

The Study of Rural Practical Talents Development Based on Farmers’ Behavior

【作者】 张海涛

【导师】 金彦平;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 农林经济管理, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 改革开放三十年来,我国经济高速增长,经济总量迅速扩大,在世界经济中的地位日益上升,我国已经成为全球最活跃的经济体之一。但是,在我国经济社会发展取得巨大成就的同时,我们也要清醒地看到,我国在改革和发展的过程中还面临一系列严重的问题,这主要表现在城乡差距不断扩大:农村经济社会发展滞后;资源环境危机日益凸现;农村劳动力就业困难以及农民增收缓慢等方面,这些问题能否得到有效处理将直接影响到我国国民经济与社会的可持续发展,导致以上问题产生的原因是多方面的,在众多因素中,笔者认为,以上问题的产生无不与农村实用人才的短缺密切相关,就其解决的出路,也将离不开农村实用人才的开发与积累。农村实用人才是指在农村地区具有较高的知识和技能、为本地区经济和社会发展所需要并能做出较大贡献、能够起到示范带动作用的农村劳动者。随着经济社会的不断发展,农村实用人才开发问题已经受到越来越多的关注和重视。2003年召开的全国人才工作会议上,首次将农村实用人才纳入人才工作的范畴,农村实用人才作为我国人才队伍的重要补充被单独提出。此后,各地和各有关部门也纷纷开始对农村实用人才队伍建设进行研究、规划和开发,并出台了一系列相应的扶持农村实用人才成长和发挥作用的政策、措施,以促进农村实用人才快速成长。然而,虽然政府和相关职能部门加强了对农村实用人才的开发,但开发效果却不甚理想。大量的研究和实践表明,农民缺乏参与农村实用人才开发的热情、农民参与农村实用人才开发的积极性不高,是制约农村实用人才开发的进程、影响农村实用人才开发效果的重要原因。农业部《农村实用人才队伍建设战略研究》课题组2005年对全国31个省市农村实用人才开发状况进行了抽样调查,调查结果表明:虽然农民对通过提高自身技能而提高收入的意愿很强,但多数农民参与农村实用人才具体开发培训活动的积极性不高,这一方面增加了农村实用人才开发培训活动组织的难度,另一方面也影响了培训效果,制约了农村实用人才的培养和形成。是哪些因素影响了农民参与农村实用人才开发的行为?在农村实用人才开发过程中该如何考虑这些因素的影响,才能有效推进农村实用人才开发进程、提高开发效果?在此背景下,在分析研究农民参与农村实用人才开发行为的影响因素的基础上,从农民参与农村实用人才开发行为形成机制的角度出发对如何加强农村实用人才开发、提高开发效果进行研究无疑具有非常重要的理论和现实意义。本研究综合运用农业经济学、人力资源管理学、个体行为学、组织行为学、社会心理学和技术经济学的基本原理,采用定性分析与定量分析相结合的方法、全面分析与问卷调查相结合的方法、实证分析和规范分析相结合的方法等多种研究方法,从研究农民参与农村实用人才开发的行为入手,系统研究农民参与农村实用人才开发行为的影响因素以及农民参与农村实用人才开发的行为形成机制,并在此基础上对如何加强农村实用人才开发进行研究。本研究的研究内容包括八个部分:第一部分是绪论部分,主要论述本研究的研究背景、研究目的和意义、研究对象、研究思路、研究内容、研究方法等内容;第二部分是相关文献的文献综述部分,主要对国内外有关农民行为理论、人力资本理论以及有关农村实用人才开发的相关研究成果进行综述;第三部分是农村实用人才开发和农村发展的关系研究,通过对农村实用人才开发和农村发展的关系进行相关性研究和描述性分析,凸显农村实用人才开发研究的重要性;第四部分是我国农村实用人才开发的概况。在对农村实用人才开发进行现状研究的基础上,分析研究农村实用人才开发过程中存在的问题,产生问题的原因,所面临的机会与挑战等,从宏观上把握我国农村实用人才开发的概况,以凸显从农民参与农村实用人才开发行为的角度进行农村实用人才开发研究的必要性;第五部分引入行为学和心理学的研究方法,吸收国内外行为学已有的相关研究成果,构建农民参与农村实用人才开发行为研究的理论模型;第六部分通过运用spss11.5分析软件对调查数据进行统计运算,实证研究农民参与农村实用人才开发的行为,揭示出农民参与农村实用人才开发行为的形成机制;第七部分在农民参与农村实用人才开发行为实证研究的基础上,综合考虑影响农民参与农村实用人才开发行为的各种因素,结合农村实用人才开发现状,对如何加强我国农村实用人才开发进行研究并提出相应的观点。第八部分对本研究的研究结论进行梳理与总结,指出研究的创新以及尚需进一步研究的内容,并提出相应的政策建议。

【Abstract】 Since the ’opening policy’,China is becoming one of the most active economic entities along with the high growth of economy,rapid expansion of economic amount and rising day by day of the economic position in the word.At the same time,a series of serious issues are faced in the course of reformation and development in China,such as unceasing enlargement of difference between urban and rural area,sluggish social-economic development in rural area,highlight of resources and environment crisis,underemployment of the rural labor and slow increasing of farmers’ income,etc... These issues will affect the sustainable social-economic development in China.The reasons for those issues is different,one main is closely connected with the shortage of the rural practical talents.To solve those issues will depend on the development and accumulation of rural practical talents.Rural practical talent is the rural labor who has the higher knowledge and technical ability,made the greater contribution and the greater demonstration for local social-economic development.The development of rural practical talents is paid more and more attention along with the social-economic development.The rural practical talents was firstly bring into the field of talents and has been put alone as the important supplement of talent troop in the national talent conference opened in 2003. After 2003,the research,planning and development for rural practical talents are beginning one after another in all parts of China and in different sectors,and a series of policies and measures of supporting rural practical talents growth and playing the positive role are made a public appearance to promote the rural practical talents development rapidly.In practice,although government and sectors enhanced the rural practical talents development, the development effect is little and the farmers’ enthusiasm to participate in the rural practical talents development is low.Which are the main factors to influence the farmers’ action to participate in the rural practical talents development and training? How to consider the influence of these factors to heighten the development effect? Under this background,to research the participate in the rural practical talents development based on farmers’ action has the great theory and reality meaning from the angle of farmers’ action mechanism to participate in the rural practical talents development.In the paper,the influencing factors and formation mechanism of farmer’ action to participate in the rural practical talents development was studied from the angle of farmer’ action,based on the basic theories of agricultural economics,labor resource management,individual behavior,social psychology and technical economics,and by used the various methods including combination of quantitative and qualitative analysis,combination of statistics and example survey.This paper includes 8 parts,which are:First part is introduction.The research background,purpose and meaning,research object, research thought,research content,research methods,and so on was simply introduced.The second part is the summarization of relative literatures,including summarization of the farmer’s behavior theory,labor capital theory and relative research results about the rural practical talents development in home and abroad.The third part is interrelation research between the rural practical talents development and the rural development.The forth part is the generalized research about the rural practical talents development.In the fifth part,behavior theory and psychology was absorbed to construct the theoretical models about the rural practical talents development based on farmers’ action. In sixth part,the software of SPSS was used to count and calculate the survey data for exampled research of farmers’ action participate in the rural practical talents development and reveal the formation mechanism of the farmers’ action.In seventh part,the viewpoints of how to enhance the rural practical talents development in China was researched and put forward.The eighth part is the conclusion and summarization of this paper,and the relative policy suggestions was put forward.

  • 【分类号】F323.6;F224
  • 【被引频次】14
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