

Study on the Resource Base of Timber Industry in China

【作者】 印中华

【导师】 宋维明;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 林业经济管理, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 木材产业是中国经济体系中不可或缺的重要部分。改革开放以来,中国木材产业发展迅速,生产能力得到极大的扩张和释放。中国现已成为世界木质林产品生产和出口大国。但是,产业大国并非产业强国。长期以来,中国木材产业的发展是建立在原始性资源的大量消耗和低效利用基础上的,木材产业的发展更多的是“量”的扩张,而非“质”的提高。这种粗放型的发展方式不能提升木材产业的竞争力,无法支撑木材产业的可持续发展。在这一背景下,研究中国木材产业资源基础问题,对于构建木材产业的可持续竞争力,实现木材产业长期、快速、稳定发展具有重要意义。该文基于产业竞争力的视角,对中国木材产业资源基础问题展开系统研究。全文大致分为四个部分:木材产业资源投入与配置的现状,资源与产业发展之间的关系,资源对产业发展的贡献,资源基础转换的实现。在木材产业资源投入与配置的现状分析中,根据中国木材产业的发展状况,采取理论与实证相结合的方法,对资源禀赋的丰裕程度、资源投入的规模和资源配制的效率展开深入的研究。在原始性资源方面,分别对木材资源、劳动力资源和物质资本投入与配置的现状展开研究,得出以下结论:木材资源供给严重依赖进口;劳动力成本优势明显,但将逐步丧失;物质资本投入规模扩大,但配制效率低下。在创出性资源方面,分别对技术资源、智力资本和融资能力投入与配置的现状进行分析,发现存在以下问题:技术资源投入不足,智力资本存量低,融资能力薄弱。根据木材产业资源投入与配置的特点,通过定性与定量方法的结合,对资源与产业发展之间的关系展开系统研究。首先,研究原始性资源与木材产业之间的关系。分别对木材资源、劳动力、物质资本与产业发展的关系进行分析,从而得出结论:中国木材产业的发展仍然没有摆脱对进口材的依赖,基于劳动力比较优势的产业发展是不可持续的,物质资本受到边际收益递减规律的束缚对木材产业发展的贡献较为有限。其次,研究创出性资源与木材产业之间的关系。分别探讨技术资源、智力资本、融资能力与产业发展的关系,从而得出结论:技术资源与产业发展具有较强的相关关系,智力资本具有边际收益递增的特性,融资能力为产业发展提供金融资本的支持。因此,创出性资源的优势可以充分弥补原始性资源的劣势,成为支撑中国木材产业可持续发展的基础。在探讨资源与产业发展之间关系的基础上,研究资源对中国木材产业发展的贡献。首先,对资源贡献进行理论分析。在总结上述研究成果的基础上,从竞争力的持续性、边际收益和规模经济三个角度,扩展了资源贡献的理论依据,进一步证明了以创出性资源为主导的产业发展方式,是中国木材产业建立持久竞争优势的决定性因素。其次,对资源贡献展开系统的实证分析。利用计量经济模型,分别测算木材加工业、家具制造业和造纸及纸制品业的生产要素贡献率,揭示出:中国木材产业原始性资源的贡献率大于创出性资源的贡献率。基于此,采用数据包络分析法,对木材产业全要素生产率的变化及构成进行实证分析,得出结论:中国木材产业创出性资源发展不均衡,制约了创出性资源对产业发展协同作用的发挥。在此基础上,构建资源基础判定系数,测定中国木材产业的资源基础,认为中国木材产业处于以原始性资源为主导的产业发展阶段。根据实证结果,提出中国木材产业资源基础转换的思想,即实现以原始性资源为主导向以创出性资源为主导的产业发展方式过渡。根据资源基础转换的思想内涵,具体研究中国木材产业资源基础转换的实施方案。首先,分析了资源基础转换的路径。根据原始性资源与创出性资源的对应关系,提出了资源基础转换的六个路径,即由劳动密集型向技术密集型转换,由人力资源向智力资本转换,由物质资本向智力资本转换,由一元融资向多元融资转换,天然林材种为主向人工林材种为主转换,由规模不经济向规模经济转换。其次,探究了资源基础转换的制约因素。资源基础转换受到诸多因素的制约,该文从技术进步、智力资本培育、融资渠道多元化和产业规模化经营等方面系统地分析中国木材产业资源基础转换的制约因素,为政策体系的建立提供了依据。再次,设计支持性的政策体系。针对存在的制约因素,从技术进步与创新、智力资本的培育与积累、融资渠道的多元化和产业规模化经营等角度,系统提出相应的政策体系,以支持中国木材产业资源基础转换的实现。

【Abstract】 Timber industry is the indispensable part of Chinese economic system.Ever since reform and opening,Chinese timber industry develops rapidly with a great expansion and release of the production capacity.China has now become a big exporter and producer of harvested wood products in the world. However,the big producer does not mean a strong one.For a long period of time,Chinese timber industry is set up based on the excessive consumption and inefficient utilization of original resources. The development mode of Chinese timber industry is the expansion of "quantity",rather than the improvement of "quality".This extensive growth style does not enhance the competitiveness of the timber industry,so that it can not support the sustainable development of the timber industry.In this context,the study on Chinese timber industry resources base is of great significance for building the sustainable competitiveness of the timber industry and achieving the rapid and stable development thereof.Based on the perspective of industrial competitiveness,this paper systematically studies the resource base of Chinese timber industry.The full text roughly divides into four parts,including the current situation of the resource input and allocation,the relationship between resources and industrial development,the contribution of resources on industrial development and the implementation of resource base conversion.In the process of the analysis of the resource input and allocation in the timber industry,according to the development status of Chinese timber industry,with the combination of theoretical and empirical methods,the affluent degree of resource endowment,the scale of resource inputs and the efficiency of resource allocation are further studied.At the aspect of original resources,the input and allocation of timber resources,labor force and material capital are studied respectively,and the conclusion is drawn that the supply of timber resources is heavily dependent on imports.The cost advantage of labor force is obvious,but will be gradually lost.The investment scale of material capital expands,but the allocation efficiency is low.At the aspect of creative resources,the input and allocation of technological resources, intellectual capital and financing ability are analyzed respectively,and the following problems are found that the investment of technical resources is insufficient,and the stock of intellectual capital is low,and financing capacity is also weak.According to the features of the resource input and allocation of timber industry,through the combination of qualitative and quantitative methods,the relationship between resources and industrial development is systematically studied.First of all,the researches on the relationship between original resources and the timber industry are done.The relationships of timber resources,labor force,material capital with industrial development are analyzed separately Thus it comes to the conclusion that the development of Chinese timber industry is still not free from the dependence on imported timber.In addition,the industrial development based on the comparative advantage of labor force is not sustainable.Moreover,material capital is subjected to the law of diminishing marginal returns,so the contribution of material capital to the development of the timber industry is relatively limited.Second, the relationship between creative resources and the timber industry is studied.The relationships of technological resources,intellectual capital,financing ability with industrial development are investigated separately.Then the conclusion is made that the correlation between technological resources and industrial development is quite significant.And intellectual capital possesses the feature of increasing marginal revenue.Additionally,financing ability provides the support of financial capital for industrial development.Therefore,the advantages of creative resources can fully compensate for the disadvantages of original resources,and hence creative resources become the base to support the sustainable development of Chinese timber industry.On the basis of the discussion about the relationship between the resources and industrial development,the research is done on the contribution of resources to the development of Chinese timber industry.First of all,the contribution of resources is theoretically analyzed.Based on the summary of the above research results,in view of competitiveness sustainability,marginal revenue and scale economy,the theoretical basis of resource contribution is expanded to further prove that the development mode led by creative resources is the decisive factor for timber industry to establish a lasting competitive advantage.Second,an empirical analysis is made on the contribution of resources systematically.By means of econometric models,this paper calculates the contribution rate of production factors of wood processing industry,furniture manufacturing industry and papermaking and paper products industry separately,revealing that the contribution rate of original resources of Chinese timber industry is larger than that of creative resources.Based on this,with the adoption of data envelopment analysis method,the change and constitution of total factor productivity of the timber industry are analyzed empirically,and it comes to the conclusion that due to the imbalance development of creative resources of Chinese timber industry,the synergistic effects of creative resources on industrial development are constrained.On this basis,the determination coefficient of resource base is constructed to calculate the resource base of Chinese timber industry,and a conclusion is drawn that original resources play a leading role in the development of Chinese timber industry.According to the empirical results,the idea is put forward that the resource base of Chinese timber industry should be converted,that is,to mainly achieve the transition of the tangible resource-led development mode to the creative resource-led development mode.According to the ideological connotation of the resource base conversion,this paper makes a specific study on the implementing scheme of the basic resource conversion of Chinese wood industry.First of all,the paths of the resource base conversion are analyzed.According to the corresponding relations between original resources and creative resources,six paths of the resource base conversion are proposed,that is,from the conversion of labor intensive industry to technology intensive industry,from the conversion of human resources to intellectual capital,from the conversion of material capital to intellectual capital,from the conversion of single financing mode to multiple financing mode,from the conversion of timber supply dominated by natural forests to timber supply dominated by plantation forests,from the conversion of scale diseconomy to scale economy.Second,the restrictive factors of the basic resource conversion are studied.The conversion of resource base is restricted by many factors.From the aspects of technological progress,intellectual capital cultivation,financing channel diversification and industrial scale operation,this paper systematically analyzes the restrictive factors of the basic resource conversion of Chinese timber industry to provide the basis for the establishment of the policy system. Third,the supportive policy system is designed.In view of the restrictive factors,from the aspects of technological progress and innovation,intellectual capital cultivation and accumulation,financing channel diversification and industrial scale operation,the corresponding policy system is systematically proposed to support the implementation of the resource base conversion of Chinese timber industry.

  • 【分类号】F426.88;F224
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】662
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