态,并且具有重要的语文教学价值。但在近现代科技理性占据支配地位之后,概念思维成为主流,体悟的价值被遮蔽了。本研究意在凸显体悟的生存价值和语文教育价值。文章沿着“体悟是什么,为什么需要体悟,怎样体悟”的思路展开。具体而言,本研究包括以下五大章节:第一章导言第二章“体”“悟”释义:语文体悟之本体阐释本章主要探讨了何谓“体”和“悟”及体悟的性质和教育价值。“体”最初的含义指一实体性的具象之物;由具象之“体”延伸为整体与部分、一和多的含义;由“体”之具象意义向抽象意义的转化。“悟”的含义从语义文化学上看,有三:1吾之心;2“悟”即“觉”;3“悟”即“契合不二”。从心理学上看,“悟”是一种知、情、意等各方面统合的特殊的、复杂的心理过程。“体悟”的性质:体悟的“象”性;“体悟”的整体贯通性;体悟的生命精神性;体悟模糊性、创生特征。体悟的教育价值在于打破科学主义的认识论对教育真谛的遮蔽,它是生命存在的基本方式,充盈着丰厚的人文意蕴;它是一种形而上的超越,提升着生命的境界第三章识读人性:语文体悟之哲学根基教育应该关涉人的生存,认识人的生存性特是开展一切教育活动的出发点。实践表征着人与世界之间最为本源性的关系,也是人之为人的深层根据;悟性则是人的一种本能。因此,实践与觉悟是人“本源性”的生存特性。体悟教育彰显人的这种“本源性”的生存特性,是人的生存状态的澄明与回归,因此它是回归人本真存在的教育,并且引领人走向美好人生。第四章解读语文:语文体悟之本然祈向。在传统语文中,无论教学本质、教学目的、教学内容和教学方法都体现出体悟的理念。体悟是契合汉语言之特性的。首先,体悟契合汉字“象形”和“会意”的基质;其次,体悟契合汉语言语法修辞的以神摄形性;第三,汉语传统经典文本是体悟思维的产物;第四,从语文教学来看,在文学文本教学中,首先,体悟恢复语言失落的感性特质,使文学作品呈现诗意盎然的情趣;其次,体悟,使人达致本真,回归诗意的存在;在非文学文本的教学中,我们同样需要体悟蕴藏在文本背后的那种“深奥高远之境”。第五章走向体悟:语文体悟之应然追求。我们认为有三点是关键:其一,理念突破:去除观念遮蔽,回归原发境域;其二,路径探索:打破僵化孤立,彰显万有相通;其三,生发机制:有无相生,虚实相涵。

【Abstract】 Experience-insight is man’s original existence status,which carries the value of chinese education.However,the value is masked because of the dominant of modern science and technology,as well as the concept of thinking into the mainstream.This research’s aim is to highlight the existence and Chinese educational value of the experience-insight.This article follows the thread——what the experience-insight is, why and how to have an experience-insight.This research is divided into five parts in detail:ChapterⅠ:IntroductionChapterⅡ:experience-insight Interpretation:ontological interpretation of Chinese experience-insightThis chapter focuses on explanation of the definition of experience-insight,its nature and educational value,experience refers to the Body,whose original meaning is one entity of a figurativeness.The meaning of body extents as the meaning of a whole and parts,one and many,then transformats to the abstract meaning,there are three meanings of "Wu" from the view of the semantic and cultural point:1 my Heart;2 "Wu" means "insight";3 "Wu" means "becoming one".From the view of psychological point,"Wu" is a kind of special and complex psychological integrated process including knowledge,feelings,will,and other various aspects.The natures of the experience-insight are image,overall link, life and spirit,ambiguity and creativity,The educational value of experience-insight lies in breaking the true meaning of the shelter that the epistemology of science gives to the education;it is a basic form of life, filling a huge implication of the humanities;it is a metaphysical transcend, to enhance the realm of life.ChapterⅢ:reading human nature:the philosophical foundation of Chinese experience-insightEducation should concern itself with man’s existence.Knowledge on the Characteristics of person’s existence is the starting point of all educational activities.The practice is the very souce of all the primary relations between the man and the world,meanwhile,it is the most deeply foundation of man as man.The awareness is man’s instinct.The Practice and awareness are man’s original features on the aspect of existence. Experience - insight education embodies the original features of man’s existence,is clarification and returning to man’s existence,experience -insight education can help man return to authentical existence and move toward the happy life.ChapterⅣ:reading Chinese:the Original praying of Chinese experience-insight.traditional Chinese reflects the concept of experience and insight in the nature,content,purposes,methods of teaching,experience-insight fits the characteristics of Chinese language.First of all,it fits the "pictographic" and "ideographic"of the Chinese characte;Secondly,it fits the ideographic of Chinese Language grammar and rhetoric.Thirdly,the Chinese classic texts are products of experience-insight thinking; Fourthly,in the chinese teaching,there are literary texts teaching and non-literary texts teaching,in literary texts teaching,experience-insight both restores emotional traits,lost in the language,to fill the literary with poets and fun,and makes people to achieve the true,the return of poetic existence as well;in non-literary texts teaching,we also have an experience-insight on the esoteric and far realm that is hidden behind the text.ChapterⅤ:toward experience-insight:the ideal pursuit of Chinese experience-insightthere are three key points:First,a breakthrough of the concept:to remove the concept of shelter and return to the original domain;Second, the path to explore:to break the rigid isolation,to demonstrat all the accesses;Third,the germinal mechanism:extremes meet,combination of virtualness and reality

【关键词】 语文体悟体悟教育
【Key words】 Chineseexperience-insightexperience-insight education