

Study on the Financial Support System of Forestry in China

【作者】 秦涛

【导师】 田治威; 潘焕学;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 林业经济管理, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 在现代市场经济条件下,金融已经成为经济的核心,决定着经济发展的速度和效率,当金融因素的作用受到限制时,经济增长必然遭遇资本投资不足和金融资源低效配置的约束。以市场化为导向的林业产业化发展,要求广泛而有效率的信用活动和金融运行,以保障持续增加的资本投入和会融资源的有效配置。毫无疑问,我国现阶段林业仍具有显著“产融弱质性”,面临严峻的资本形成不足、发展资金短缺的困境。林业资本形成缺口必然导致出现林业投资缺口,从而对生态建设和林业产业发展形成严重制约,这必然形成对我国林业可持续协调发展的严重制约。因此,迫切需要在公共财政经常性账户纳入预算和已有稳定来源的资金支持之外,制定新的特殊政策,允许从全社会范围合理并适度地筹措资金,拓宽林业投融资渠道,提高林业金融资源配置效率,以满足林业建设的需要。林业金融支持正是为弥补林业资本形成不足造成严重资金缺口而出现的一种创新制度安排,林业金融运行的核心集中于林业金融资源配置及其效率实现,林业金融资源配置是由其金融制度、体系、治理、运行机制等共同决定的过程,效率取决于制度供给的完备性和有效率的传导。林业金融支持基本职能在于实现对林业金融的动员和配置,林业投资风险规避与防范,以保证林业资本的顺畅循环、周转和有效流动,满足林业产业发展日益增强的资金需求,林业金融支持理应成为推进我国林业可持续协调发展的战略性机制和重要途径。本文借鉴产业经济学、金融经济学、信息经济学等理论的合理因素,从我国林业产业化发展的金融基础、产融互动和林业金融资源效率等多个角度,论述了我国林业产业化发展进程中金融支持内在机理,并基于金融战略视角,从林业资本形成、投资效率、会融运行三个维度进行分析,通过构建“林业资本形成缺口模型”梳理林业产业发展进程中金融支持的内生逻辑和现实依据,为林业金融支持框架构建提供了理论依据。提出了林业金融支持制度安排的合理性以及体制的完善能够提供林业发展所需要的金融资源集聚与配置机制,通过以财政性融资、政策性融资和商业性融资所构成的三维空间支持体系奠定了我国林业金融支持体系的基础平台。在林业金融支持理论框架的基础上,分别从金融需求和供给角度对林业融资需求和引资能力进行分析。首先,对我国林业信贷融资需求状况进行实证分析,并基于信贷供给理论探讨林业面临信贷约束和融资困境的本质原因,提出利用抵押品替代和扩展机制,以及通过建立林业金融服务体系来缓解林业信贷融资困境。其次,通过对商品林投资收益率和投资风险水平进行评价,分析林业政策以及不同因素对投资收益和风险的影响程度,进而认识在现有的政策条件还无法改变商品林投资收益率低、投资风险大的基本状况,对商品林投资还不能产生足够的激励,提出通过推进林业产业化经营、建立林业金融工具创新机制、完善林业风险防范管理体系和健全林业产业政策体系来解决林业资本形成不足,林业产业“吸融力”不强的困境。第三,分别就抵押品替代和扩展机制三种应用模式、林业金融工具创新机制以及林业风险管理体系构建进行论述。随着林业产业化水平的不断提高,建立和健全林业金融支持体系及其高效率的金融制度,日益成为我国林业产业化发展的关键所在。林业金融支持不仅仅具有经济职能,同时具有鲜明的社会功能和政策取向。林业金融支持必须坚持促进林业生态体系和产业体系协调发展的总体思路,通过“制度建设和体制创新”,以市场化为导向,从完善林业金融支持体系制度供给、优化林业金融支持供给结构、制定并协调林业财政与金融协调发展机制等方面进行深化,从而促进金融支持林业发展的力度和效应,增强我国林业产业发展的综合能力与比较利益。

【Abstract】 Under the circumstance of modern marketing,finance has become the core of the economy which determines the speed and efficiency of the development of the economy.The growth of economic will inevitably be restricted by capital investment insufficience and financial resources allocation inefficency if the basic functions of financial factors were restrained.The market oriented development of forest industry in China requires extensive and effective running of credit activities and financial operation which ensure the sustainable increase of capital investment and the effective allocation of financial resources.In no doubt,currently,forest industry in China appears the nature of apparent weakness in producing and financing therefore suffering from severe capital formation insufficience and development funds shortage.The shortage of forest capital will result in the shortage of investment in forest industry and will seriously restrict the ecological construction and sustainable development of forestry industry in China.Therefore,in addition to capital support from the public financial budget and stable income,it is very necessary to develop new special policy to allow reasonable fund raising from the society,to widen the investment channel and to improve the configuration efficiency of financial resources to meet the demand of the forestry development.Forestry finance support is exactly a new system which aims to make up for the serious capital shortage.The core function is the achievement of forestry capital configuration and efficiency.The configuration of forestry finance is a process which is jointly decided by its financial system,management,operational mechanism.Efficiency is decided by the completion of system supply and efficient distribution.The basic function of forestry financial support is to achieve the allocation and configuration of forestry finance,investment risk prevention so as to meet the increasing capital demand of the forestry development.Forestry financial support should become the strategic mechanism and important channel of sustainable development of forestry industry in China.In this paper,the internal logics and actual basis of financial support in the process of forestry development are discussed,which are inspired by the reasonable factors of the industry economics,finance economics and information economics.This paper also analyzes in three aspects of capital formation,investment efficiency and financial operation to provide theory evidence for the financial support frame for forestry industry through the construction of "forestry caption formation shortage model".This article points out the reasonableness of financial support system arrangement and the completion of system will provide the financial resources allocation and configuration mechanism which is needed by the development of forestry development.A basic supporting platform is therefore formed through the development of budget financing,policy financial and commercial financing.In the framework of forestry financial support,this paper analyzes financing demand and financing ability of the forest industry in the angle of financial supply and demand.Firstly,this paper analyzes the current financing demand of forestry in China and suggests the introduction of mortgage and extension mechanism and the development forest financing service system to ease the difficult financial situation of the forest industry.Secondly,by evaluation on the commodity forest revenue and profit rate,this paper analyzes the impact of forestry policies and other factors on investment profit and risks with the conclusion that the current policies are not able to change the basic situation of low profit and high risks in commodity forest investment and will not encourage more investment on commodity forest.This paper suggests to promote industrialization operation of forest industry,and to develop new forest financial mechanism with the hope to complete the forest risk prevention system and forest industry policy system.In addition,combined with building the support system of forestry financial,financial instruments innovation system of forestry,forestry risk management system and forestry income security system,to address the problem of the shortage of capital formation and development funds in forestry.Thirdly,this paper also analyzes the development of mortgage substitution and extension mechanism,forest financial instrument and risk prevention management system.With the increased industrialization of forest industry in China,it becomes increasingly important to develop and complete the forest financial support system and high efficiency financial system.Forest financial support not only has economic function,but also has apparent society function and policy direction.The forest financial support should follow the general direction of promoting forest ecological system and industry coordinated development through "system construction and renovation".It is necessary to complete the forest financial support system supply,to improve the forest financial support supply structure,to develop and coordinate the forest financial development system so as to promote the development financial support of the forest industry and to increase the comprehensive development ability of Chinese forest industry.

  • 【分类号】F832.4;F326.2
  • 【被引频次】29
  • 【下载频次】2321
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