

A Study on the Priority Sequences of Multiple-attributive Phrases in Modern Chinese

【作者】 程书秋

【导师】 储泽祥;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 汉语言文字学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本文采用“优先序列”的研究视点和“定量分析”的研究方法重点考察以下两个问题:一是多项式定中短语中“的”字的隐现规律问题:二是多项定语语序问题。上述两个问题表面上看起来各自独立,实际上两者之间具有很强的相通性,其相通性主要体现在语义层面,所以本文将这两个问题联系起来进行综合考察,以定语语义类别一以贯之。本文以封闭性的统计数据作为立论基础,追求在“多样性”的基础上进行“倾向性”研究,并努力追求在对大量真实自然语言文本进行“充分观察”、“充分描写”的基础上最终达到“充分解释”。论文不以某一特定语言学理论为研究背景,而是兼取各家之长,在观察和描写阶段主要采用传统语言学的研究方法,同时也借鉴了语言类型学的一些研究思路,而在解释部分则更多采纳并运用认知语言学和功能主义语言学的一些理论和观点。本文研究内容简单介绍如下:第一章介绍相关问题研究现状、本文研究思路及方法、语料的选择与处理等,重点指出以往研究中存在的问题,以此作为本文努力改进的方向。第二章重点考察现代汉语短语的使用频率问题,以此确定定中短语在整个现代汉语短语系统中的地位。汉语语法学界已经很好地解决了字频和词频问题,那么短语的使用频率如何?哪种类型的短语是最常用的?这个问题未见有专门讨论。这部分将重点讨论这一问题,具体研究思路和方法如下:首先以五种不同语体的语料为依托建立起一个10万字左右的样本语料库;然后以该语料库为封闭研究对象,以纯手工统计的方式从中穷尽式地切分出该语料库中所包含的全部短语;再将所得短语划分成15种常用短语结构类型,对其进行频率统计;最后以该统计数据为支撑得出现代汉语短语使用频率优先序列总表,从中观察定中短语所处的地位。研究结果发现,在现代汉语短语使用频率优先序列总表中,定中短语、述宾短语、状中短语和主谓短语以绝对优势位居该优先序列总表前4位(余者使用频率均偏低),其中定中短语以微弱优势位居第1位。第三章仍以10万字左右的样本语料库为依托对多项定语项数、定语语义类别、“的”字使用频率进行动态统计,目的是从多角度观察多项式定中短语中各项指标的分布情况。结果发现:在多项式定中短语中,二项、三项、四项以上定中短语的使用频率相差十分悬殊,整体呈现出“二项(82.38%)>三项(14.58%)>四项以上(3.04%)”(“>”读作“使用频率高于”)的分布趋势;在所有的定语语义类别中,“领属”、“状态”和“性质”这三种定语语义类别的使用频率最高,且未表现出语体差异;“的”字在书面语体中的使用频率明显高于在口语语体中的使用频率。定语语义类别是本章的研究重点,也是贯穿全文的主线。在对定语语义类别进行统计之前,本文首先依据一系列严格的形式鉴定标准尝试建立了一个相对严密的、以“形、义互证”为基础的现代汉语定语语义类别系统,并提出了定语“三域”(即“领属域”、“状态域”、“性质域”)的观点,旨在为下一步研究多项式定中短语中的“的”字隐现规律和多项定语语序莫定理论基础。第四章从多项定语项数、“的”字用量、定语语义类别、句法位置、“兼用定语标记”等多个角度对多项式定中短语中“的”字的隐现规律进行全面讨论。主要得出以下一些结论:(一)在小说语体中,不管定语有多长,定中短语中的“的”字最佳用量都突出表现为“1”,随着定语项数的增加,“的”字用量可增至为“2”,但一般不超过“3”。(二)定语“三域”内的“的”字分布极不均衡,总体趋势是“中间重、两头轻”,表现为:领属域<状态域>性质域(“<”读作“‘的’字使用频率低于”:“>”读作“‘的’字使用频率高于”);依据定语“三域”内的“的”字总体分布规律,我们将现代汉语多项式定中短语中的“的”字隐现规律概括为:在一个名词短语内部,越趋近于中间“语义域”的定语越容易带“的”,越趋近于两端“语义域”的定语越容易隐去“的”。(三)在同一句子结构中,长度受限程度越大的句法位置与“的”的兼容性越小;长度受限程度越小的句法位置与“的”的兼容性越大。(四)从语义虚化程度上看,语义虚化程度越高的“兼用定语标记”越容易促使泛用定语标记“的”字“隐”;从结构的整体性质来看,处于领属性结构中的“兼用定语标记”比处于关系从句结构中的“兼用定语标记”更易于促使泛用定语标记“的”字“隐”。第五章从“优先序列”角度重新审视多项定语语序问题,并首次对定语“漂移”现象进行全面考察。建立了一个有统计数据做支撑的、完全以定语语义类别为基础的现代汉语多项定语“优势语序”序列,即:领属>时间>方所>来源/去向>关涉>指别>数量>状态>比况>功用>涵义>性质(“>”读作“优先于”),并用“单向语序蕴含共性”对这一“优势语序”序列进行解释;提出了“域内漂移”、“跨域漂移”等概念,并用“自然语序”和“凸显语序”、“自然焦点”和“对比焦点”这两对术语对定语“漂移”现象进行认知解释:此外,还以“VP”类定语向前“漂移”和状态形容词定语阿前“漂移”为例考察了多项定语语序对“的”字隐现的影响。第六章考察语体对现代汉语短语使用频率、多项式定中短语中“的”字隐现规律及多项定语语序的影响。这部分研究分两步进行,第一步先以10万字左右的样本语料库为考察对象,统计不同语体中的短语使用频率,然后以此为依据对第二章中所做出的一些结论进行检验与修正;第二步以新闻语体为例,对多项式定中短语中的“的”字隐现规律及多项定语语序进行对比性考察,揭示新闻语体与小说语体在“的”字隐现规律及多项定语语序方面所存在的一系列差异,以弥补前文单一语体研究视角的不足。第七章对本文主要结论、研究意义、创新之处、存在不足以及今后研究方向等进行全面总结。

【Abstract】 The thesis focuses the two issues from the angles of the priority sequence and by the research method of the quantitative analysis: one is the emergence and ellipsis rules of "de", and the other is the word order of multiple-attributive. Viewed from the surface, the two isssues are isolate, but they are linked on the semantic level. The thesis conducts a comprehensive survey of the two issues and links them by the semantic types of attributives. The thesis takes the close statistic data as a basis of discussing the issues. The thesis conducts a tendency study on the basis of diversity and tries to make enough explanation as well as enough observation and enough description. The thesis takes all the advantages of different scholars without a certain theory background. In the stage of observation and description, the author mainly utilizes the research mathods of the traditional language, simultaneouely, uses the theory of typology for reference, while in the stage of explanation, the author mainly adopts some theories and viewpoints of cognition linguistics and functional linguistics.The thesis focuses on the following issues.Chapter one introduces the current situations of the relative question, the research thoughts and the methods of the study, the choices and the management methods of the corpus, and points out the problems in the predecessors’ researches from which the thesis takes a lesson .Chapter two investigates the use frequency of the phrases in modern Chinese, through which the position of attibutive-head phrases are ascertained. The grammar circle has well solved the questions of character frequency and word frequency, but how is the question of the phrase frequency solved? What types of phrases are the most common ones seems not to be discussed at present, which is the issue that the chapter discusses. Firstly, a 100,000 corpus is builed up containing 5 kinds of styles, takes and the corpus as a research object, separates all of the phrases contained in the corpus by manual way, then divides them into 15 kinds of common structural types and conducts statistics of their frequency. At last, the study gains a comprehensive chart of modern Chinese phrase use frequency on the basis of the statistic data, from which the positions of attibutive-head phrases are observed. The thesis finds that modifier-head phrases, predicate-object phrases, adverbial-head phrases and subject-predicate phrases take the main advantage of the priority sequence to stand in the first four places (the others’ use frequencies are lower) , and attibutive-head phrases stands in the first place taking the slight advantage.Chapter three conducts a dynamic statistics of the number of multiple attributives, the semantic types of attributives, the use frequency of "de" still on the basis of the 100, 000 corpus in order to observe the distribution situations of every item of multiple-attibutive phrases from multiple angles. The results are that there is a great disparity in the use frequency of two-attibutive phrases, three-attributive phrases and four-attributive phrases. The entire distribution tendenc is: two-attibutive phrases (82.38%) > three-attributive phrases (14.38%) >four-attibutive phrases and the above four-attibutive (3.04%) ("> "means "be prior to").Among all the semantic types of attrihutive-head phrases, the use frequency of the semantics with possesion, state and property is the highest, and it possesses no variations in styles.The use frequency of "de" in written style obviously is higher than in spoken style. The semantic types of attrubutives is the research emphasis of this chapter, and also the main clue across the whole thesis. Before conducting the statistics of the semantic types of attributives, the thesis attenpts to establish a rather strict semantic system based on the mutual verification between the forms and the meanings, and offer the conceptions of three scopes (that is the possession scope, state scope and property scope), whose intention is building up a theoretical basis for studying the emergence and ellipsis rules of "de" and word order of multiple attributives in the next stage.Chapter four discusses entirely the emergence and ellipsis rules of "de" from the multiple angles of the number of the attributives, the number of "de", the semantic types, the syntactic positions and the commonly used attributive markers. The main results are: (1) in art style, no matter how long an attibutive is, the best number of using "de" is 1, the number of using "de" can rise to 2 with the increase of the number of attibutives, but no more than 3. (2)The distribution of "de" in the three scopes is extremely unbalanced, whose entire tendency is heavy in the middle and light at the two ends, and appears to be: possession scope < state scope > property scope("< "means the use frequency of "de"is lower than; "> "means the use frequency is higher than.)The author concluds the emergence and ellipsis rules of "de" of multiple-attributive phrases in modern Chinese, which is that in a noun phrase, the nearer an attributive is to the middle scope, the easier it carryies "de"; the nearer an attributive is to the two ends, the easier it elides "de". (3) In the same sentence, the bigger the limited degree of a syntactic position is, the smaller the capacity between it and "de" is. The the smaller the limited degree of a syntactic position is, the bigger the capacity between it and "de" is. (4) Viewed from the degree of semantic grammarlization, the higher the grammarlization degree of a commonly used marker is, the more easily the nonspecificly used attributive marker "de" elides. Viewed from the entirement of a grammatical structure, the commonly used attributive marker in the possession structure is even easier to cause the ellipsis of the nonspecificly used attrbutive marker "de" than in the relative clause.Chapter five examines anew the question of word order of multiple attributives from the angle of priority sequence, conducts firstly an entire investigation of the drift phenomenon of an attributive and establishes a sequence of prior word order of modern Chinese multiple attributives entirely on the basis of the semantic types, taking the data as a prop. The word order sequence is: possession > time> location > source/direction > concern > deixis > quantity > state > comparison > function > connotation >property("> "means "be prior to). The author explains the the priority sequence by "the implicational universals of single-way word order", puts forword the concepts of "drift in the scope", "drift across scopes",etc. , and conducts cognitive explainations of the drift of attributive phenomenon by the two pairs terms of "natural word order" and " prominent word order", "natural focus" and "comparative focus" .As well, the author inspects the impact of multiple attributives on the ellipsis of "de", taking the "VP" attributives’ drift forwords and state adjective attributives’ drift forwords as examples.Chapter six inspecs the styles’ impact on the use frequency of modern Chinese phrases, the emergence and ellipsis rules of "de" in a multi-attributive phrase and the word order. There are two steps in the part. Firstly, the thesis conducts statistics of the use frequency of phrases in different styles in 10,0000 corpus, then verifies and corrects the results in chapter two on the basis of the use frequency above.Secondly, taking the press style as an example, the author conducts the comparative investigation of the emergence and ellipsis rules of "de" and the wod orders of multiple attibutives, reveals the differences between the emergence and ellipsis rules of "de" snd the wod orders of multiple attibutives existing in art style and press style, thus mends the shortness of the study in a single style.Chapter seven summarizes the conclusions, the significance of the thesis, the originalities, the insufficiences and the research direction in the future.

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