

Ethical Dilemmas of Modern Olympics and Their Resolution

【作者】 李宏斌

【导师】 刘湘溶; 李培超;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 伦理学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 现代奥运会是工业文明时代的产物,体现着工业文明的文化特质,和工业社会的各种文化元素有着千丝万缕的联系。从现代奥运会的兴起上看,科技带动下的生产力的提高为其提供了必要的物质条件;文艺复兴、宗教改革和启蒙运动三大文化思想变革为其扫清了思想障碍;资产阶级的教育改革实践为其奠定了现实基础。从现代奥运会的发展上看,科技使奥运会获得了巨大的托升力;商业使奥运会获得了雄厚的经济支撑;文化使奥运会成了文化传播和生产的重要主体。不难看出,现代奥运会的产生与发展离不开科技、经济、思想等其它社会文化的支撑,正是借助于它们的力量,现代奥运会才逐步走向繁荣。但是,也正是这些文化的强力渗透,使奥运会陷入了哲学的、道德的、伦理的和逻辑的困境之中而成为人们反思和批判的对象。从总体上看,现代奥运会的伦理困境主要表现为科技理性与人文精神的紧张、道德理想与功利追求的冲突、文化自主性与文化工具化的矛盾等。科技理性与人文精神的紧张主要表现:技术和人谁是主体?成绩和健康何为贵?技术优先谁之公平?技术本身能解决兴奋剂问题吗等。道德理想与功利追求的冲突主要表现:奥运目标和商业目标谁最根本?商家的利益和他人的利益谁优先?奥运举办权以什么为标准?荣誉和金钱哪个更重要等。文化自主性与文化工具化的矛盾主要表现:是排斥政治还是获得政治的支持?是坚持体育文化一元价值观还是多元价值观?是坚持国际主义还是民族主义等。奥运会遭受到的科技、经济、文化困境,在直接的意义上构成了对奥林匹克主义精神的伤害,而在归根结底的意义上则造成了对人的伤害,其实质就是奥林匹克运动的异化,具体表现为:“权力异化”、“技术异化”、“观念异化”、“金钱异化”等。奥运会的异化现象,使奥林匹克运动发展方向背离了奥林匹克的价值目标。造成奥运伦理困境的原因是多方面和多层次的。人类文化价值悖论是其深层的文化根源;不同文化形态的强力渗透是其现实社会根源;竞技运动自身的矛盾运动是其客观根源。奥运会异化的产生使得奥运会在发展过程中隐藏着巨大的危机,但同时也预示着奥运会未来发展的无限生机。从危机到生机转化的关键就是要寻找到奥运会实现突破所依赖的动力、契机和方向。化解奥运伦理困境,首先要对奥运会的伦理困境和异化现象有正确认识。其次,要以新的价值观——生态体育价值理念引领现代奥运会的发展。再次,要有有效的具体措施。奥运会承载着人们的自责、不安、焦虑、忧患一路走来,它更多是承载着人们的自信、坚毅、激情、期盼一路走下去。生态体育价值观引导下的奥运会在未来的发展道路上将凝聚着人心,引领着时代,召唤着世界!

【Abstract】 Modern Olympics is the result of industrial civilization,reflecting the cultural characteristics of industrial civilization,and is related to various cultural elements of the industrial society.With regards to the rise of modern Olympics,improvement of productive forces driven by technology provided the necessary material conditions,the Renaissance,Religious Reformation,and the Enlightenment Movement cleared the ideological obstacles,and the bourgeois educational reformation established the practical foundation.From the perspective of the development of modern Olympics, science and technology provided modern Olympics with tremendous driving forces,commerce offered sound economic support,and culture made the Olympic an important subject of cultural communication and production.It is obvious that the beginning and development of modern Olympics depended on the support of science and technology,economy, ideology and other social cultures,which contributed to the prosperity of modern Olympics.However,the powerful impacts of these elements bring Olympics into philosophical,moral,ethical and logical dilemmas, and make it an object of people’s reflection and critique.On the whole,the ethical dilemma of modern Olympics mainly presents itself as follows:the tension between scientific reason and humanistic spirit,the conflict between moral ideals and utilitarian pursuit, and the contradiction between cultural autonomy cultural instrumentalization,etc.The tension between scientific reason and humanistic spirit is reflected in the following:Which should be the subject,technology or human being? Which should be first,performance or health? Can technology itself solve the problem of doping? The conflict between moral ideals and utilitarian pursuit is reflected in the following:Which is the most fundamental,Olympic objective or commercial objective? Which should take priority,the interest of businesses or the interest of others? What should be taken as the criteria for the hosting of the Olympics? Which is more important,honor or money?The contradiction between cultural independence and cultural instrumentalization is reflected in the following:Should Olympics reject or receive the support of politics? Should we adhere to a unitary or multiple value system of sport culture? And should we adhere to internationalism or nationalism?The sci-tech,economic,and cultural dilemma encountered by the Olympics,in a direct sense,constitute the damage to the Olympic spirit, and ultimately lead to the damage of human being,which,in essence,is the alienation of Olympics,which demonstrates itself in the alienation of power,alienation of_technology,alienation of notions and alienation of money.The alienation of Olympics distracts its development from its value cause.The causes of Olympic ethical dilemma are multifaceted and multileveled.Paradox in human culture value is the deep cultural cause. The powerful permeation of different forms of culture is the practical social cause.And the contradiction in competitive sports is the objective cause.The alienation of the Olympics results in a huge crisis in the development of the Olympics,but it also indicates tremendous opportunities for the development of it.The key to the transition from crisis to opportunities is to find the driving force,opportunity and direction for the breakthrough of Olympics.The resolution of Olympic ethical dilemma entails first the correct recognition of the ethical dilemma and alienation of Olympics.Secondly, we should guide the development of modern Olympics with new values—ecological sports values.And then we should have effective concrete measures.Along its development,Olympics carried with it people’s remorse, uneasiness,anxiety,and misery.But with its advancement,it will carry with it people’s confidence,perseverance,passion and expectations.The Olympics guided by the ecological sports values,in its future development,will unite people,lead the times,and summon the world.
