

Traditional Culture Etaphor: Sociological Survey of the Historical Changes in SHEN HOU Jun Porcelain

【作者】 王洪伟

【导师】 郑杭生;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 社会学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本研究以豫中古镇神垕钧瓷特色文化的历史变迁为研究对象,通过对钧瓷特色文化带动地方经济发展战略演化运作过程的历史考察,探索改革开放以来全国各地风起的区域“名”文化或特色文化带动地方经济发展战略一般性运作机制和运转逻辑,同时探索有中国特色的文化资本理论的社会学框架。改革开放以来的神垕镇,在经济发展过程中逐渐摸索出“以钧兴镇”的“钧瓷带动”文化经济发展战略,以钧瓷文化为核心,发展地方经济,使一个小小古镇成为闻名全国乃至世界的重要瓷区,获得了巨大的经济成就。特别进入2007年以后,随着神垕钧瓷知名度的进一步张扬,在上级的关注和重视下,河南、许昌、禹州各级政府提出着力打造神垕钧瓷文化产业,按照科学发展观的可持续发展思路,力争在三五年内把神垕打造成“河南周庄”。以传统钧瓷文化为中轴的经济发展思路正在向更高水平的层级上拓展。钧瓷文化带动地方经济发展战略,不仅为地方带来发展的奇迹,还不失政治时机地与国家宏观的政治经济发展政策相契合,并已经逐渐形成一种日益成熟的文化经济发展战略运作机制。神垕钧瓷文化经济发展战略成功或成熟化运作的新型发展思路,在当下中国经济结构调整浪潮中具有相当的现实典型性和普遍意义。考察这种地方特色文化或“名”文化经济发展政策的一般性运作逻辑和机制,不仅具有巨大的现实意义,更具有深刻的理论价值。但是长期以来,学术界、特别是社会学界对于这种“名”文化经济发展战略却少有真正学理上的分析。本研究从皮埃尔·布迪厄的文化资本理论出发,抱持两方面的雄心:一是通过对钧瓷文化历史变迁的考察分析,揭示钧瓷文化带动地方经济发展战略的运作逻辑和运转机制,进而发现一般性的“名”文化或地方特色文化经济发展战略的运行规则机制。二是通过对钧瓷文化带动经济发展战略运行机制的考察,构建具有中国特色的文化资本理论。本研究沿循如下分析框架逐次深入:首先以“传统-现代”的视角重新构建神垕钧瓷发展历史(实际上也是“中国钧瓷”的史记纲要),由以从宏观的历史角度观察钧瓷文化资本的演化变迁——对于钧瓷这样特别尊重或强调“传统”继承的手工技艺,历史资源对其当代品质及资本形式的现代转化往往起着根本性影响。其次详细解释本研究的理论资源和研究视角。第三,分析钧瓷文化资本的三种形态:具体化的钧瓷艺人、客观化的钧瓷作品,以及制度化的资质或品质认证,考察了钧瓷文化资本内在结构的运作机制和运转逻辑。第四,分析作为钧瓷文化主体的钧瓷艺人在市场和政治双重作用下的结构分化,进一步考察作为钧瓷文化市场主体的钧瓷企业组织的历史演化和政府在钧瓷文化历史变迁过程的功用。最后,通过对钧瓷文化带动经济战略的解析,致力建构一般性的“名”文化或特色文化带动经济发展战略的运作机制和运转逻辑;同时通过钧瓷文化资本的运转和转换机制的分析,致力建构一般性的文化资本运转理论,并揭示文化资本理论与现代性的渊源关联。钧瓷文化历史变迁的社会学考察,开辟了一般性文化资本理论研究的新视野,即与布迪厄的“阶级分析”或“结构分析”不同的“过程分析”或发展分析。由此发现了在社会资本、经济资本之外,历史传统资源或历史资本和自然资源或自然资本对文化资本运转的根本性影响;在传承方式或者文化资本再生产方式上,传统的亲近性、单一性传承方式在像钧瓷文化资本这样更重视传统资源的文化资本形式而言,系统传授知识的现代学校教育方式显得不可能或不可及,进而在文化资本的传承资质或资格的认可上,感性、直观的认证方式依然显得犹为重要。尤其是在当代中国市场转型背景下,特别在现代产业化、工业化潮流的冲击下,传统文化资本。都面临萎缩、退化甚至失真失传的危险。这也是传统文化资本现代性转化过程遭遇到的不得不克服的两难困境。考察钧瓷文化的运作机制和逻辑,为“名”文化经济发展战略的推行提供了一般性框架。首先,“名”文化或特色经济发展战略通过对地方特色文化传统的挖掘继承,推动这种传统文化资源历史名声的恢复,本色性的“继承”是地方文化经济发展战略形成、清晰化的逻辑起点;同时,在保持传统精华的基础上结合现代科技创新,传统文化载体现代品质的提升,同样能够打造和提高传统特色文化本源的知名度。知名度的提升要通过不断完善公正的制度化形态,使文化资本的具体化形态和客观化形态从个体性向集体性或社会性转化。依托于这种文化资本获利的经济组织依赖这种知名度,进一步通过对高知名度的文化客观形态的市场化运作,促动文化资本向经济资本转化;政治组织借助其政治优势,借助特色文化资本的知名度,一方面纵向“向上”争取区域发展的各类稀缺资源;一方面横向向社会吸纳或引进自己发展的各类迫切需要的各类资源,这种双向的资源汲取运动是伴随着地方发展需求不断深化的,从而形成特色文化资源带动地方社会、政治、经济良性运转的逻辑机制。

【Abstract】 The subject of this research is the historical changes of Jun porcelain characteristic culture in ancient Shen Hou town in central Henan province.Through investigating the evolvement and operation mechanism of the strategy of Jun porcelain characteristic culture driving economic development,this study explores the general operation mechanism and logic of the strategy of regional "Name" culture or the characteristic culture driving regional economic development,which has been a widespread phenomenon since the reform and opening up,as well as the sociology ramework of the cultural capital theory with Chinese characteristics.Since China’s reform and opening up,Shen Hou town has been trying to find out the cultural and economic development Strategy of "Invigorating Shen Hou through Jun porcelain culture".Centering On this culture while developing local economy,Shen Hou town has made remarkable economic achievement and established itself as the national or even world renowned key porcelain region.In particular,with Shen Hou Jun porcelain’s growing popularity since 2007 and the concern of the authorities,governments at all levels in Henan,Xuchang and Yuzhou has proposed the policy of building the Shen Hou Jun porcelain cultural industry.Adhering to the sustainable development principle of Scientific Concept of Development;governments attempt to make SHEN HOU the "Zhouzhuang of Henan"within three to five years.Economic development idea taking traditional Jun Porcelain culture as central axile is exploiting to higher level.Jun Porcelain-led local economy development strategy not only brings local development miracle,but also comply with the national macro political and economic development.And now,it has gradually formed an increasingly mature operation mechanism for cultural and economic development strategy.The success of Shen Hou Jun porcelain cultural and economic development strategy or the mature operation of this new type of development idea,has great actual representativeness and universal significance in the current economic restructuring wave in China.The study of the general operation logic and mechanism of such local characteristic culture,or the "Name" cultural economic development policy,not only possesses huge practical significance,but also has profound theoretical value.However,the academia,especially the sociology Circles,has long been short of scientific analysis of this cultural economic development strategy.Based on Pierre Bourdieu’s culture capital theory,this study attempts to attain two objectives:1.Revealing the operation logic and mechanism of the local economic development strategy driven by the Jun Porcelain Culture through the study and analysis on the historical changes in Jun Porcelain Culture,thus seeking the operation regulation mechanism of the normal "Ming" culture or Cultural and Economic development strategy with local characteristics.2.Building a cultural capital theory with Chinese charactoristics through the investigation on the operation mechanism of the Jun Porcelain Culture-led economic development strategy.Following an successive framework,this study conducted an in-depth analysis of the followings: First of all,the rebuilding of the Shen Hou Jun porcelain development history through a "traditionalmodern" view.which is in fact the outline of Jun porcelain historical records,particularly from a macro point of view to observe the evolution of Jun porcelain cultural capital.As for Jun porcelain which especially emphasizes or respects "traditional inheritance",historical resources exert a fundamental impact on its temporary quality of the contemporary history of its resources and capital into a modern form.This was followed by a detailed explanation of this study theory and research perspective.Third,Jun analysis of the cultural capital of three patterns:the specific artist Jun,Jun objective of the work,as well as the institutionalization of the quality or quality certification,Jun visited the cultural capital of the internal structure of the operation mechanism and operation of the logic..Fourth,the analysis of the main cultural Jun artists in the market and political role under the dual structure of the division,and further study of the cultural market Jun Jun main business organizations and the government in the-history of the evolution of Jun and cultural history of the evolution of Function.Finally,on Jan’s strategy to promote economic and cultural analysis,and general construction of the cultural characteristics,economic and cultural development strategies and operation of the operating mechanism of the logic.At the same time,through Jun cultural capital and operating mechanism of the conversion,building the general operation of the cultural capital theory, and reveals the cultural capital of the modern theory of the origin and releVance.Jun cultural and historical changes in the study of sociology,cultural capital of the general opening up theoretical studies of a new vision,that is,the Bourdieu’s "class "or "structural " analysis, which is the analysis of the development.Resulting in the discovery of social capital,economic capital,resources and historical tradition or history or natural resources,capital and natural capital for the operation of the cultural capital of the fundamental influence,In the way of transmission or reproduction of the cultural,capital,close to the traditional,single In the way of transmission of cultural Capital such as Jun pay more attention to traditional cultural resources in the form of capital, the system of imparting knowledge of modern school education appears to be impossible or not and then in the cultural heritage of the capital qualification or qualification recognition,the perceptual, intuitive way of certification remains still appears to be of paramount importance.Especially in the contemporary context of China’s market transition,in particular,modern industrialization,the impact of the trend of industrialization,the traditional cultural capital are facing shrinking,the degradation of the risk of lost or distorted.This is also the traditional culture of the modern capital into the process had to face the dilemma to overcome.Jun’s inspection of the operating mechanism of culture and logic,cultural economic development strategy provides a general framework for the implementation of cultural characteristics or economic development strategy adopted by the local characteristics and cultural traditions of the mining succession to achieve this traditional cultural resources to restore the reputation of history,the character of the "succession" is the local culture to form a strategic economic development,the logic of a clear starting point.At the same time,it maintains the best traditions on the basis of modern science and technology plays a combination of innovation and traditional culture in modern-quality vector.Upgraded to the same build and enhance the traditional cultural characteristics of known origin. To enfiance the visibility of continuously improved through the institutionalized form of justice,the cultural capital of the specific objective of the shape and form of individual or collective aptitude social transformation.Relying on such a cultural capital in the economic profit organizations that rely on name recognition,and furthered by engaging in cultural well-known objectivity of the state’s market-oriented operation,to promote the development of cultural capital into economic capital; political organization with its political advantage,with cultural characteristics The well-known capital, on the one hand,vertical "up" for regional development of various types of scarce resources;on the one hand,horizontal to the community:or to absorb the introduction of its own development of various types of much-needed resources to draw on the resources of this two-way movement is accompanied by The development of the local demand of deepen.To form the cultural characteristics of local resources,promote social,political,economic logic of the benign operation of the mechanism.

  • 【分类号】K876.3
  • 【被引频次】4
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