

Study on the Designing of Forest Development Types for Typical Vegetation Types in Xi’shan Region, Beijing, China

【作者】 宁金魁

【导师】 陆元昌;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 森林经理学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 森林是陆地上最复杂的生态系统之一,是陆地生态平衡的重要保障。近年来,随着社会的发展,人们对森林的干扰越趋明显,未受人为干扰的原始林越来越少,而经过人为“修饰”的森林越加常见。在这种情况下,合理规划森林动态发展尤为显得重要。森林的变化发展由于人的干扰而更大剧烈,使得森林或正向发展,趋于稳定的、健康的森林结构,或逆向演替,趋于更加脆弱、更加衰退的森林状态。森林的动态变化进程带有一定的可预见性,这促使人们为了发挥森林的多功能效益而进行合理的森林动态规划。目前,以多功能性、动态性、合理性、可操作性为特征的森林动态发展规划逐渐成为新时期森林发展规划的重点。森林发展类型设计是近年来形成的一种新型的森林发展目标规划,注重森林的多功能的实现,严格遵循森林动态演替理论,充分借鉴潜在自然植被群落特征,考虑到实施操作的可能性等,使其成为现代林业经营模式之一的近自然森林经营模式的重要内容。本研究通过对西山地区典型植被类型的调查、分析及森林发展、潜在自然植被的研究,从森林正向发展的角度,并以优势树种、林分结构、森林主导功能和立地条件等为内容设计了油松林、侧柏林、栓皮栎林和刺槐林四种西山地区典型植被类型未来30a-50a的森林发展类型,并分别对其进行近自然度、林分优势度的评价。(1)根据林分的水平结构、垂直结构、更新层特征、林冠竞争因子、林分平均竞争指数和林木生长过程等要素分别将上述四个典型植被类型共58块样地按照“平方和距离法”进行聚类分析,根据聚类分析结果,划分出各样地所处的发展阶段,并根据立地条件、社会需求、林分结构进行森林功能定位,设计森林目标发展类型,并给出了相应的森林经营的建议,设计结果分别是:17块油松林样地可划分了5个发展阶段,即三个发展阶段(竞争生长阶段、质量选择阶段、相对稳定的近自然森林阶段)和两个过渡阶段(竞争生长向质量选择过渡阶段与质量选择向近自然森林过渡阶段),共设计出三种目标发展类型,即油松复层异龄林、油松-栓皮栎混交林和栓皮栎-油松混交林。19块侧柏林样地可划分3个发展阶段,即竞争生长阶段、竞争生长向质量选择过渡阶段和质量选择阶段,设计出3种目标发展类型,即侧柏臭椿(栾树)混交林、侧柏栓皮栎混交林和侧柏母树林。16块栓皮栎林样地可划分3个发展阶段,即竞争生长阶段、竞争生长向质量选择过渡阶段和质量选择阶段,设计出一种目标发展类型,即栓皮栎复层异龄林。6块刺槐次生林样地根据林分是否处于衰退状态而设计出两种森林发展类型,一是衰退的刺槐次生林,设计的发展类型是元宝枫刺槐臭椿景观林;另一种是正常生长的刺槐次生林,设计的发展类型是刺槐栓皮栎混交林。(2)在近自然度评价方面,选取胸径级指数、单位蓄积量、更新幼苗情况、树种Shannon-Wiener指数、Pielou均匀度指数、地被物层分解情况、群落顶级适应值等七项指标作为近自然度的判定依据,通过层次分析法得出这七项指标的权重分别是0.0812、0.2037、0.09、0.0543、0.1831、0.1373、0.2504,并对上述七项指标进行标准化,而后通过灰色关联生成关联系数,结合其权重最后得到不同阶段油松林、侧柏林、栓皮栎林的近自然度,结果是:5个不同阶段油松林的近自然度由低到高分别是0.3423、0.5135、0.5358、0.56、0.9443,三个不同阶段侧柏林的近自然度由低到高分别是0.3791、0.6523、0.7882,三个不同阶段栓皮栎林的近自然度是0.514、0.6416、0.7397。(3)基于Kraft林木分级标准对林木划分为六个等级,即特优木、优势木、中庸木、被压木、濒死木和枯立木,并分别从林木优势等级多样性、优势等级分布和林分优势度等方面对油松林、栓皮栎林、刺槐林进行了评价,结果是:油松林、栓皮栎林和刺槐林的林木优势等级多样性分别为8.491、11.36和10.651;油松林的特优木密度最高,达481株/hm~2,栓皮栎林密度最大的林木等级是优势木和被压木,均为467株/hm~2,刺槐林内的濒死木和枯立木的密度最高,分别为116株/hm~2和53株/hm~2;油松林中特优木的胸高断面积为10.16m~2/hm~2,高于其余两种森林类型,而栓皮栎林中优势木、中庸木和被压木三类林木的胸高断面积分别为6.51m~2/hm~2、2.43 m~2/hm~2和3.1 m~2/hm~2,高于油松林和刺槐林;油松林的林分优势度最高,为117,栓皮栎林次之,为69,刺槐林的林分优势度最低,为60.6。

【Abstract】 As one of the complicated ecosystems on the land,forest is an important safeguard to ecological equilibrium.With social developement,forest is more and more disturbed by human actions,virgin forest that is not disturbed is less all over the world.It is very important that forest dynamic is rational planning and designing.Forest planning or forest designing is arm at a positive,steady and healthy forest structure,not a negative,fragile and deteriorative forest status. Forest dynamic is foreseeable in a certain extent,on which rational forest designing is put forward in order to make forest multiple function bring into play.Forest development type designing(FDTD) is a new object-oriented planning of forest dynamic,current become in to action in some countries from Europe,and this designing is strictly follow the forest succession theory,adequately utilize the character of potential natural vegetation(PNV) and take the possibility of practice into consideration.As the result of those features,forest development type designing become one of important parts of close-to-nature forest management(CNFM),one of modern forestry management mode.According to forest succession principle,CNFM theory and PNV of Xi’shan region,Bejing, in this article,after invensy,analysis and forest development and potential nature vegetation of typical vegetation types in the Xi’shan region,Beijing,Forest development type(FDT) is named with dominance tree species,stand structure,main forest function and site quality so on,and FDT is designed for four typical forest types such as Pinus tabulaeformis Carr.forest(Chinese pine forest),Platycladus orientalis Franco forest(arborvitae forest),Quercus variabilis Bl. forest(cork oak forest ) and Robinia pseudoacacia L.forest(silver chain forest) in the future of 30-50a and assessed the close-to-natureness and the degree of stand dominance of four forest development types. (1) According to horizontal stand structure,vertical stand structure,regenezation level of stand,crown competition factor,stand average competition index and individual growth process so on,58 plots of four forest types is divided different forest development stages and every typical forest type is designed object-oriented FDT,the designed results are as follow:17 Chinese pine forest plots are dividied into 5 development stages such as the competition growth stage,the stage between of competition growth and qualification selection stage,the qualification selection stage,the stage between of qualification selection and close-to-nature stage,the close-to-nature stage.And 3 object-oriented FDTs are designed such as uneven aged & multiple levels Chinese pine forest,Chinese pine & cork oak mixed forest and cork oak & Chinese pine mixed forest.19 arborvitae forest plots are dividied into 3 development stages such as the competition growth stage,the stage between of competition growth and qualification selection stage,the qualification selection stage,and then 3 object-oriented FDTs are designed such as Platycladus orientalis Franco & Ailanthus altissima Swingle(or Koelreueria paniculata Laxm.) mixed forest,arborvitae & cork oak mixed forest and arborvitae seed stand.16 cork oak forest plots are divided into 3 development stages such as the competition growth stage,the stage between of competition growth and qualification selection stage,the qualification selection stage,and one object-oriented FDT is designed such as uneven aged & multiple levels cork oak forest.6 silver chain forest plots are classified into 2 forest types,one is a deteriorative forest,and another is a positive forest,accordingly,2 object-oriented FDTs are designed such as Acer truncatum Bunge & Robinia pseudoacacia L.& Ailanthus altissima Swingle mixed landscape forest and silver chain & cork oak mixed forest.(2) Diameter hierarchy index,stand stock,regeneration number,Shannon-Wiener index of tree species of understory,Pielou evenness,decompression of ground-litter level,and climax adepatation value are seven basic indictors to close-natureness,and these seven indictors’s value are 0.0812、0.2037、0.09、0.0543、0.1831、0.1373、0.2504 in turn by the method of Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP),and then the ciose-natureness of Chinese pine forest,arborvitae forest and cork oak forest by AHP & Grey Correlation Analysis are as follow:The close-natureness values of 5 stages of Chinese pine forest are 0.3423,0.5135,0.5358, 0.56,0.9443 in turn,those of 3 stages of arborvitae forest are 0.3791,0.6523,0.7882 in turn, those of 3 stages of cork oak forest are 0.514,0.6416,0.7397 in turn.(3) According to Kraft tree classification system,the trees are classified into 6 types such as super-dominance tree,dominance tree,co-dominance tree,suppered tree,dying tree and dead tree and so on;Chinese pine forest,cork oak forest and silver chain forest are assessed in tree dominance hierarchy diversity,distribution of tree dominance hierarchy and stand dominance degree as well.The result of assessment is as follow:The tree dominance hierarchy diversity of Chinese pine forest,cork oak forest and silver chain forest are 8.491,11.36 and 10.651;super-dominance density of Chinese pine forest is up to 481 n/hm~2,and the highest dominance density is dominance tree and co-dominance tree in cork oak forest,which in silver chain forest the dominace density of dying tree and dead tree are 116 and 53 n/hm~2 in turn;the basal area of super-dominance tree in Chinese pine forest is 10.16m~2/hm~2,higher than that of other two forest types,which in cork oak forest the basal area of dominance tree,co-dominance tree and suppered tree are 6.51 m~2/hm~2、2.43 m~2/hm~2 and 3.1 m~2/hm~2,higher than that of other two forest types;The stand dominance degree of Chinese pine forest,cork oak forest and silver chain forest are 117,69 and 60.6 in turn.
