

Study on Architect Community in the Period of the Republic of China

【作者】 路中康

【导师】 朱英;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 经济—社会史, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本文力图在中国近代社会变迁的大背景下,以上海和南京为核心区域,探寻民国时期建筑师群体的职业化进程,及其在中国建筑现代化过程中所发挥的作用,力求结合中国近代建筑史和社会群体史的研究方法,展现出作为自由职业者群体的建筑师在中国近代社会中特有的发展轨迹及其给近代社会带来的影响,并藉此更加深入地理解中国社会的近代转型。全文共分六章:第一章主要阐述民国时期建筑师群体的基本情况。首先通过考察民国时期建筑师群体兴起的背景和建筑师产生的三种途径,勾勒出建筑师群体的形成和发展过程。接着估算群体的人数,分析群体的地域分布特征,计算群体的经济收入,探究建筑师的社会生活以及政府通过建筑师甄录制度的建立和实施,力图规范和管理建筑师群体活动过程的努力。第二章主要分析民国时期建筑师群体的行业组织和活动。随着建筑师群体人数的不断增多和职业意识的日益萌发,建筑师群体的专业组织“中国建筑师学会”和“上海市建筑协会”得以建立和发展;以华盖和基泰为代表的中国建筑师自主创办的事务所开始运作并进行建筑创作的初步尝试;中国营造学社成立并开始了对中国古代建筑和中国建筑史学的系统研究,发表了以《中国营造学社汇刊》为代表的一批重要研究成果;而1936年举办的中国建筑展览会则是民国时期建筑师群体最具影响力的社会活动。第三章主要对民国时期建筑师群体的执业状况进行分析。考察民国时期建筑师群体的执业活动应当考虑到时间和空间两方面因素的影响,首先从时间维度来看,中国近代建筑行业的运作呈现出明显的阶段性,以1928年和1937年为重要的转折点,可分成为三个阶段。其次,从空间维度来考察。通过行政中心在空间上的转移——首都的南移和内迁,各个城市近代建筑行业的发展表现出了某种规律性:第一阶段,当首都在北京时,华北、东北地区的各城市处于发展的兴盛期;第二阶段,当首都在南京时,华东、华中、华南地区的城市迎来了各自建设的最高峰;第三阶段,迁都重庆以后,西南地区的各城市则出现了前所未有的建筑高潮。民国时期建筑师的作品,在具备阶段共性的同时,也被打上了地区性的烙印。第四章主要探讨民国时期建筑师群体的建筑理念。从20世纪初到20年代,在中国建筑领域内土木工程师或土木工程专业出身的建筑师在数量上占绝对优势,并且成立了自己的行业组织——“中国工程师学会”,其建筑观念“建筑是科学”正是基于土木工程行业特点而产生的。张镁绪的《建筑新法》和葛尚宣的《建筑图案》的出版,意味着中国知识阶层开始将建筑与学术联系起来,建筑作为一门学科具有了基于理性、实证、操作几个不同层面的系统性和现代性。20世纪20年代之后,以学习建筑学的欧美留学生为主体的第一代中国建筑师提出了“建筑是科学技术与艺术的结合”与“建筑反映国家和民族的文化水平”这两种影响至今的经典理论。作为建筑师参与市场竞争的言论策略和学理依据,经典理论在特定历史时期有着特定的内涵,对促进中国建筑事业的进步发挥了积极作用。民国时期建筑师群体的教育背景和所处的执业环境对建筑师的建筑观念产生了十分重要的影响,当时,无论是重艺术的“美法”体系,还是重技术的“日德”体系,其建筑教育都有明显的折衷主义倾向。尽得所属学术体系精华的中国留学生,其建筑观念自然会受到折衷主义的影响。在近代中西文化冲撞的压力下,民国时期建筑师追求“中国传统复兴”和“西方新式建筑”道路的开端都发生了偏差,这种偏差又分别在近代中国的政治因素、商业因素的作用下出现扩大化的趋势。追求“中国传统复兴”的道路,因与国民政府的政治要求相契合,其主流走向定型化的“中国固有式”,逐渐成为一种官式建筑的范式。而追求“西方新式建筑”的道路,也由于商业社会的自我选择,最终导致对“新建筑”的追求被置换成对“摩登式”,特别是对“装饰艺术风格”的追求。这些都深刻地影响了现代主义建筑运动在中国的发展。第五章主要讨论民国时期建筑师群体对中国建筑民族形式的探索。以吕彦直1925年、1926年相继在南京中山陵和广州中山纪念堂设计方案竞赛中获大奖并得以实施为前奏,以杨廷宝和林克明为代表的中国建筑师在官方建筑领域里有意识地掀起“吾国固有之建筑形式”的大讨论与实践热潮,在接受西方现代建筑技术、建筑功能的同时,力求继承中国建筑艺术的优良传统,创作中国民族形式建筑作品。这次中国建筑民族形式的探索热潮,是在西方建筑师在教会大学校舍建筑领域探索中国建筑民族形式的早期尝试的基础上继续发展的结果,但思路更开阔,涉及的建筑类型更多、更复杂,对中国传统建筑形式构成要素的运用也更加自如和正宗,从而创作了一批极富创意的优秀中国民族形式建筑作品。第六章主要阐释民国时期建筑师群体对近代建筑教育的影响。民国时期建筑师学成回国后,开始创办建筑院校,进行建筑教育的探索和实践。作为国内各高校建筑系的教师,他们不仅培养了中国第二代建筑师,同时为中国建筑教育课程标准的制定和建筑研究的发展做出了巨大的贡献。纵观中国近代建筑教育发展史,受巴黎美术学院模式影响较大的教学思想和方法一直占主流地位,主导多所建筑院校的教学体系长达几十年,而与“学院式”教学体系不同的现代建筑教育体系则一直处于受压制的非主流地位。这种现象的出现与民国时期从教于各个高校的建筑师有着直接的关系,作为中国早期学习西方建筑技术的两个主要国家:日本和美国,两者的建筑教育都是以“学院式”模式为基础的,而到这两个国家学习建筑的中国建筑师就必然会潜移默化的受到“学院式”教育的影响,回国后,采用的自然而然也是“学院式”的教育模式。结语部分讨论了民国时期建筑师群体对中国建筑现代化发展的影响,并从建筑师角度探讨了中国建筑现代化发展的规律。

【Abstract】 This thesis seeks to social changes in modern Chinese background,to Shanghai and Nanjing as the core,mainly of the lower reaches of Yangtze region,to explore the architect of the process of profession groups in the republic of China,and its Chinese architecture at the process of modernization the role of Chinese seek to combine modern architectural history and social groups,the history of research methods,show a group as a profession architect in modern Chinese society in a unique development path and its give the impact of modern society,and borrow this more in-depth understanding of modern Chinese society in transition.The text is divided into six chapters:The first chapter mainly elaborates the basic situation of architect community during the republic of China.Through the study of the background and the three ways of the emergence of the architect community,outlined the formation and development process of he architects as an emerging social group.Then the estimate the architect community’s population,analyzes the region distribution characteristic of the architect community and calculates the income of them.Inquired into that architect’s social life as well as the endeavor the government made through the architect records and selectively system which tries hard to standard and manages the mass sports activities of the architects.The second chapter mainly analyzes the industry groups any activities of the architect community during the republic of China.As the growing number of groups of architect and professional awareness of the increasing germination,the architect community’s specialized organization "the Chinese Architect Academic society" and "the Shanghai Construction Association" has been established and development."Allied Architects" and "Kwan,Chu and Yang Architects" that the representatives of the firm which organized independently for representative’s Chinese architect start working.Started Initial attempts to carry on Chinese to own constructors creation.The establishment of special scholarly research organization-Society for Research in Chinese Architecture begins the study of ancient Chinese architecture and systematic research of the Chinese architectural history.The third chapter mainly carries on the analysis to the republic of China architect community’s Practitioners condition.Inspects the activity of architect community during the Republic of China,it should be take into consideration of time and space factors.First study the time dimension,the Chinese modern times construction profession operation presents the obvious gradualness.Take 1928 and in 1937 as the important turning point,separable became three stages.Next,inspects from the spatial dimension.In Shanghai,Tianjin,Wuhan and Nanjing and so on the emerging modern city,the Chinese modern times construction profession experiences the seed,development,the high tide, Recession several times.In each urban more independent rise and fall process through the Administration Center in the space on the transfer-capital moves to south and inland,each urban modern times construction profession’s development displayed some kind of regularity.The first phase,when the capital at Beijing,North China,Northeast China in the development of its city’s flourishing period.The second phase,when the capital in Nanjing,East China,Central China,South China city ushered in the peak of their construction.The third stage,after moving the capital Chongqing,southwest’s various cities presented the unprecedented construction high tide.Period of the Republic of the architect’s works,at a stage in common,it also was marked with a regional brand.The forth chapter mainly discusses the concept of architects during the Republic of China.From the beginning of 20th century to the 20’s,the civil engineers or who used to be a civil engineer specialized background’s architect occupies the overwhelming superiority in the Chinese construction domain in quantity.And they set up their own trade organizations-"Chinese Institute of Engineers", whose building concept—"building is science" is based on the feature of the Civil Engineering industry.Publishing of the "new architecture law" which is written by Yingxu Zhang and the "building pattern" which is written by Shangxuan Ge means that the Chinese intellectuals linked architecture with academic.Architecture as a branch of learning has been systematic and modernity which is based on the different rational,empirical,operating at different levels.After 1920’s,the architects who has been studied in Europe or the United States as the main body of the first generation of Chinese architects advanced two classical theories-"Architecture is the combination of scientific technology and art" and "Architecture reflects the cultural level of the country and the nation".As the expressing strategy and academically basis for the architects participated in the market competition,the classical theory had a specific connotation in a specific historical period,which played an active role to promote the progress of Chinese architecture.As the opinion strategy and the scientific theory basis for participate in the market competition they play a positive role to promote the Chinese building enterprise’s progress.But the social public and the specialists treat the building technology in totally different manner which explained the historical limitation of classical theory.In the period of the republic of China,architect community’s educational background and locates the disciple environment has had the very important influence to architect’s construction idea.At that time,whether "United States and France" system focus on the arts,or "Japans and Germany" system focus on the technology,their construction education have the obvious eclecticism tendency.The concept of building of Chinese foreign students’ who well studied naturally receive the eclecticism influence.Under the pressure of collision of Chinese and Western culture in modern times,deviation occurred on the both way of architect pursues "Revival of Chinese traditional" and "Western new style construction" during the Republic of China time.Such deviations also have emerged the trend of expansion separately under the political factor and the role of commercial factors.The way pursue "Revival of Chinese traditional" Gradually become a kind of official type construction.This kind of type fit for National Government’s Nationalist political demands.Its mainstream moves toward the stereotypic "Chinese inherent-like" And the "Western new style construction" Eventually lead to a "new architecture" by the pursuit of replacement for "modern-style" especially for "Art Deco style" pursuit also because of commercial society of self-selection.These profoundly have affected the modernism construction movement in China’s development.The fifth chapter mainly discusses the exploration architecture made to the Chinese construction national style during Republic of China.Yanzhi Lv in 1925 and 1926 one after another won the big prize in the Nanjing Zhong shan Cemetery and in Guangzhou Zhong Shan Memorial Hall design proposal competition and can implement is a prelude.Chinese architects,such as Tingbao Yang and Keming Lin,consciously raise a big discussion with practice of "our country inherent architectural style" in the official construction domain.While accepts the West modern architecture technology, building function,it makes every effort to inherit China traditional art,creates the Chinese nationality architectural style work.This Chinese construction national style’s exploration upsurge is mainly explores the result from the early attempt which in the Western architect in the church university school building construction domain and the Chinese construction national style.But on a broader line of thought,involves more construction type and more complex.The use of Chinese traditional architecture of the constituent elements of the application forms is also more comfortable and authentic.And it has created one batch of extremely rich creativity outstanding traditional Chinese style construction work.The sixth chapter mainly explains the influence the architect community made to the modern construction education during Republic of China time.After returning to homeland,the architect starts founding building institutions for architecture exploration and practice of education.As teacher of domestic various universities in department of architecture,they not only cultivate the Chinese second generation of architects,also made great contribution in the education curriculum standard for China the formulation and in the construction research development.Looking over the Chinese modern times construction education history,the teaching idea and the method which influenced by status Paris Fine arts academy pattern have occupied the mainstream status.It leads many of the teaching system building institutions for decades.Unlike the "academy-style" teaching system the modern education system has been subject to repression in the non-mainstream status.This kind of phenomenons appearance have the direct relations to the architects teach in each university during the Republic of China time.Both Japan and U.S.A.two major countries Chinese studies the West building technology in the early time,construction education is take "the academicism" the pattern as the foundation.The architectures from China definitely will be influenced subtly by the "academy-style" education.After returning home,also naturally use the "academy" type of education model.The concluding part discusses the impact of the Chinese modernization of architecture development caused by the architects in the period of republic of China,and discusses law of the Chinese architecture modernization development from the perspective of the architects.

  • 【分类号】TU-092
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