

A Study on Urban Riverfront Green Space Design

【作者】 康汉起

【导师】 刘晓明; 李晓华;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 城市规划与设计, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 河流往往是一个城市生长的起点,与城市产生和发展有着密切的关系,其周边地区是城市发展过程中最富有活力的地区之一,具有丰富的城市形态、历史文化积淀和优美的自然环境。河流的这些特点决定了滨河绿地必然成为城市生活中的热点地区。长期以来以工业化为特征的城市河流开发活动,把满足人类功利性要求最为最高目标,导致河流生态环境的破坏与传统滨水文化的失落。城滨河绿地建设作为改善城市河流环境的有效手段,不应该仅仅满足于人们的视觉享受,更应该担负起保护与恢复河流生态环境、延续城市历史文化的重任,并为城市的经济可持续发展创造良好的环境条件。在城市基底中,河流廊道具有连续性的自然特征,因此它们是城市自然保护和栖息地修复的重要对象之一。本文提出结合河流生态修复设计、加强栖息地和物种多样性的滨河绿地设计方法,恢复河流的水文过程,并在此基础上提出满足人们的各类滨水游憩活动的途径。这些设计方法以滨水城市设计和生态学相关知识为基础,案例研究则将生态学研究和人的需要结合在一起,通过使用这些方法对国内外不同城市滨河绿地的研究,来对这些原则加以证明。这些原则可以用来缓解或者恢复河流廊道的功能,通过加强植被和连接城市水系来加强河流廊道的连续性。通过改善流域天然水循环过程、使用生态护岸、建造缓冲带和雨水截留措施来是河流的水文过程得到加强。由于许多城市河流沿岸建筑密集、城市地下水位较低,可能无法使用这些方法。在这些城市内,如果使这些状况得到缓解,将是代价高昂或者几乎是不可能的。如何在这些城市滨水区创造健康的自然系统,同时使用生态设计的方法,尚须进一步探讨。许多城市河流周边地区仍然被大量赖水而生的工业、交通用地或者杂乱的民居所占领,使得城市环境变得十分恶劣,环境亟需进行更新改造,形成以商业办公、文化娱乐、居住、观光旅游等多种功能相结合的综合体。这些改变要求城市滨河绿地建设不仅着眼于塑造优美的河流岸线,更应着眼于与城市的整体发展、保护、更新等的形态设计的统一,要能够有效的整合周边地区的城市资源,加强与城市背景相融合,通过整体的功能调整、改善城市环境、促进城市经济的复兴和发展。城市河流往往具有丰厚的历史文化底蕴。因此在滨河绿地设计过程中,继承与延续特有的滨水文化是城市滨河绿地设计内容的一个重要方面。如何保护滨水文化与传统价值是设计的重点。要兼顾历史名胜保护的需要和现实社会不同人群的需要的前提下,给与这些历史遗产以新的活力和历史定位,让他们与现实环境共生共荣,成为集休闲、旅游、文化生态等多种功能,时尚与历史交融的现代滨水开放空间。城市生态敏感地区的滨河绿地管理需要改变原有“重建设轻管理”的模式,将设计、建设、管理作为一个整体进行考虑。只有这样,才能够真正实现城市河流的可持续发展。

【Abstract】 River was often the origins of cities.As one of the most prosperous sectors in urban history,waterfronts have good city form with beautiful scenery and deep cultural background.Thus it was inevitably growing as one of the most important section of the city.Since the development of shipping industry and manufacture,urban rivers were usually modified greatly.That modification takes riverfronts abandoned and contaminative,with waterfront culture losing.As effective measures to improve river environment,not only aesthetics should be emphasized in riverfront landscape design,but also restoring river environment,as well as the protection of historical heritages and city culture.River corridors have become important resources for the preservation of nature and habitat restoration because they remain a continuous natural feature within urban landscapes.This study develops riverfront design strategies and principles to enhance habitats and species diversity,restore hydrological processes,and provide opportunities for human activities.Those design strategies and principles developed from integration and literature on waterfront design and landscape ecology,and the cases study that integrates ecological and human concerns.The resulting principles were applied to different riverfronts in several,including internal and overseas urban riverfront,to illustrate and understand their usefulness.Mitigation and restoration measures could be applied to enhance the ecological function of the river corridors and applied to re-establish the lost connectivity by enhancing vegetation,part of the floodplain by removing barriers and linkage of water systems.Hydrological processes are enhanced by using bioengineering to the retaining wall and construction of buffers and bioretention ponds or swales.In some sites,the principles could not be applied because of the presence of buildings and low water table.Their mitigation would represent a costly initiative and almost being impossible.How to establish and create healthier natural systems,while addressing human needs in riverfront environments of theses cities could have been studied further.Riverfronts are mostly clutter of factories,transport facilities and residential in many cities,which made rivers spoiled.Renewing and alteration in those sites were needed to integrate offices,commerce,recreation,residence and tourism in the riverfronts.The designers would not only with an eye to beautiful scenery,but also to integration of the overall development of cities,the protection of city form and urban renewal.Recreation facilities,historical sites and other open space nearby should also be linked into a whole. The development of waterfronts should be enhanced by improvement of riverfront environment and adjustment of their function.With riverfront often being a place with deep historical and cultural background, inheritance and extension of the unique waterfront culture is a key to riverfront greenspace design.Both protection of historical heritage and recreational needs of different groups should be regarded equally,new vitality and new historical positioning should be given to those.All those should be symbiotic and prosperous with their surrounding,and the riverfronts would have been multifunctional open space with vogue and deep historical background in cities.Steward and construction of riverfront greenspace in urban environmentally sensitive areas should be regarded equally.Design,construction and steward should be integrated to achieve sustainable development of urban rivers.
