

A Study on Martial Arts Hall Customers for Revitalization of Wu Shu by the Marketing Analysis

【作者】 成百千

【导师】 李艳翎;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 体育人文社会学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本研究旨在把握不同武道项目(跆拳道、合气道、柔道、武术)及不同地区(首尔市、京畿道、大田市、光州市、大邱市、釜山市)的利用者认知的服务质量、选择理由、顾客满意度及顾客忠诚度之间的关系,并分析和查明其因果关系。更具体而言,通过基于人口统计学变量(对象、收入、经历、水平)及利用特征(利用时间、利用频率、有无同伴、接近方法)的市场细分,调查和了解武道馆利用者的特征,把握选择理由对服务期待值产生的影响、选择理由和服务期待值对顾客满意度及顾客忠诚度产生的影响、顾客满意度对顾客忠诚度产生的影响,找出它们之间的因果关系,进而探索在韩国国内武术运动的普及方案及营销战略。为了达到这一研究目标,以首尔市、京畿道、大田市、光州市、大邱市和釜山市内的跆拳道、合气道、柔道、武术体育馆的使用人群为对象进行了调查,得出了如下结论。第一、各武道项目及各地区武道馆使用人群对服务的期待值、服务满意度、选择道馆的理由、顾客忠诚度、参与动机等各个变量因素都呈现出了统计学上有意义的差异(p<.05)。由各武道项目及各地区人口统计学变量决定的差异也是因对象、收入、交通工具、有无同伴、使用时间、使用频率和武道水平的不同,服务质量认知及参与动机、选择理由和顾客忠诚度呈现出了明显的差异。这就意味着人口统计学特性不同,所期待的水平也不同。因此,应该根据武道项目及地区特性针对使用人群构建不同的服务战略。第二、在由服务质量认知决定的市场细分上,形成了4个基于武道馆使用人群的服务质量因素认知及人口统计学变量的相异性追求人群。这些细分市场的特性在各个人群中均表现出了共同的差异,可知追求人群之间的服务质量存在互异性。第三、由武道项目、地区性决定的服务质量期待值和满意度之间的差异上,服务质量在其下位的可信度、专门性、差别性、共感性等所有因素上都出现了明显差异。在由人口统计学变量决定的服务质量期待值和满意度的差异上,对象、收入、武道水平、交通工具、有无同伴、使用时间和使用频率等所有因素的期待值、满意度之间出呈现了有意义差异。第四、武道馆选择理由(好感性、认知性)随武道项目及地区的不同,对服务期待值(可信度、专门性、差别性,共感性),顾客满意度(运动满意度、设施满意度),顾客忠诚度(再注册意向、他人推荐意向)呈现了多样化的有意义影响。第五、就顾客满意度中运动满意度的情况来看,武道馆的服务期待因素都对运动满意度呈现了有意义的影响。可信度在合气道、大田,专门性在柔道、大田,差别性在跆拳道、大邱,共感性在合气道、首尔对运动满意度产生了影响;就设施满意度的情况而言,可信度在柔道、釜山,专门性和差别性在武术、大田,共感性在武术、光州对设施满意度产生了较大影响;从再注册意向的情况看,可信度在武术和釜山,专门性在武术和大田,差别性在武术和首尔,共感性在跆拳道和首尔对再注册意向产生了影响;就向他人推荐意向的情况而言,可信度在柔道和釜山,专门性在柔道和大田,差别性在柔道和大邱,共感性在跆拳道和首尔对向他人推荐意向产生了大影响。第六、顾客满意度对顾客忠诚度产生了影响。就再注册意向的情况而言,运动满意度在武术和京畿道,设施满意度在柔道和大邱对顾客忠诚度产生的影响较大;从向他人推荐意向的情况来看,运动满意度在武术和首尔,设施满意度在柔道和釜山产生了较大影响。第七、路径模型的结果显示,各武道项目之间或多或少地呈现着互异的因果关系。选择理由既对顾客忠诚度产生直接影响,也表现为一个强化服务期待值的主要变量,服务期待值虽然也对再注册意向和向他人推荐意向的顾客忠诚度产生直接影响,但更重要的是,作为一个强化顾客满意度的重要变量出现的。综上所述,各武道项目及各地区武道馆使用人群的细分市场、服务质量、选择理由、顾客满意度和顾客忠诚度之间或多或少的存在着差异,且所有武道馆里顾客满意度呈现为一个强化服务质量和顾客忠诚度之间关系的重要变量。因此,武道馆经营者定期调查和把握服务质量指标,努力提高顾客满意度和顾客忠诚度。准确把握武道馆利用者的武道馆选择理由也显得十分重要。而且,为了把武术确立为生活体育要做到:第一、韩国的体育政策总体上讲是为国家发展和增进国民福祉服务的,是通过学校体育、生活体育和精英体育达到终极政策目标。所以,武术的活性化政策也必须在这一大的政策环境内制定。第二、武术体育馆设施要基于社区利用者的形象、特性、前景等,重点考虑体育馆的均衡问题。第三、武术教育课程是修炼者的出发点,因此,需要武术的哲学的、科学的原理的学问化普及。第四、相关协会及机关定期地实施针对武术馆教练的关于武术技术的、学问的再教育以及关于体育馆经营的教育。

【Abstract】 This is to examine the customers’recognition on services qualities according to martial arts(such as Taekwondo,hapgido,Jude and Wu Shu)and areas(such as Seoul,Gyeonggido,Daejeon,Gwangju and Busan),and the market segmentation according to a use character as well as the casual relationship among the customers’ choice motive of martial arts hall,customer satisfaction and customer loyalty.This study is to examine users’character in market segmentation according to services anticipation, demography(such as item,income,career,and competence)and use peculiarity(such as period, frequencies,companion and approach method),and then is to find the effects of services anticipation as a result of the choice motive,and of customer satisfaction and customer loyalty as a result of the choice motive & services anticipation.Moreover,this is to increase Wu Shu populations in South Korea through the revitalization plan and marketing strategies for Wu Shu gym.Our finding clearly demonstrated as follows after investigating martial arts gyms customers in Seoul, Gyeonggido,Daejeon,Gwangju,Daegu and Busan.First,there is statistically significant difference(probability<0.05)in each variable and factor among services anticipation,services satisfaction,choice motive on gyms,customer loyalty and participation incentive.This also shows statistically significant difference in services qualities perception,choice motive,participation incentive and customer loyalty according to demography variables(such as item, income,career,and competence)and use peculiarity variables(such as period,frequencies,companion and approach method).In this study,we found the level of anticipation is different from demography variables.Thus we need to work out the individual service strategies for users by each area and martial arts field.Second,4 difference pursuing groups are formed by customers’ perception of service quality and demography variables in market segmentation of service quality perception.Especially,each group has a difference in market segmentation across the board and thus we can find the service quality is different between pursuing group.Third,there is statistically significant difference in service quality reliability,specificity, discrimination and sympathy factor between the satisfaction and anticipation on service quality each martial arts field and area.In the satisfaction and anticipation on service quality,this shows that statistically significant difference is found in item,income,martial arts competence,transportation, companion,the amount of period and frequency.Fourth,users’ gym choice(likeness,perception)are influenced by service anticipation(such as reliabilty,specificity,discrimination and sympathy factor),customer satisfaction(such as satisfaction from exercise and facilities),customer loyalty(such as re-registration incentive,recommendation incentive),martial arts and residential district.Fifth,there is statistically significant difference in exercise satisfaction of customer satisfaction,and it is resulted from the service anticipation factor on martial arts gym,and this study shows as follows; it is more influenced by reliabilty in Hapgido(Daejeon),specificity in Judo(Daejeon),discrimination in Taekwondo(Daegu),Sympath in H(?)(Seoul),facility satisfaction and reliablity in Judo(Busan), specificity and discrimination in Wu Shu(Daejeon),and sympathy in Wu Shu(Gwangju).The result of re-registration incentive is more influenced by reliablity in Wu Shu(Busan),specificity in Wu Shu(Seoul),sympathy in Taekwondo(Seoul).The result of recommendation incentive is influenced by reliablity in Judo(Busan),specificity in Judo(Daejeon),discrimination in Judo(Daegu)and sympathy in Taekwondo(Seoul).Sixth,the result of customer satisfaction is influenced by customer loyalty;re-registration incentive by exercise in Wu Shu(Gyeonggido),facility in Judo(Daegu);recommendation incentive by exercise satisfaction in Wu Shu(Seoul),facility satisfaction in Judo(Busan).Finally,according to the result of path model,the different casual relationship is formed each martial arts field.It is the reason why choice motive has influenced on customer loyalty and service anticipation.The service anticipation has influence on customer loyalty of re-registration incentive and recommendation incentive,but works on enhancement of customer satisfaction.As a result,this study demonstrates as follows.There is statistically significant difference among customer each field and area in market segmentation,service quality,customer satisfaction and customer loyalty.Most of all,the customer satisfaction works as a parameter to enhance the relationship between service quality and customer loyalty.Therefore,manager or boss of gyms should do their best to enhance the customers satisfaction and customers loyalty through the lasting and periodic investigation on service quality indexes composing of service subordinate domains,and to perceive the choice motive of customers. Based on the findings,I propose schemes to activate Wu Shu as leisure sports as flollows;First,Wu Shu should be considered as school physical education,leisure sports and elite sports by Korea Goverment’s sports policy.Second,the establishment of Wu Shu facilities should be planned and based on community residents identities,characters and prospect.Third,the educational program of Wu Shu should include the philosophical and scientific principle based on Wu Shu.Fourth,the relevant associates and institutions should regularly administer the sports business management curriculums and academic retraining program to cultivate the excellent leader.

  • 【分类号】G818-F
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】1363