

Study of Public Moral Basis from Modern Perspective

【作者】 廖加林

【导师】 王泽应; 张怀承;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 伦理学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 自传统社会进入现代以来,市场经济使道德的生活基础和人伦关系结构发生了根本的变化,一方面个人的“私人生活”从社会的整体生活中分离出来,获得了相对独立的存在空问,另一方面公共生活空间也在飞速拓展,从而公共性问题日趋凸显。特别值得注意的是,伦理学理论范式也从德性伦理学转向了规范伦理学,而且其中心视域从注重个人的内在生活和自我与他人的关系发生了向社会公共生活的转移。从结构上看现代社会可分为政治公共领域、社会公共领域、市场领域和私人领域等四个领域,社会整体秩序的形成有赖于各个相对独立的领域秩序的整合以及领域之间的良性互动。除私人领域外,前三者均因其公共性特征成为一广义的公共领域而与私人领域相区别。一方面,政治公共领域、社会公共领域、市场领域因各具特质因而其道德基础存有差异,从而表现出道德的“领域性”特征;另一方面,三者的结构性互动作为一整体以维持人类社会生活的必要性对人们的行为提出正当性要求,即必须在公民中培养一种与这种公共生活的伦理秩序的普遍正当性相适应的情感和精神气质,如尊重、宽容、信任和参与等公共精神,这些公共道德的价值,是我们这个时代基本的道德诉求。本文主要是从公民这一道德主体的维度来研究公共道德,认为公共道德就是指公民在公共生活领域中在正确理解个人利益的基础上,尊重他人、关心公共事务、维护公共价值、承担公共责任的观念意识和行为方式。这种观念意识和行为方式的养成不仅仅是公民个人主观修养的结果,它还与其现代社会民主的政治制度、市场经济方式等制度环境以及公民社会的公共交往方式密切相关。对现代人来说,市场经济为人的活动提供了更大的可能性空间,提高了人的社会属性。宪政体制和由它提供了切实保护的公民权利为个体提供了足够的自由空间去追求来自日常生活的幸福,但他同时必须自觉接受法律和公共道德的约束,并承担起公民的公共责任。一方面拥有对法律、制度和组织机构的道德反思与选择能力,承担起对制度的道德责任;另一方面通过在公共领域中同他人的合作,获得公共责任的基本知识,实现由自利的个人到以公益为重的人格转变,从而在公私领域中把人们对物质生活享乐的爱好与对自由的热爱和对公共事务的关心结合起来,实现着肉体享受的改善与心灵境界的提升双重目标的统一。这是社会生活秩序得以维持的必要条件,是制度正义与社会和谐实现的基础。从道德的生成与实现条件看,现代社会的公共领域给公民公共德性的培育与实现提供了更有利的物质条件和实践场域。公民在基本的生存问题解决之后,在较自由的制度环境中,能自主地筹划个人生活,关注个人以外的世界,从而个人的道德追求完全有可能不仅仅停留在遵守生活规则的道德层次,他有能力自主地选择过一种道德上高尚的生活,象当今世界正日益增多的志愿者一样。我国自改革开放以来,经济体制的转型对中国几千年积淀起来的强大而沉重的传统生活结构开始有了实质性的震荡。随着公共空间的扩大、交往生活的公共性转变,市场、社会和现代国家等公共秩序建构过程中的道德合理性诉求,凸显的是一种自由和权利平等的公共伦理意识和对陌生人的友善态度,以及超越个人界限的公共关怀与公共精神的道德诉求。对于当代中国的伦理学来说,其公共生活伦理秩序构建的理论思考如何既从传统道德文化中获取养分,又从当代西方的普遍理性主义规范伦理学和德性论伦理学两种理论的颉颃中拓展和延伸其道德的视域,尽力避免象西方的自由主义一样因过分重视个人权利、忽视社会纽带而陷入现代性的道德困境,乃是我们唯一的选择。

【Abstract】 Since the access of traditional society to a modern society,the moral life basis and structure of human relations have been radically changed by market economy.On the one hand,the individual "private life" separated from the social community has gained relatively more independent existence space.On the other hand,public life also provides room for rapid expansion of the public life so that the public problems are growing. Specially,the paradigm of ethics theory from the virtue ethics to the norm ethics,and the central view which emphases on the importance of personal inner life and the relation between self and others have been transferred to the public life.From the structure of modern society,it can be divided into four spheres:the political public sphere,social public sphere,the market sphere and private sphere.The social overall order depends on the formation of relatively independent each ordered sphere,as well as the positive interaction between them.In addition to the private sphere,the first three spheres for their public nature become a broad public sphere and differ from the private spheres.On the one hand,the political public sphere,social public,the market sphere have their own moral features because of the differences in moral basis;On the other hand,the structural interaction among the three as a whole in order to maintain the human social life and the need of people’s raising behavior on the legitimacy of the request,that is,citizens must cultivate a kind of emotional and spiritual qualities suited to the universal validity of the ordered public life,such as respect,tolerance,trust and the spirit of public participation,that is the essence of public morality in our times and a basic moral demand.This dissertation,from the perspective of moral subject,i.e.the citizen,attempts to study the public morality.It suggests that public morality refers to the concept awareness and behavior act of respecting others,caring for public affairs,maintaining public values and undertaking public responsibility,based on the citizens’ correctly understanding of individual interest in the public life sphere.Such cultivation of the concept awareness and behavior act not only results from the individual subjective cultivation,but also is closely related with the political system of modern social democracy,the modes of market economy and with the public communicative ways of civil society.To the people in modern times,market economy provides more room for the possibility of increased social attributes.By the constitutional system,it provides effective civil rights protection for the individual to supply enough free space to the pursuit of their happiness in everyday life,but meanwhile,he must be consciously constrained by law and public morality,and he must take over public citizens’ responsibility. On the one hand,he owns an ability to rethink and choose the morality of the laws,institution and organizational structures,and undertake the moral responsibility for systems;on the other hand,through the cooperation with others in public areas,he accesses to basic knowledge of public responsibility,self-realization by the personal to the public as the most important changes in personality,in order to make the combination of people’s material life of pleasure-loving,freedom-loving and concerned about public affairs in the public and private areas,realize the enjoyment of the physical and spiritual realm and improve the dual objective unity.This is the necessary conditions to maintain the social life in order,and the bases for harmony of justice and social.From the aspect of moral formation and implementation of the conditions,modern society in the public sphere provides better material conditions and practical field to the cultivation of civic virtue.Before the basic problems of survival been solved,citizens can plan their own personal lives,personal attention to the world outside in a free system environment,so the pursuit of personal morality is entirely possible not only to stay in compliance with the rules of life and moral level,but also he has the ability to choose his own high moral life,just as the increasing number of volunteers in the world today.Since China’s reform and opening up,economic system transformation has made substantial shocks to the strongly and heavily traditional life structure which is full of Chinese natures through thousands of years of accumulation.With the expansion and changes of public space in public life,moral demands in the process of constructing public order such as the market,social and modern states highlights the public awareness of a free and equal right ethics.To the contemporary Chinese ethics,the theoretical thinking of building the ethics order of public life,not only sucks the nutrition from the traditional moral culture, but also gains the extension of moral view from the contemporary Western rationalism universal norms of ethics and moral ethics,try to avoid the modern moral dilemma caused by over-emphasis on individual rights and neglect of social ties in the West,which is our only option.
