

Research of Altan Khan

【作者】 温德华

【导师】 王玉德;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 区域文化史, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 在史学界开展对俺答汗的研究有着重要的意义,它是整个蒙古史和中蒙关系史研究中不可缺少的重要部分。它不仅涉及如何评价俺答汗一生的功过和历史地位,更重要的是通过对俺答汗这位关键人物的研究,有助于我们搞清楚达延汗之后这一段复杂的蒙古历史。这一时期蒙古各部的构成、分布和变迁、社会结构、制度和经济状况的变化、蒙汉关系、喇嘛教传播蒙古的原因及对蒙古社会诸方面所产生的剧烈影响等。全文分为五章。第一章论述选题意义、选题的范围、研究现状、本文的创新点和存在的问题作简要介绍与评述。第二章探讨俺答汗及其时代背景。用年谱的方式列举俺答汗的生平。此外,探讨了当时蒙古的社会状况,尤其是讨论了关于鞑靼、瓦剌、兀良哈和其他诸部的状况和这些部落的关系和俺答汗统一诸部的斗争。第三章讨论俺答汗与明朝关系。重点讨论了嘉靖时期明朝与蒙古的关系,涉及官方的禁商与民间的通商、蒙古对明朝边境的骚扰的原因、嘉靖朝对蒙政策特点、俺答汗与明朝的谈判、俺答汗为重开谈判制造有利条件和俺答汗封贡问题。第四章讨论俺答汗修建呼和浩特城,涉及选择呼和浩特城的原因、修建过程呼和浩特与汉人参与等。第五章讨论俺答汗的杰出贡献。俺答汗接受黄教,官方禁止萨满教的陋俗,而且制定《阿勒坦汗法典》,发展游牧,使老弱幼定居。以蒙古族习俗为基础,重铸新习俗为蒙古教育开展创造了条件。在这一章中,对俺答汗进行了综合评价认为他是文化融合的推进者、通商互市的拓展者、民族矛盾的调解者,也是蒙古民族一代新风气的开创者。

【Abstract】 In the circles of historiography,the research on Altan Khan is of considerable significance,for it constitutes an indispensible component of the entire Mongolian historical research.The research on Altan Khan shall not only involve the evaluation on his merits and demerits in his life and the historical role he has played,but also,more importantly,shall help us get a clear picture of the complex period in Mongolian history after Altan Khan.This period involves the formation of different Mongolian clans,their dispersal and changes,the changes in social structure,system and economic condition,Sino-Mongolian relations,as well as the reason why Lamaism has spread in Mongolia and the profound influence it had on many social aspects.The first chapter of this work expounds on the meaning,the scope of the chosen thesis and the current state in the given research field;it introduces and gives a concise commentary on the relative newness of the work and problems extant in this subject.The second chapter explores Altan Khan and the background of the epoch during which Altan Khan lived.The important events in his entire life are listed in a chronological way.Apart from that, the author probes into the social condition,particularly the condition in which the various clans and tribes lived,such as Tatars,Oirat Mongols,Urianhai etc.,the inter-clan relations among these clans and Altan Khan’s struggle to unite them.The third chapter discusses the relations between Altan Khan and the Ming court.An emphasis is put upon the relations between the Ming court and the Mongols during the period prior to the Jiajing (明世宗嘉靖年),the rein of the 12th emperor of Ming Dynasty.It further relates to the government prohibition on trade and the banning of commercial relations among common people,the reasons why Mongols perpetrated harassment along the border region of Ming China,the characteristics of Jiajing policy held for Mongolia,the negotiations made between Altan Khan and the Ming court and how Altan Khan set favorable conditions for resettling new negotiations and closed down the question of tribute practice.The fourth chapter deliberates on the process of Altan Khan’s founding and construction of Huhhot,the reason why the site of Huhhot has been chosen,as well as the participation of Chinese in the founding of Huhhot etc.The fifth chapter discusses the outstanding contribution of Altan Khan:the reception of Lamaism, the official banning of the undesirable custom of Shamanism,the stipulation of "Statute and law of Altan Khan",the developing and upgrading of nomadic animal husbandry,the enabling of sedentary life for the old,those enfeebled and the children etc.On the basis of Mongolian custom and tradition he formulated new rules with the aim to establish suitable conditions for promoting education among Mongols.In this chapter,the author concludes through her comprehensive evaluation on Altan Khan, that he has been a promoter of cultural fusion,of the expansion of border trade markets between the two countries and commercial relations,the mediator in the ethnic conflict,as well as the initiator of the dawn of a new era of the Mongolian nation.

  • 【分类号】K28
  • 【被引频次】5
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