

The Ideal and the Reality

【作者】 汪丞

【导师】 余子侠;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 教育史, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 在中国教育近代化的过程中,小学教师始终“数量不足、质量不高”。在这种师资状态下,加强教师任用过程管理,对提高小学教师的整体素质和工作效能,进而提高教育成效,有着十分重要的意义。中外教育发展史表明,教师任用管理制度本身的科学性及其实施成效,直接关系到教师队伍的整体水平和发展趋势。中国近代小学教师任用制度诞生于上世纪初新学制颁行之后,历经清末、民国前期、民国后期三个阶段近半个世纪的发展和演变,完成了近代化的历程。在近代中国政局动荡,财政萧条的历史背景下,国人在小学教师任用管理制度方面作出了不懈的探索,积累了很多成功的经验和惨痛的教训,值得我们深入研究。鉴于此,本文将以小学教师任用制度发展演变的三个历史时期为经,以教师任用过程的三个阶段即“入职→在职→离职”为纬,多侧面、全方位地展示小学教师任用制度的发展历程,追寻其实施成效,并探讨造成其制度理想与实施现状差距的原因,以为当前教师任用制度建设提供历史借鉴和现实参照。为此,本文将从以下几方面来开展研究:第一部分总论。导论介绍选题缘由、研究意义、研究现状、研究对象和范畴,以及研究思路和方法等。第一章梳理中国传统教育教师任用制度的发展源流,介绍中国近代小学教师任用制度的发展概况。第二部分小学教师入职管理制度。第二章追溯清末、民国前期、民国后期小学教师任职资格制度,聘任制度和职务保障制度的发展脉络及实施效果,探讨近代小学教师任用之入口管理制度理想与现实差距的原因。第三部分小学教师在职管理制度。本部分分为两章。第三章追溯近代小学教师资格检定制度、小学教师培训制度发展演变的历程及实施情况,探讨造成其制度理想与实施现状之间矛盾的因素。第四章梳理小学教师激励制度、小学教师待遇制度发展演变的历程,呈现其实施现状,探讨造成其制度理想与现实差距的原因。第四部分小学教师离职管理制度。第五章介绍近代小学教师退休制度、抚恤制度和淘汰制度的发展概况,追溯制度实施的现状,探讨制度理想与现实差距的原因。第五部分结语。探讨近代小学教师任用制度发展演变的特点;追寻近代小学教师任用制度理想与现实差距的原因;探索其对当今教师任用制度建设的启示。

【Abstract】 In the process of modernization of Chinese education,elementary teachers have been always in the state of being insufficient and low quality.Under these circumstances,it’s of great significance to strengthen the administration of teachers’ employment.In this way,the quality and the work efficiency of the elementary teachers will be greatly improved,therefore enhancing the education effect on the whole.The history of the development of education at home and abroad has shown that the scientificity and working effect of the employment system itself are closely related to the quality and the development of the whole elementary teachers.The system was born at the beginning of the last century after the establishment of the New Education System.It went through three periods,namely,the end of Qing Dynasty,the early period of the Republic of China and the late period of the Republic of China, accomplishing its journey to modernization during the half-century development and evolution.In the historical background of the unsteady political situations and financial depression in modern China,Chinese people have made great efforts to explore the employment administration system of the elementary school teachers and accumulated much experience of success and painful lessons,which are worth further studying.Because of the above mentioned,this dissertation will unfold the development of the elementary school teachers’ employment system from all perspectives with the tree historical periods being its longitude and the three employment stages:job entrance qualification,job employment and retirement being its latitude.The goal of this paper is to explore the working effects of the system and the reasons for the distance between the ideal and the reality in the process,thus offering lessons and enlightenment for the construction of the current teachers’ employment system.Therefore,this paper will do the research from the following respects.Part One:IntroductionThe introduction part consists of the following respects regarding the rationale for this study,the significance of the study,the current state of the study,the objects and areas of the study and the research methodology.Chapter One reviews the origin of the development of the employment system in Chinese traditional education,outlines the development of the elementary school teachers’ employment system in modern China and explores the framework of it.Part Two:The Employment System Regarding the Elementary School Teachers’ Job Entrance Qualification. Chapter Two traces back to the development and effects of the elementary school teachers’ qualification system,employment system and security system in late Qing Dynasty,the early period of the Republic of China and the late period of the Republic of China.It also studies the reasons for the distance between the ideal and the reality when the system is carried out.Part Three:The Elementary School Teachers’ Employment Administration SystemThis part is divided into two chapters.Chapter Three reviews the elementary school teachers’ qualification examination system and the development process of the training system.It also explores the elements resulting in the contradiction between the ideal system and the reality.Chapter Four examines the development and evolution of the elementary school teachers’ incentive system and salary system,demonstrating how they performed and analyzing why there is a difference between the ideal and the reality.Part Four:The Elementary School Teachers’ Retirement SystemChapter Five gives a general picture of the development of the elementary school teachers’ retirement system,pension system and elimination system,tracing back to the status quo of their enforcement and finding out the reasons for the great difference between the ideal system and its counterpart in reality.Part Five Concluding RemarksThis part discusses the traits and tendency of the development and evolution of the elementary school teachers’ employment system in modern China,seeks the reasons why the ideal system is quite far from the reality when it is put into practice and explores its enlightenment and significance to the construction of the today’s teachers’ employment system.

  • 【分类号】G625.1
  • 【下载频次】865