

Study on Management Technology and Models for Pinus Massoniana Resin Stands in Guangxi

【作者】 谢善高

【导师】 郑小贤;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 森林经理学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 广西马尾松采脂林经营以及松脂产业发展具有较强的优势,但是也存在不少的困难和问题。在这样的背景下,开展马尾松采脂林综合经营技术及其产业化模式研究,为马尾松定向培育和采脂林可持续经营提供理论依据和技术支持,主要研究成果如下:1、采脂对马尾松林分生长有一定抑制作用。采用40%和50%割面负荷率分别对15a、20a和25a生马尾松林分进行采脂,与非采脂林分相比,采脂林分胸径年平均生长量下降14.9%~41.3%,树高年平均生长量下降7.5%~18.9%,材积年平均生长量下降12.3%~36.2%;各林龄林分胸径和材积年平均生长量以及中龄林的树高年平均生长量下降幅度均随着割面负荷率增大而增大,但近成熟龄林分的树高生长量下降幅度不明显。2、气温是影响马尾松产脂量的主要气象因子,马尾松产脂量随气温变化规律十分明显,一般情况下,马尾松产脂量随着气温的升高而增加。降雨量和日照时数对马尾松产脂量影响没有气温影响那样明显,但保证一定的降雨量可有效地提高马尾松林内相对温度,降低松脂凝固速度,有利于提高松脂流动速度达到增产目的;在降雨量基本一致的前提下,日照时数增加有利于提高松脂产量。3、胸径是影响马尾松采脂林产脂量重要测树因子,产脂量随着胸径的增大而增大;不同林龄的林分,胸径对产脂量影响程度不同。树高对马尾松采脂林产脂量的影响没有胸径影响那样明显,其对产脂量影响间接体现在冠高比这个冈子上,同一林龄林分,产脂量随着冠高比增加而增大。林木冠幅和树冠面积对产脂量影响明显,产脂量往往随着冠幅和树冠面积的增大而增大。影响马尾松采脂林产脂量的测树因子不是单一的,而是综合作用的结果,胸径和冠高比互补效应影响产脂量的规律明显。4、施肥对成过熟龄马尾松低产脂林分产脂量提高作用不大,而对近成熟龄马尾松低产脂林的产脂量增产效果显著。另外,研究发现施肥有利于对遭受马尾松松毛虫危害而形成的低产脂林分恢复生长,适当增加N素,更有利于马尾松针叶恢复生长,从而增强光合作用,提高泌脂能力。5、林分密度是影响马尾松产脂量的重要因素。林分单位面积产脂量开始是随着密度增大而增加,产脂量达到最大值后,随着密度的增大而减少;年平均单株产脂量随着密度的增大而减少。在松脂主产区,成熟龄的马尾松采脂林保留600株/hm~2~700株/hm~2的经营密度,林分单位面积产脂量高且经营经济效益好。6、割面负荷率对马尾松采脂林产脂量影响差异显著,同一林龄和同一密度下,林分单位面积产脂量随着割面负荷率的增大而增加;随着林龄增大,割面负荷率对产脂量影响程度逐渐减少。采割间隔期越短,越有利于松脂分泌,同一林龄和同一林分密度下,林分单位面积产脂量随着采割间隔期的增大而减少;随着林龄增大,采割间隔期对产脂量影响程度逐步减少。中龄林采用40%割面负荷率隔天割,近、成熟林采用50%割面负荷率隔天割的采脂方法,不但可以降低采脂劳动强度,获得较好的经济效益,而且可以节约林木割面,延长采脂经营年限。7、利用马尾松林木胸径预测不同采脂方法的产脂量取得满意效果。采用幂函数模型和s型曲线模型,可获得预测较高精度。首次利用上述模型编制出松脂主产区桂东南马尾松采脂林6种不同采脂方法的单株单刀产脂量收获表。8、40a生马尾松采脂林,在一定经营期内无论从静态或动态上看,林分经营收益都是随着采脂年限增加而增大。40a生马尾松林分经营采脂16a与同龄非采脂林分相比,采脂林分的静态经营净收益比非采脂林分增加47.6%,采脂林分的内部收益率比非采脂林分增加1.16个百分点。9、针对广西实际首次提出广西马尾松采脂林产业化发展的四种模式:林脂完全一体化、林脂部分一体化、林脂雉形一体化和林脂准一体化。上述模式运营后具有广阔前景:有利于抑制松脂原料市场供应无序竞争局面,并可有计划、有目的地科学采脂,集约经营和定向培育;有利于建立松脂产业新型利益分配机制;有利于松脂加工企业降低原料市场交易成本。这对于推进广西马尾松采脂林可持续经营和松脂产业可持续发展意义重大。

【Abstract】 It can be said that the operation of resin-tapping p.massoniana forest and resin industry have relatively strong advantages and potential for development in Guangxi.On the other hand,there is also a lot of difficulties and problems.Under such circumstance,how to run the resin-tapping p.massoniana forest properly and how to promote the sustainable development of resin industry in Guangxi is an urgent and important issue to be solved.The study provides a theoretical basis and technical support mining methods and technology for a direction to forest p.massoniana and sustainable management.The main research results are as follows:1.P.massoniana stands of tree tapping must have inhibited the use of growth.40%and 50%load rate cut surface of 15a,20a and 25a of health p.massoniana stands for resin tapping,tree tapping DBH stands an average annual growth of 14.9%~41.3%decline in tree growth,an average annual tree height growth of 7.5%~18.9%decline in tree growth and wood volume an average annual growth of 12.3%~36.2%decline in tree growth.the same stand age,diameter at breast height and volume growth and height growth in the average age of senior forest tree decline in the average growth rate with increasing load rate cut noodle large and increasing,but the ripe age of stands near the tree height growth decline was not obvious.2.Temperature are the main climatic factors on affecting resin yield of p.massoniana stands.The resin yield of tapping tree in p.massoniana changes with temperature,which is very clear.General speaking,the production of resin increases as the temperature increases.The effect of rainfall and sunshine hours on resin yield of p.massoniana is not so obvious as that of the temperature,but to ensure that the rainfall must improve to be effective in pine forest in the relative temperature,reduce the solidification rate of the resin is conducive to improve the flow rate of resin and come to the production purpose.The number of hours of sunshine mutual influence rainfall,and the increasing of the sunshine hours will help improve resin production when the rainfall is basically the same as before.3.Diameter at breast height is the important factors on affecting resin yield of p.massoniana stands.The output of the resin increased with the increasing of diameter at breast height;different age stands,diameter at breast height on the resin production of the impact of varying levels of resin.The impact of the tree height to the resin yield is not so significant as the diameter at breast height,and its impact on the resin yield is indirectly reflected in the live crown high on this factor.In the same age, the output of the resin increases with the increasing of crown height ratio.The impact of the tree canopy and the crown on the output of the resin is obvious,and the output of the resin increases by increasing of the tree canopy and the area of crown.It is said that the output of the resin is the result of the comprehension.The principle of the mutual impact of diameter at breast height and live tree crown heigth is significant,which effects on the output of the resin in different tree age stands.4.The fertilization to mature trees of the low-resin-yield has no great effect in resin production, however,it opposites to the trees close to the mature.In order to get great benefits,the owner of the resin trees should have a good knowledge of the fertilization and take measure to improve the output. In addition,the study found that fertilization is good to the growth of the low-resin-yield trees stands which are suffering from the harmful insects.It is better to recovery and growth of the p.massoniana’s leaves to add N.5.We know that the impact of forest stand density is the main factor of the crown development of the production,it also affects the resin yield of p.massoniana’s tree tapping.The resin yield increases as the density increases,when the production capacity of resin comes to the maximum,it reduces as the density increases,but the average yield per plant in resin increases with the reduction in density. In the main resin producing area,the ripe age of p.massoniana’s tapping retains 600/hm~2~700/hm~2 operating density,resin productivity per unit area stands high economic efficiency and good business.6.According to the general study of the p.massoniana’s tapping techniques,it points out that the cut surface loading rate of p.massoniana tree tapping is significantly affected in resin production.In the same age and density,with loading rate of tree tapping increasing,the resin yield increases.The study found that the cut surface loading rate had a great effect on resin production,young trees are more sensible than the old ones.The shorter the cut interval,the more resin secretion.In the same age and density,production of resin reduces with the interval cut increasing.The study also found that interval cut also affects resin yield,young trees are more sensible than the old ones.Based on the findings at the first p.massoniana’s tree tapping,the use of medium-aged forest with 40%cut surface loading rate cut every two days and the use of nearly-mature forest with 50%cut surface loading rate cut every two days not only can reduce the labor intensity of tree tapping and gain better economic efficiency, but also can save trees cut surface,and extend tree tapping operating life.7.It results a conclusion like this on studying,the resin yield depends on diameter at breast height,and the results are satisfied with our target in diffferent operations method.Using the Com pound model and S-type model,the resin yield gets higher prediction accuracy.The first time,on the other hand,the table of resin yield prediction was have been figured in east-south area of GuangXi.8.A analysis about its economic value onto resin-tapping p.massoniana forest.It causes more wealth while we obtain the rosin year and year in a certain operating time.The certain incomes of 40a and cut 16a resin-tapping p.massoniana forest will lead 47.6%more than that of the no-resin forest, while 1.16 percentage more income in the inner financial reports.9.It takes an advantage to a scandle-run onto resin-tapping p.massoniana forest in Guangxi after a research and study,and it raises a model called 4- all for one,part for one and so on.Running the models over-called,the sources of rosin could be supplied currently,the peasants could plant the trees and obtain the rosin sequently schedually,the suppliers and manufacturers could share the vantages and lead a mutual-profit result,the costs of the manufacturers will be cut down,and the resources of rosin could be confirmed by the related offices.Thus,we can keep developing the rosin industries, obtain and keep a larger market in the international competition.
