

A Study on Theories and Methods of Placing Stones and Piling Hills in Chinese Landscape

【作者】 魏菲宇

【导师】 孟兆祯;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 城市规划, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 中国的园林始终延续着自然山水园的道路发展,形成了独特而优秀的园林体系。特定的历史条件、文化背景和自然环境,决定了中国自然山水园的形成,也决定了置石掇山在中国古代园林中的重要地位和作用。刘敦桢先生曾经说过:假山是中国园林中最为灵活、最为具体的造园手法。“最为灵活”可理解为假山在园林中复杂的功能和用途,它既是工程材料,同时又有造景作用。它甚至是设计者在造景过程中,解决棘手问题最有效的方法。而“最为具体”指假山造景手法的多样性,虽然“无园不石”,但每个园林的假山都因地制宜,各具特色,少有雷同。所以假山堪称中国古代园林中最具代表性的标志。在某种程度上甚至可以说,没有置石掇山的园林不是典型的中国古代园林。中国古代园林以“本于自然,而又高于自然”著称,之所以能够体现高于自然的特点,很大程度上得之于置石掇山的艺术创作。造园并非简单地利用或模仿自然界的原始状态,而是经过概括、提炼,在有限的空间中,表现“自然的人化”。置石掇山设计“有真为假”地在创作上以自然山水为原型,在自然的基础上,表现出“作假成真”的艺术效果。在中国古代园林中,置石掇山不仅可以作为园林的主景和地形骨架,而且可以作为园林划分空间和组织空间的手段。置石掇山还起到连接诸多造园要素的功能。利用其陪衬建筑物和点缀空间,能达到“虽由人作,宛自天开”的艺术境界。此外,置石掇山还有实用方面的功能作用,如驳岸、护坡、挡土、花台、甚至可作为室外自然式的山石器设等。古代园林中置石掇山在长期的历史进程中不断完善,形成了博大精深的艺术体系。然而,在当今,现代园林作为世界性文化潮流冲击着我国古老民族的传统艺术。现代园林中的置石掇山,无论从内容还是形式都发生了变革。在此之前,前辈学者们关于园林置石掇山的研究各有所涉猎,而较少侧重于设计理法的论述。本论文在总结置石掇山发展源流及哲学背景的基础上,分析文献资料,结合理论踏查现存设计实例。以“巧于因借,精在体宜”为中心,分别从“相地合宜,构园得体”、“问名心晓,以实符名”、“章法严谨,布局灵活”、“远观有势,近看有质”、“余韵玉成”等五方面阐述置石掇山设计理法序列。探讨如何将置石掇山这一传统的园林艺术形式应用于现代园林设计的实践,使之“古为今用”。

【Abstract】 The Chinese Traditional Garden has developed along the way of the literator’s natural landscape garden,and formed a unique and splendid gardening system.The specific background of history,culture and natural environment led to the formation of the Chinese Natural Landscape Garden,and defined the key role of placed stones and piled hills in the Chinese Garden.Liu Dunzhen said,"artificial hill is the most ’versatile’ and ’tangible’ gardening skill of the Chinese Garden." The former implies the diverse functions and usages of artificial hill in garden,which could be a construction material,and a gardening skill,even the most efficient approach to solve complicated situations during garden building.The latter refers to the diversity of gardening approaches by artificial hills. Though "there is no garden without stones",artificial hills in different garden were built according to different site conditions,so that each has its own particular character,and distinguished from each other.Therefore,artificial hill is the key symbol of the Chinese Traditional Garden.In some point,it could even be declared that,a garden without placed stones and piled hills is not a typical Chinese traditional garden.The Chinese traditional garden is famous for its remarkable feature "derived from nature,but beyond nature",and this feature is partially a result of artistic creation in placed stones and piled hills.Gardening is not to simply imitate or copy the initial states of nature, but to "humanize nature" in a limited space by summarizing and refining nature.Placing stone and piling hill is a skill to consult natural landscape,"create the artificial according to the real",and finally reach the effect which "makes the artificial look real".In the Chinese Garden,placed stones and piled hills doesn’t only form the main scenery and the topographic backbone,but also applies an approach to limit and organize spaces.Moreover, placed stones and piled hills function to integrate various gardening elements.A garden can reach the artistic state of "looks nature though manmade",using placed stones and piled hills to contrast buildings or decorate spaces.In addition,placed stones and piled hills can be applied as bank,revetment,retaining wall,flower bed,and even outdoor fumiture.Placing stone and piling hill skill continuously developed and improved in long history,and formed an extensive and profound art system.Today,however,the Modern garden,as an internationally dominant tendency,impinges this traditional art.Placing stone and piling hill works in modern garden changes in both context and form.There are plenty of researches on placing stone and piling hill,but few of them focus on the gardening skill. This paper generalizes the developing process and philosophy background of placing stone and piling hill,analyzes documents,and investigates existing cases with theoretic principles.It concentrates on "handiness in following and depending site conditions, refinement in appropriate dimension",and discusses the design procedure in 5 areas,that is, "investigating suitable site,planning decent garden","apperceiving theme by its title, substantiated with name","precise composition with flexible layout","overlooking tendency,appreciating texture","aftertaste lasting long".The purpose of this paper is to discuss how to implement placed stones and piled hills in modern landscape design practice,and to "make the ancient art form serve at present".

【关键词】 置石掇山设计理法
【Key words】 placing stonepiling hilldesign approach
  • 【分类号】TU986.44
  • 【被引频次】30
  • 【下载频次】3375
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