

Evaluation Study of the Urban Forest & Housing System

【作者】 王泽福

【导师】 党凤兰; 宋维明;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 林业经济管理, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 在我国工业化和城市化全面提速的大背景下,城市人居环境生态化建设的紧迫性日益凸现。西方发达国家城市发展的经验表明,城市林业与房地产复合生态经营系统(以下简称城市林房系统)是城市人居环境生态化建设的主要途径和模式。目前推动城市林房系统发展的关键在于积极展开对系统的评价。通过评价使得人们能够更加科学地了解系统巨大的效益,从而产生投入和建设的动力。因此,城市林房系统评价研究的意义十分重大。该论文在深入分析城市林房系统的概念、基本原理、目标特征的基础上,详细地研究了城市林房系统配置的原则、方法和评价标准,为城市林房系统科学评价奠定了基础。该论文的主体部分,总结和吸收了他人在该领域和相关领域零新、片面的研究成果,依据生态产品及服务评价的相关理论,尤其是尝试将环评理论的部分评价方法结合城市林房系统的特点,吸收、系统归纳并运用于城市林房系统的评价方法之中,首次建立起了一整套适应城市林房系统特点和需要的评价指标体系和方法体系,初步构建起了城市林房系统经济效益、生态效益、社会效益和综合效益评价的理论体系,为城市林房系统计量评价研究提供了更为系统的理论支撑和具体的解决方案。另外,还在城市林房系统社会效益评价中首次创造性地提出并运用“压力——责任——公平”评价理论,突破了传统生态服务的社会效益评价的基本方法。在探索理论体系的同时,还通过北京珠江绿洲林房系统(以下简称珠江绿洲林房系统)案例研究来对建立起来的解决方案加以诠释,通过对该系统经济效益、生态效益、社会效益和综合效益的计算和计量评价,得出了珠江绿洲林房系统林房复合经营比单一经营产生了更大效益的结论。论文最后还对本研究中存在的不足和今后如何进一步完善城市林房系统评价研究进行了分析,并对今后城市林房系统评价研究发展的主要方向进行了展望,从而使研究更具有系统性。

【Abstract】 In our country industrialization and under the urbanized comprehensive increased speed’s background,the city slicker occupies the environment ecology construction the pressing to relief day by day.The western developed country urban development’s experience indicated that the urban forestry and the real estate compound ecology management system(hereafter refers to as urban forest & housing system) is the city slicker occupies the environment ecology construction the main way and the pattern.At present promotes the urban forest & housing system development the key to lie in launches positively to the system the appraisal.Causes the people through the appraisal systematically and understands the system huge benefit scientifically,thus produces the power which invests and constructs.Therefore,the urban forest & housing system assessment research’s significance is very significant.This is the paper first chapter of elaboration key point;The present paper’s second chapter in the thorough analysis urban forest & housing system concept,the basic principle,in target characteristic’s foundation, has studied the urban forest & housing system disposition principle,the method and the evaluation criteria in detail,has laid the foundation for the urban forest & housing system science appraisal. The paper in third,fourth,fifth,sixth chapters is also the present paper main body part, summarized and has absorbed other people in this domain and related domain zero new,the one-sided research results,the basis ecology product and the service appraisal correlation theories, In particular,are trying to part of the theory of EIA evaluation method combining urban forest & housing system characteristics,the absorption,the system summed up and applied to city-lam Housing systematic evaluation of methods of,established the one whole set to adapt the evaluating indicator system which and the method system the urban forest & housing system characteristic and needed,constructed the urban forest room system economic efficiency,the ecological benefit, the social efficiency and the combined earnings appraisal system info initially,has provided system’s theory support and the concrete solution for the urban forest & housing system,In addition,the urban forest & housing system was first put forward in a creative manner and make use of "stress --- duty --- fair" evaluation theory,a breakthrough of traditional ecological services of the basic method of social evaluation of measurement evaluation study.During exploration system info’s,but also through Beijing ZhuJiang LvZhou urban forest & housing system(hereafter refers to as ZhuJiang LvZhou urban forest & housing system)the case study to the solution which establishes to annotate,through to this system economic efficiency,the ecological benefit,the social efficiency and combined earnings’s computation and the measurement appraisal,obtained the ZhuJiang LvZhou urban forest & housing system compound management to have the bigger benefit conclusion compared to the single-crop farming.How will the paper further consummate finally also the urban forest & housing system assessment research to the present to carry on the analysis,and has carried on the forecast to the urban forest & housing system assessment research development’s main direction.

  • 【分类号】F293.3;F326.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】453
  • 攻读期成果