

Correlation Markedness Patterns and Use Study on Marked Concessive Compound Clauses in Chinese

【作者】 丁志丛

【导师】 储泽祥;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 本文以“小句中枢理论”、“认知语言学”和“语言类型学”等理论为指导,以较大规模的共时历时语料样本为数据支持,将传统的朴学与先进的计算机查询结合起来,将传统的分布分析法和当代的认知功能语法和语言类型学结合起来,分别统计各种有标转折复句句式的使用频率和分布情况,然后进行综合分析,得出规律性的结论,并进行相关解释。本文的主要内容包括以下几个部分:第一章引言部分,简要介绍了本文的理论背景和研究方法,对论文选题作了简要说明,介绍了本文研究的主要方面以及论文的结构,对语料的选择和语体分类进行了说明。第二章对现代汉语有标转折复句及相关研究范围进行界定。主要运用邢福义先生的“异态”思想对转折复句进行界定;对有标转折复句的范围及转折关系标记的范围和数量进行了限定。第三章探讨有标转折复句的使用情况和关联标记模式。通过对400余万字真实连续文本语料的统计考察,发现汉语有标转折复句的主体是“单标式”,多用于口语语体和文学语体;“多标式”在科技语体中出现最多。汉语有标转折复句的关联标记模式有“居中粘结式”、“前后配套式”和“居端依赖式”三种形式,其中“居中粘结式”是主体;“居端依赖式”主要表现为对副词和句子语气的依赖。第四章探讨影响汉语有标转折复句使用频率的因素。简单归结为三个方面:一,关系标记的影响。关系标记的数量与有标转折复句句式的使用频率有反比倚变关系,体现了语用经济性原则;关系标记居于常规位置句式的使用频率要远高于非常规位置,体现了语用认知完形心理的影响;“多标分散式”的使用频率要高于“多标相连式”。二,句式构成的影响。前分句为“主谓完整小句”关系标记可多视点灵活分布,因而使用频率远高于“非完整主谓小句”;小句主语与关联标记语序的影响表现为“主语居前型”要高于“标记居前型”体现了汉语话题优先的特点。三,语用认知的影响。包括语体差异的影响、关系标记双音节化、口语化的影响及心理认知的影响等。第五章对汉语有标转折复句使用情况进行历时考察。结果显示汉语有标转折复句历时变化的特点为:复句句式越来越多,复句体系越来越庞大,语用表达越来越多样化;高频句式以单标式为主体,且具有历时替代关系;单标式复句与多标配套式复句的语用频率呈历时互逆的趋势;口语化标记句式增加,从古沿用至今的句式很少。这种变化显示了语用“最大经济性原则”和“表达能力最大化原则”的博弈平衡,而且显示了“联系项居中原则”强有力的制约作用;复句句式之间有明显的“家族相似性”联系。第六章通过与英语、日语有标转折复句的对比分析,确认转折关系标记有强烈居中倾向的类型学共性,都以“后续前置型标记”为主体,同时又表现出各自的个性。第七章结语部分。总结了论文研究的主要内容,得到的主要结论以及研究的重要意义;对研究中存在的一些问题也作了简要的分析,并对今后的研究提出了一些设想。

【Abstract】 Applying the Theory of Clausal Pivot,Cognitive Linguistics and Linguistic Typology Theory,etc,and based on synchronic and diachronic corpus data,this paper combine the approach of traditional study with advanced computer query,and combine traditional contemporary analysis of the distribution with Cognitive Founctional Linguistics and Linguistic Typology Theory,statistic the distribution and frequency of use about all kinds of Marked Concessive Compound clauses,and then conduct a comprehensive analysis and come to the conclusion,and conduct relevance explanations.The main contents include the following:Chapter 1.Briefly introduces the background of the theory and research methods,and with a brief description on the topic of this paper, and introduces the main contents as well as the structure of the paper,at last described choice of corpus and style categories in this paper.Chapter 2.Define the scope of the study on Marked Concessive Compound clause in Modern Chinese.We use XING Fu-yi’s Abnormal Points to define Concessive Compound clause,and define the scope and quantity of the Marked Concessive Compound clause and the concessive relationship markedness.Chapter 3.We talk about the use and markedness pattern of the Marked Concessive Compound clause in Chinese.Through statistic more than 400 million words in a row the real text ocorpus,found the main form of the the Marked Concessive Compound clause in Chinese is the Single-marked Concessive Compound clause,and they usuraly used for Colloquialism and Literary Style;on the contrary the Multi-marked Concessive Compound clause usurally used for Science and Technology Style.We found the markedness patterns of Concessive Compound clause in Chinese have three forms,they are the Middle-bonding, Supporting-around and the Periphery-dependence,and the Middle-bonding is the main body;the Periphery-dependence mainly depend on the adverb and the tone.Chapter 4.We talk about the factors that affecting frequency of Concessive Compound clause in Chinese.First,the influence of the relational markedness.There are changes in the reverse direction between quantity of relational markedness with the frequency of use of the Concessive Compound clause in Chinese,and this manifested the economical principle;The frequency of Concessive Compound clause of the relational markedness resides in the conventional position is higher than the non-conventional position,and this manifested the influence of the cognition gestalt psycholog;and we found the frequency of Multi-markedness dispersion-like Concessive Compound clause is higher than Multi-markedness connected -like".Second,the influence of sentence type constitution.We found if the first clause is the subjects and predicates complete clause the relational markedness may multi-point distribute,thus the frequency of the Compound clause is higher than the non-complete subjects and predicates clause far;The order of subject of clause and the connection markedness influence the frequency,and it performance to the subject- precedes is higher than the markedness-precede,and this is manifested the characteristic of topic priority express in Chinese.Third,the influence of pragmatic.Include the impacts of differences of style,relation markedness dualization-syllable, relation markedness colloquialization,and cognitive and psychological.Chapter 5.Make diachronic analysis on the Concessive Compound clause in Chinese.The results showed the characteristics:more and more constructions emerge,more and more complex system is formed,more and more diversification used to express:the main body of high-frequency constructions is the Single-marked compound clause,and they has the relationship for replacement:the frequency of Single-marked and Multi-marked compound clause have a converse tendency each other;colloquialization markedness increased since ancient This changes shows the language system get a game equilibrium between the Principle of Maximized Economy and Principle of Maximized Express Power,and shows the strong constraints of Dik’s order principle for relators;and we found there is Family Resemblance link in the Concessive Compound clause in Chinese.Chapter 6.Through comparative analysis the Marked Concessive Compound clause in English,Japanese confirm the concessive relators have a typology universal that trend to the position between clauses,and the main body of relators is pre-posed anaphoric conjunctions and at the same time they show particular characteristic.Chapter 7.Summarized the main conclusion of the paper.Include the main contents and the important meaning,as well as made a brief analysis for the problems and put forward future research ideas.
