

University Mottoes: Display of Characteristics of Universities

【作者】 陈功江

【导师】 周洪宇;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 教育史, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 大学校训,不仅是大学精神的集中体现、大学声誉的招牌和大学师生的座右铭,而且是大学发展的指针、大学传统的表露和校园文化的灵魂。大学校训,是由学校制定的采用通俗易懂的语言和言简意赅的形式,强调审美价值追求,对全校师生具有指导意义的行为准则和道德规范。其作用在于展示大学精神,明确办学目标,规约师生行为,指导大学发展,体现大学传统,塑造大学形象。研究民国时期知名大学校训,对研究与制定当今大学校训具有借鉴与启发价值。导论部分,探讨了选题缘由,具体包括校训热兴起的原因、目前校训研究的代表性观点以及校训研究的目的与价值。重点论述了校训的内涵、显性校训与隐性校训的区别,勾画了研究现状与学术动态,阐明了研究方法与基本框架,力争对全文的构思与写作做一个总体概述。第一章“知名大学校训形成的生态环境”,从政治生态环境、文化生态环境、教育制度环境三方面进行了分析与探究。具体分为共和肇造、军阀割据、南北一统、抗战前后等几个时期,来考察政治生态环境对民国时期知名大学校训的影响。从复古与反复古的文化冲突、“全盘西化”论渐居潮头、“本位文化”论渐占上风、民族文化精神的重新凝聚四个阶段,分析了文化生态环境对民国时期知名大学校训的影响。还从教育宗旨流变的影响、教育制度变迁的规约、大学制度的牵引三方面,探讨了教育制度环境对大学校训的规约作用。第二章“知名公立大学校训的确立及影响”,从校训的渊源及沿革、校训的确立、校训制定者的教育理念以及校训确立后发挥的作用等方面,对北洋大学、中山大学、清华大学、浙江大学等民国时期知名公立大学校训作了具体研究。重点研究北洋大学校长赵天麟、广东大学(中山大学前身)创办者孙中山、清华大学校长周诒春与梅贻琦、浙江大学校长竺可桢等人的办学理念,对这些大学校训形成的深刻影响与巨大贡献。同时,还着重探究了这几所知名公立大学校训确定后,对学校发展、文化教育事业的发展以及社会综合进步所产生的积极作用和深远影响,从而为当今大学制定校训和充分发挥校训的作用具有借鉴与启示价值。第三章“北京大学隐性校训的提出及影响”,首先就显性校训与隐性校训作了分类与分析,将清华大学、北洋大学的校训归入“显性校训”之行列,而将北京大学校训纳入“隐性校训”之范畴。分三个阶段简要回溯了北京大学的发展渊源与历史沿革,解读了北京大学的隐性校训——“思想自由,兼容并包”的内涵、措施与北大精神的延续与传承。还对北京大学校史上三位著名校长、教育家蔡元培、蒋梦麟和胡适的办学理念进行了研究与探讨,特别是就蔡元培的大学教育理念对北京大学校训的形成所做出的贡献与产生的影响作了重点探究。最后,对北京大学的隐性校训确立后所发挥的作用作了归纳与总结,正是因为有这一校训的导引,才使北京大学成为“五四”新文化运动的摇篮、陶养学术精英的园地、凝聚民族精神的堡垒、参与民主运动的主力。第四章“知名私立大学校训的确立及影响”,从校训的渊源及沿革、校训的确立、校训制定者的教育理念以及校训确立后发挥的作用等方面,对复旦大学、厦门大学、南开大学等民国时期知名私立大学校训作了专门研究。重点研究复旦大学校长马相伯和李登辉、厦门大学创办者陈嘉庚、南开大学创办者与校长张伯苓等人的办学理念对这三所大学校训形成的重要影响与巨大贡献。着重探究了这几所知名私立大学校训确定后,对本校发展、中国近现代文教事业发展以及科技与社会进步所产生的积极影响和推动作用,从而为当今民办大学校训的制定与办学方向的确定具有现实指导意义。第五章“知名教会大学校训的确立及影响”,从校训的渊源及沿革、校训的确立、校训制定者的教育理念以及校训确立后发挥的作用等方面,对圣约翰大学、燕京大学、金陵大学等民国时期知名教会大学校训作了具体研究。重点研究圣约翰大学校长卜舫济、燕京大学校长司徒雷登、金陵大学校长包文和陈裕光等人的办学理念对这三所大学校训形成的影响。还着重探究了这几所知名教会大学校训确定后,在对培育人才、改革教育和服务社会等方面所发挥的积极作用。第六章“知名大学校训特点的综合分析”,从确立方式、文本来源、价值取向、遣词造句等方面,总结了民国时期知名大学校训的特点,从确立方式来看,可分为依据名家题词、校主意向、校长决断和民主集议;从文本来源而言,可概括为出自中国典籍、西方《圣经》、中西合璧、自主独创;就价值取向来讲,有进德立善类、启智求真类、自强不息类、求是求实类;就遣词造句来看,表现出的特点是选字遣词力辟雷同,句式建构不拘一格,文本语法千差万别。第七章“知名大学校训的评价”,着重就专制政体下的校训、共和政体下的校训以及校训与政治口号的殊异等方面,论及了校训与政治气候的关系;从教育宗旨与校训的关系、大学制度与校训的关系、校内规箴与校训的关系等方面,探讨了校训与教育规制的关联;从百家争鸣与文化繁盛、文化传承中的积淀和创新、大学校训作为文化符号的价值等角度,审视了校训与文化氛围的关系。此外,还专门从求同性与求异性、历史性与现实性、现实性与未来性、在政治与文化夹缝中抉择等视角,探究了大学校训同中求异的基本取向。

【Abstract】 University mottoes embody the spirit,culture,tradition and prestige of universities, they also provide guidance for the actions of faculties and students as well as the development of the universities.Brief in form and rich in aesthetic value as they are,they regulate the morality and daily behaviors of both faculties and students and display the spirit,tradition,goal and image of the universities.A study on the mottoes of prestigious universities in Min Republic period would throw light on current university mottoes.An overall introduction of the dissertation is given in the beginning part.At first,the reason for choosing university motto for an issue of study is given including the cause of popularity of university mottoes,the representative viewpoints,the value and the objective of the study.Focus is put on the connotation and difference between the explicit motto and implicit one,the current study and its trend,the methodology and the frame.ChapterⅠis an introduction of the background concerning the political,cultural and institutional climate.The periods of republic unrest and upheaval,separatist warlord regimes,the union of the south and the north,the prewar and postwar period are explored respectively to illustrate the impact of political impact on the university mottoes of prestigious universities in Min republic period.The periods of cultural conflict between restoration of ancient ways and counter of ancient ways,the trend of westernization,the dominance of group egoism,and the re-solidification of the national spirit are explored to illustrate the cultural impact.The change of the education goal,the regulation of the education system and the influence of the university system are explored to illustrate the institutional impact.ChapterⅡis a detailed study of the creation and influence of the mottoes of the state- owned universities from the point of their origin,the creation and and their function as well as the educational ideas of the creators and so on concerning Beijing University,Zhongshan University,Qinghua University and Zhejiang University.Focus is put on the fundamental influence and the enormous contribution of the University mottoes as well as the educational ideas of the creator including Zhao Tianlin,the chancellor from Beiyang University,Sun Zhongshan,the chancellor from Guangdong University(the former Zhongshan University),Zhou Yichun and Mei Yiqi,chancellors from Qinghua University,Zhu Kezhen,the chancellor from Zhejiang University. Meanwhile,Focus is also put on the positive and far-reaching influence of the mottoes on the development of the universities,the cultural and educational development and the progress of the whole society.Therefore,the study on the university mottoes of prestigious universities in Min Republic period would throw light on current university mottoes.ChapterⅢdiscusses the influence of the motto created by Beijing University.At first,explicit motto,and implicit motto is introduced,mottoes of Qinghua University and Beiyang University are classified as explicit ones while mottoes of Beijing University is classified as implicit one.The origin and the development of Beijing University is illustrated according to different period.The spirit,tradition and connotation of the motto of Beijing University "ideological freedom and all-inclusiveness" is interpreted.The educational ideas of three famous chancellors and three important educators(Cai Yuanpei, Jiang Menglin and Hu Shi) are studied and interpreted,especially the influence and contribution of Cai Yuanpei’s educational ideas to the motto of Beiing University.It can boil down to the point that the motto play an important role in making Beijing University a cradle of "May forth Movement",a place with democratic thought,brilliant talents and national spirit.ChapterⅣis a study of the creation and influence of the mottoes of the privateowned universities from the point of their origin,the creation and their function as well as the educational ideas of the creators and so on concerning Fudan University,Xiamen University and Nankai University.Focus is put on the fundamental influence and the enormous contribution of the educational ideas of the creators including Zhao Ma Xiangbo and Li Denghui,the chancellor(principal) from Fudan University,Chen Jiagen,the creator of Xiamen University and Zhang Bolin,the creator and chancellor from Nankai University.The positive influence of the mottoes can be felt on the development of the universities,the development of culture,education,science and technology of the whole society.Therefore,the study on the private- owned universities of prestige in Min Republic period would throw light on current university mottoes and objectives.ChapterⅤis a study of the creation and influence of religious universities of prestige from the point of their origin,the creation and their function as well as the educational ideas of the creators concerning Saint John University,Yanjin University and Jinglin University.Focus is put on the influence of the educational ideas of the creators including Pu Fangji,the chancellor(principal) from Saint John University,Stuleden,the chancellor from Yanjin University,Bao Wen and Chen Yuguang,the chancellor from Jinglin University.The positive influence of the mottoes can be felt on talents cultivation,education reform,social benefit and so on.ChapterⅥdiscusses the Characteristics of the mottoes of prestigious universities from the point of its creation,value,language and context source.Some mottoes were created according to famous inscription,the master’s intention,the chancellor’s ideas and group discussion.Some are inspired by Chinese allusion,the Bible,others are created originally or a combination of eastern and western ideas.The mottoes can be classified into moral teaching,wisdom inspiring,improvement urging or truth seeking.They differ in form and language pattern so as to avoid sameness.ChapterⅦgives comment on mottoes of prestigious universities concerning their differences between a dictatorial political system and republic political system and the difference between mottoes and slogans,the relationship between mottoes and regulations in terms of educational goal,educational system and university regulations, the relationship between mottoes and campus culture from the point of thought contending,culture flourishing,culture inheritance and culture innovation.There is a tendency to seek diversity in light of history,reality and future.The motto creation is closely related to the political,cultural and institutional climate of the time.

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