

Study on Distribution of Water, Nutrient and Light in Two Types Agroforestry Systems in Hilly Region of Taihang Mountain

【作者】 高峻

【导师】 吴斌; 孟平;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 复合农林学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本研究以太行山低山丘陵区杏-丹参、杏-苜蓿复合模式为例,在对杏-丹参、杏-苜蓿这两种复合系统中光照强度分布及其对丹参和苜蓿光合和蒸腾速率影响、杏树蒸腾耗水、土壤水分时空分布以及土壤养分、植物养分分布和循环特征研究的基础上,探讨了杏-丹参、杏-苜蓿复合模式中光照、水分和养分的分布特征,旨在为该区果牧、果药农林复合模式可持续经营配套技术的完善提供科学的理论依据。获得的主要结论如下:(1)与单一杏树模式相比,杏-丹参、杏-苜蓿复合模式对杏树的干周长、新梢生长以及杏果产量影响不大。相比单一种植方式,复合模式中的苜蓿和丹参株高降低,根系直径、地上部和地下部的干生物量均减少;降低的程度具有空间变化特征,杏树密度越小、间作物距离树行越近,降低的程度越大。(2)光照强度在杏树行间的分布具有时空变化特征。在水平方向上,日平均光照强度从树行中间向距离树行近处递减,杏树行间距越小日平均光照强度越低,3m×4m模式行中间日平均光强比3m×8m模式降低14.4%;树行东侧的光照强度日内最大值出现的时间比行西侧时间早,且日光照强度峰值高。光能在杏树行间的分布影响间作物苜蓿和丹参叶片的光合和蒸腾速率,光照强度越低,叶片光合和蒸腾速率越低。(3)在单一杏树模式和杏-丹参、杏-苜蓿复合模式中杏树的蒸腾耗水量无差异,杏树的蒸腾耗水速率存在明显的昼夜和季节变化规律,蒸腾耗水量主要受天气变化的影响,但间作于复合模式中的丹参和苜蓿蒸腾耗水量相比单作丹参和苜蓿均分别减少。其中,2005年和2006年丹参全生育期蒸腾耗水量分别减少13.1%和11.2%;苜蓿分别减少12.21%和12.34%。(4)单一杏树模式和杏-丹参、杏-苜蓿复合模式中土壤剖面含水量具有空间变化特征,且变化趋势一致,但复合模式的土壤剖面含水量变化梯度相对较小。从土壤水分水平方向变化看,在0-60cm土层内土壤剖面含水量从行中间向距离树行越近处递减;从土壤水分垂直方向变化来看,距离树行越近土壤含水量在垂直方向上变化越活跃,上层含水量较高,下层含水量较低。(5)单一杏园间作丹参和苜蓿后可改善土壤物理性质,改善的程度具有空间特征。在垂直方向上,间作丹参对20-40cm土层、间作苜蓿对0-40cm土层土壤容重、稳定入渗率和总空隙度的改善较为明显;在水平方向上,改善的程度从行中间向距离树行越近处递减。(6)土壤N、P、K、有机质等养分含量具有空间分布特征,其中,在水平方向上全N、全P、全K和速效N、速效P、速效K含量从行中间向距离树行越近处递减,而行中间有机质含量比树行近侧位置低;在垂直方向上,全N、全P、全K、有机质和速效P、速效含量随着土层深度的增加而减少,速效N在20-40cm土层含量较高。(7)从初步研究结果来看,复合模式对杏树的生长产生的影响不大,同时间作后可改善土壤水分和土壤养分状况。因此,从合理利用资源的角度而言,在该地区适度发展果草、果药复合模式是可行的。但需要制定相应的管理技术措施促进间作物的生长,如减少对间作物遮荫的乔木修剪技术、雨季土壤水分保蓄、开沟断根结合肥料深施技术等,以提高复合模式的生产力,实现该区复合模式的可持续经营。

【Abstract】 This research analyzed the light intensity distribution and its influence on photosynthesis and transpiration of inter-crop leaf,transpiration of trees,soil water distribution,soil nutrients distribution and changes of plant nutrients in apricot-salvia and apricot-alfalfa agroforestry systems in hilly region of Taihang Mountain.This study provided scientific theoretical basis of agroforestry systems for the sustainable management in order to improve management in this area.The main results are as follows:(1)Compared with monoculture systems,there is a little effect on the stock circumference,new branches and yield of apricot in apricot-salvia and apricot-alfalfa intercropping system,however,the height,root diameter and biomass of alfalfa and Salvia miltiorrhiza reduced in intercropping system.The smaller of the density of apricot and the closer of the distance between the crop the tree lines is,the greater of the degree low.(2)The light intensity had characteristics of temporal and spatial variation.In the horizontal direction, for the daily average light intensity was descending from the middle of the tree line to the close lines, that the lower of daily average light intensity;and the smaller of spacing,and the lower of daily average light intensity,for example,the average of daily light intensity of 3m×4m system was 14.4 percent lower than 3m×8m system.Furthermore,the light intensity of the east of trees was reach peak earlier than the west.Also,the distraction of light influence the photosynthesis and transpiration rate of the canopy of alfalfa and Salvia,the lower of the intensity of light,the smaller of the photosynthesis and transpiration rate.(3) Compared with monoculture systems,there is a little effect on the transpiration of apricot in agroforestry systems.For the impact of changes in the weather,rate of transpiration of apricot changed diurnally and seasonally.However,the water compound of salvia and alfalfa reduced under the intercropping pattern compared with single systems of salvia or alfalfa.In 2005 and 2006,water compound of salvia decreased about 13.1%and 11.2%in the whole growing stage,which did of alfalfa about 12.21%and 12.34%,Respectively.(4) The tendency of soil water contents within 0~60cm soil layer of the single and agroforestry system is similar with the same spatial changes characteristics.But the grads change of soil water contents in agroforestry system is smaller than in monoculture systems and the soil water content is comparatively steady in profile.From the direction of changes in soil moisture levels,water content of the 0-60cm soil layer in the soil profile attained maximum in the middle line and weakened when there is a distance from middle;from changes of soil moisture in the vertical direction,when the closer of the distance from recent tree line in the direction,the more active of changes in vertical soil moisture.The water content is higher in the upper.(5)The soil physical properties improved in agroforestry systems after intercropped salvia and alfalfa 2 years,with the soil bulk density decreased the stability of infiltration rate and total porosity increased.In vertical direction,the intercropping Salvia would improve the soil bulk density,stability,infiltration rate and total porosity of 20-40cm layer obvious,as well as intercropping alfalfa would influence 0-40cm layer;in the horizontal direction,the degree of improvement descending from the middle line to the close from the tree line.(6)There were distribution characteristics of spatial variation for N,P,K,and organic matter of soil.In the horizontal,total N,total P,total K and available N,available P,available K reached maximum in the middle but decreased when there was a little distance between the tree zone and middle zone,but organic matter content was lowest of the middle zone;in the vertical direction,total N,total P,the total K,organic matter and available P,available content was reduced with increasing soil depth,quick N reached peak in the 20-40cm of soil layer.(7)From the preliminary findings of the study,there was a little impact on apricot under the agroforestry systems,while intercropping can improve soil moisture and soil nutrients.Therefore,for using of resources rationally,developing fruit-grass,fruit-medicines intercropping systems appropriately in this region is feasible.However,it need develop appropriate management techniques in order to promote the growth of inter-crops,such as reducing pruning the shade of trees of inter-crops,ensuring soil moisture security during the rainy season,combing trenching and cutting root with fertilizer,to enhance the productivity of complex models,to achieve sustainable management of agroforestry systems in this area.

  • 【分类号】S718
  • 【被引频次】5
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