

Dynamic Change and Space Analysis of Urban System in Jilin Province Based on Remote Sensing and GIS

【作者】 吴露露

【导师】 冯仲科; 聂玉藻;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 林业装备工程, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 随着城市化进展的加快,城镇建设问题的出现、资源开发与环境保护、基础设施建设等一系列矛盾的激发,城市间横向、纵向联系不断加深,人们迫切要求加强城市规划与城市管理技术与方法的研究。城镇体系研究是对一定区域内城镇群体的系统研究,它是城市地理学的一个重要的研究方向,也是区域发展研究、区域规划和国土开发与规划等工作的主要内容之一。城镇体系作为复杂的动力系统,以“三结构一网络”(规模结构、职能结构、空间结构,网络特征)的基础理论为特征。本文将遥感、GIS技术应用于城镇体系基础结构理论与时空演变的分析研究中,目的是为省域城镇体系规划与监测提供客观、科学依据。本文研究的主要内容包括以下几个方面:(1)城镇遥感提取利用面向对象遥感分类技术提取城市建成区等专题信息,以30米与15米分辨率TM、ETM影像为主,根据建成区光谱、纹理的统计制定分类提取的策略与方法,并对分类的结果与目视解译的差异性进行分析,研究表明城市周围村庄将影响建成区遥感提取;基于2.36米分辨率的中巴HR数据通过建筑物高度的阴影提取出高层建筑物,实现对建成区边上城乡结合部低矮建筑的分离;(2)城镇体系空间解析城镇体系的空间解析主要从规模结构与空间结构进行分析。在规模结构中,通过对1997年、2001年、2008年三期的城市非农人口与城市用地相关性研究,表明二次多项式模型拟合效果较好;提出城市用地规模划分的方法与模型,通过对1997年城市用地聚类分析进行城市规模的划分;在城镇等级研究中,讨论了城镇体系等级判定模型中各因子的计算方法,提出了交通便捷度模型,并通过路径分析与吉林省1:10万的交通路网数据,测算省域城市间的交通便捷度,得出长春市的交通便捷度最高,达到9.1;在空间结构研究中,归纳出城镇体系空间结构主要分为三大方面:城镇现状分布函数、格局指标、空间形状指标,通过吉林省1:10万的城市用地数据实现吉林省空间结构指标实例量算;(3)城镇体系时空演变研究城镇体系时空演变研究主要包括规模结构与空间结构演化的特征与规律研究。在规模结构演化分析中,对吉林省三期(1980年、1997年、2001年)城市用地的规模划分的基础上,通过统计分析确定吉林省城市用地规模划分的阈值分为8、20、80、120平方千米,通过阈值并结合吉林省城镇化发展的情况对吉林省城镇体系规模等级结构的演变进行分析,得出城市用地规模划分法比非农人口划分法更能反映中小城市的规模等级变化;计算1994年、1999年、2005年与2008年的数据非农人口为权重的省域分布中心,研究表明吉林省城市分布中心向长春市缓慢的移动;通过城市用地位序-规模法则与分形维数的关系计算吉林省1980年、1997年、2001年三期城市用地规模分维数,结果表明城市规模分布维数处于缓慢增加的趋势,但整体分维数较低,复杂度不高;通过计算吉林省1980年代与1997年代的地形图中45个城市用地数据扩展的强度指数,结果表明中部地区的城市扩展强度要比东部、西部要强。通过对规模结构与空间结构演化的相关性分析,两者都反映了吉林省城镇体系演化特点:首位城市极化现象,城镇体系复杂性与稳定性不高的特点。

【Abstract】 With acceleration of urbanization progress,the emergence of issues of urban construction, infrastructure construction,resource development and environmental protection,also with lateral and longitudinal strengthen between cities,it is an urgent to strengthen the urban planning and urban management technology and method.Research of urban system mainly studies urban groups in a certain region,it is an important direction of urban geography research,also one of the main elements of regional development studies,regional planning and land development and planning.As complex dynamical systems,urban system is characterized by the "three-structure and one network"(scale structure,functional structure,spatial structure,network characteristics) in the basic theory.This paper mainly studied urban infrastructure system theory and analysis of spatial and temporal evolution by remote sensing,GIS technology,aimed to provide objective,scientific supports for the planning and monitoring of provincial cities and towns.The main contents of this paper include the following:(1) Urban built-up areas extraction by Remote sensingBy object-oriented remote sensing classification technology,the study extracted urban built-up area from images.Classification strategies of built-up area extraction in Jilin province were drawn under the statistics of spectrum and texture based on TM with 30 meter resolution and ETM with 15 meter resolution.It can be found that villages around cities and towns had an impact built-up area extraction,by an analysis of differences in classification and visual interpretation results.Compared building in the border of built-up area and surrounding villages,high buildings can be extracted from CBERS image with 2.36 meter resolution by the shadow of building.(2) Spatial Analysis of Urban SystemSpatial analysis of urban system is extended by structure of this theory of urban system.In terms of scale structure,the study showed that the quadratic polynomial model fit best between non-agricultural population and urban land in three periods,1997,2001,2008;proposed model of urban scale division by urban land.We can draw after rank analyse of urban land in 1997 in Jilin province that urban land accords with rank-scale rule,the correlation coefficient reached more than 0.9,urban scale can be divided by cluster analysis of urban land.In the study of urban levels,the paper discussed methods of calculating factor in the level model of urban system,proposed transportation convenient model and estimated degree of transportation convenient for 27 cities in Jilin province by network analysis and by 1:1 million scale transportation data,Changchun city was with the highest degree of transportation convenient to 9.1;In terms of spatial structure,the spatial structure can be divided into three parts:distribution function of urban,pattern index and spatial shape index.By the 1:1 million scale data,the study achieved estimation and analyse of spatial indicators in Jilin Province;(3) Space-time evolution of urban systemStudy on Space-time evolution of urban system included characteristics and laws of evolution based in scale structure and spatial structure.In terms of spatial structure evolution,the study determined the scale of urban land by statistical analysis in Jilin on three periods scale-division(1980,1997,2001 year).The threshold of urban scale divided into 8,20,80,120 sq km,combined with urbanization and development of Jilin province,we can analyse the changes of urban scale.By contrast,urban land scale division can reflect more information then non-agriculture population scale division in Jilin province;It can be found that the distribution center move slowly toward Changchun City,by calcuting the distribution center in the year 1994,1999,2995 and 2008 with weighted by non-agriculture population.Fractal dimension of urban in whole province can be estimated by the relationship of order-scale rule and fractal dimension.By the examples of 1980,1997 and 2001,the results showed that fractal dimension was with slowly increasing trend,but with lower the overall number and low complexity;By calculating urbanization intensity index of 45 cities in Jilin province in 1980 and 1997, the results showed that the central region of urbanization intensity index was more than the eastern, western.By study the relastionship of scale structure evolution and spatial structure evolution of urban system in Jilin province,both of them showed the characteristics in Jilin province,that is,primary city with polarization phenomenon,also urban system in Jilin province with low complexity and stability.

  • 【分类号】TU984.113;P208
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】1351
  • 攻读期成果