

Study of Wetland Ecosystem Protection and Management Policies in Beijing

【作者】 张元

【导师】 刘俊昌; 温亚利;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 林业经济管理, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 北京湿地及其资源具有巨大的生态系统服务功能,在维持北京自然生态系统平衡、维护城市生态安全方面发挥着及其重要的作用。然而随着全球气候变化以及人口的急剧增加,北京的湿地面积急剧减少,湿地生态系统已遭受严重污染,其生态系统服务功能大幅降低。为了达到扭转北京地区当前严重而紧迫的湿地退化现状、缓解天然湿地面积下降的问题、保持北京地区湿地生态系统健康和完整的目的,实现《北京市湿地保护行动计划》制定的总体目标和战略目标,本文以北京湿地生态系统退化成因分析为切入点,采用文献调研、生态系统方法以及对比分析等方法对北京湿地生态系统服务功能的价值、湿地保护的管理体制、湿地保护与管理的立法内容、伦理意识以及北京湿地保护与管理的对策等内容进行了研究,研究结果表明:1.北京湿地生态系统的面积及质量正在受到严重的损害,生态系统功能减弱、生态安全风险程度正在加大。2.北京湿地退化主要是由于气温升高、降水量减少等自然因素、湿地生态服务功能的经济属性造成的湿地保护与管理中市场和政府失灵等经济因素以及人口增加、城市化进程加快和土地利用变化等社会因素造成的。3.北京湿地生态系统服务功能具有重要的经济价值,其支持、调节、文化、产品四类核心功能总价值达1000亿元人民币。4.近10年北京湿地生态系统服务功能价值成退化的趋势,北京湿地生态系统的外部干扰已经超出了系统自动适应和调控能力的阈值范围。5.目前北京湿地保护与管理体制存在着湿地管理部门责权不对应、管理机构不健全、缺乏有效的保护管理措施、协作和监督机制不健全等问题,急需完善和优化。6.国家环境保护政策的要求、地方政府部门的要求、现行政策和法律基础以及社会和公民意识的研究说明,现阶段制定北京湿地保护专门法规不仅必要而且已经具备了充分可行的条件。7.树立正确的生态伦理观对防治北京湿地退化具有重要的意义。8.北京湿地生态系统保护与管理可以通过以下措施来实现:(1)加强北京湿地生态系统服务功能价值评估的准确性和全面性(2)优化和完善北京湿地保护的管理体制(3)提出培养北京湿地管理伦理意识的措施(4)构建北京湿地保护与管理立法体系(5)加强湿地自然保护区建设(6)合理开发利用湿地资源

【Abstract】 Wetland ecosystem and resources in Beijing have huge service function,and are very important in maintain balance of ecosystem and urban ecological security.Because of change of globe climate and increasing of population,area of Beijing wetlands is decreasing sharply,and water is polluted heavily.Service function of wetland ecosystem is degrading by a large margin. The objective of this study is change the state that wetland ecosystem has degreaded in Beijing, and abate decrease of the area of natural wetland,maintain health and integrity for wetland ecosystem in Beijing,and achieve the goals along with<The Beijing Action Plan for Wetland Protection.Analyse for the cause of the wetland ecosystem degreaded in Beijing,which are the basis and starting point for this study.Literature Research,Ecosystem Approach,Analytic Hi-erarchy Process are adopted in this study.The main focus of this study is to the value assessment of wetland ecosystem service function in Beijing,economic analysis of degeneration reason of wetland ecosystem in Beijing,study on regime of wetland ecosystem management in Beijing,study on legislation supporting system of wetland ecosystem management,study on ethical supporting system of wetland ecosystem management and study on countermeasure of wetland ecosystem protection and management.The main results are as following:1.The area and quality of Beijing wetland ecosystem are suffering from serious damage, and wetland ecosystem functions are weaken in Beijing,the risk degreed for ecosystem safe is inceaseing.2.Because of temperature rising,precipitation decreasing,market and government failure, population increasing and land use changing,wetland ecosystems have degreaded in Beijing.3.Wetland has lots of important service function,like production supply,regulation function, cultural function and supporting function,which are valued¥100 billions.4.The value of wetland ecosystem service function is decreasing in Beijing.Disturbance has overed the capacity that wetland ecosystem can support nearby ten years. 5.At preaset,it is necessary that perfect and optimize the management system in Beijing because there are the problems,which the responsibility can not consistant with the benefit, management institution is not right,management measure is lacking in wetland management sector Beijing.6.It is necessary and feasible those establish the special rule of law for wetland in Beijing bases on the study on the requirement for national environmental protect policys and government sector,standing policys and law basis and citizen awareness.7.Tt is importment that set corrective ethic view.8.Beijing wetland ecosystem protection and sustainable management may be implemented by the follow measures:(1) Value assessment of wetland ecosystem service function should be more exact and comprehensive.(2) Regime of wetland protection should be optimized.(3) Legislation system of wetland protection and management should be established.(4) Ethnics system of wetland ecosystem management should be established.(5) Capability of wetland ecological water use should be enhanced.(6) Establishment of wetland nature reserves should be enhanced.(7) Wetland resources should be used wisely.(8) Science research of wetland should be developed deeply.
