

Theory and Practice for Forest Enviromental Service

【作者】 戴广翠

【导师】 高岚; 张彩虹;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 林业经济管理, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 进入新世纪,随着人类社会经济的发展,气候变暖、水土流失、土地沙化、干旱缺水、物种灭绝、水体污染、空气污染等生态与环境问题也日益严重。改善生态、保护环境已经成为人类共同的需求。森林是陆地生态系统的主体,发挥着重要的环境服务功能。世界各国通过保护、恢复和增加森林植被以满足人类社会对森林环境服务需要的努力实际上就是森林环境服务的供给和需求过程。改革开放以来,我国通过生态工程建设等措施不断增加森林环境服务的供给,但是,相对于社会对森林环境服务的需求来说,缺口仍然很大。由此,如何发展森林环境服务业是一个具有重要现实意义的研究命题。本文在选择森林环境价值理论、评估理论、核算理论、供需理论、交易理论和产业政策理论搭建分析框架的基础上,对森林环境服务业的概念、在社会经济中的地位和特点进行了定性分析;通过对我国森林环境服务的供需缺口分析,得出发展森林环境服务业的必要性;通过对我国森林环境业发展现状、问题及趋势的分析,得出发展森林环境服务业的可行性;通过对吉林省吉林市丰满区和蛟河市发展森林环境服务业的实证分析,提出发展森林环境服务业的可行方式;鉴于国外森林环境服务等生态建设事业较为发达,本文也对发达国家森林环境服务业发展现状进行了分析,以资借鉴;最后,作者讨论了发展我国森林环境服务业的对策及相关政策。本研究主要运用了定性和定量相结合、规范和实证相结合、系统和案例研究相结合的研究方法:第一,通过定性分析方法对森林环境服务业等核心概念进行了界定。综合运用定量和定性分析方法分析了发展森林环境服务业的必要性和可行性。第二,实证研究与规范研究相结合。在实证研究方面,本研究关注了在林业生产实践活动中,森林环境服务被社会无偿使用的数量,以及不同利益相关方应给予支付的数量。基于此,作者提出以政府为投入主体的现行政策模式并不能消除林业经济正外部性,森林环境服务业有待得到重视。第三,系统分析与案例分析相结合。基于系统分析原理,探析不同层面的各个部门和系统之间的融合。选择我国吉林省吉林市丰满区和蛟河市为案例,开展案例分析方法,以拓展和丰富具体分析的一般性结论。本研究的主要结论如下:第一,森林环境服务业可被定义为特定环境服务依托的森林资源经营管理者或产权所有者作为服务的供给者,以社会公众、特定行业、群体作为服务的需求者,通过经济手段或供需双方达成的特定规则,促使服务的供给和需求予以对应,并根据特定的管理规定,通过产业组织的方式来进行森林环境资源的培育,使之发挥环境服务功能的一个行业;第二,我国社会经济的快速发展对于森林环境服务业具有重大的现实需求,且目前由政府主导的森林环境服务供给难以满足现实需求,发展森林环境服务业迫在眉睫;第三,当前可通过森林环境服务业产业化发展,促使个人或法人组织成为森林环境供给的主体,弥补政府公共财政投入作为供给主体存在的不足,使得我国发展森林环境服务业具有可行性;第四,以吉林省吉林市丰满区和蛟河市为案例,通过评估与核算森林环境服务价值,将森林环境服务的受益区界定为全国或全球、当地、省内,受益行业界定为旅游业、水利水电、城市供水、农业和渔业等,从而提出了通过市场机制发展森林服务业的可行方式;第五,通过回顾和分析国外森林环境服务业发展的经验,得出公共财政支付和市场手段的融合是发展趋势,森林环境服务市场工具的运用对我国具有借鉴意义;第六,提出我国发展森林环境服务业的对策与政策建议,包括组织形式、制度保障、政策支持和技术支撑。

【Abstract】 In the new century,the ecological and environmental problems have been increasingly worsen along with the human socio-economic development,which include global warming, soil erosion,desertification,drought,water shortage,species extinction,and water and air pollution etc.The need of ecological improvement and environmental protection has become human’s common demand.Forest is the main terrestrial ecosystem,and plays an important role in environmental services.The efforts made by many countries to satisfy the need for forest environmental services(FES) through ecological restoration and forest coverage increase,is actually the supply and demand of process of FES.Since China’s Reform and Opening-up,the supply has continuously increased through measures such as ecological restoration,however,the gap remains huge compared with the social demand for FES.Thus,how to develop FES sector is a research field with practical significance.This dissertation applied the qualitative analysis to the concept,status quo and characteristics of FES sector,based on the analytical framework established with the theories on forest environment value,evaluation,accounting,supply and demand, transaction and industry policy.It showed the necessity to develop FES sector through the supply and demand gap analysis,and examined the feasibility to develop FES industry via the analysis of development,problems and trend of China’s FES sector.Through empirical analysis of environmental services in Fengman District of Jilin City and Jiaohe City,Jilin Province,this dissertation offered the feasible approaches to develop FES sector.It also analyzed the status quo of FES in developed countries for advanced experience.Finally, the dissertation also discussed the measures and related policy recommendation to develop FES sector in China.The methodologies used in the research combined qualitative and quantitative analyses,normative and empirical analyses,and systematic and case analyses.Firstly,it defined such core concepts as FES through a qualitative analysis,and applied quantitative and qualitative analyses method comprehensively to exploring significance and feasibility of developing FES sector.Secondly,it combined normative and empirical research approaches.In empirical research,the dissertation concerned quantity of FES used by the society for free and the amount that different stakeholders should pay for the forestry activities.Base on this,the author asserted that current policy models mainly relying on government’s inputs cannot eliminate forestry economics’ positive externality,and the development of FES sector needed more attention.Thirdly,it combined approaches of systematic analysis and case analysis.The dissertation explored the integration of the various departments and systems at different levels,based on the principle of systematic analysis.Two case studies have been carried out in Jilin province to expand and improve the general conclusions.The main conclusions of the dissertation are listed below:1) the FES sector is an industry which connects the FES suppliers and consumers using economic instruments and specific rules,aiming at promoting services and cultivating forest environmental resources through the form of industrial organization according to specific regulations.The sector’s service providers are forestry resource managers or property owners,while the demanders are the public,specific industries or special groups.2) There is great demand for FES sector due to the rapid development of China’s social and economic development.It is urgent to develop the FES sector since the current FES supply driven by the government does not meet the real demand.3) Currently,it is feasible to industrialize the FES sector to facilitate individuals or legal persons to become the main suppliers of FES,and supplement the shortage of the government’s public finance in FES supply.4) feasible approaches have been offered to develop FES sector via market mechanism,by two case studies in Fengman District of Jilin City and Jiaohe City,Jilin Province,and defined the beneficial areas of FES as national/global,local,and provincial through the assessment and accounting of the value of FES,while the beneficial industry defined as the tourism industry,water conservancy and hydropower,urban water supply,agriculture and fisheries.5) Through the review and analysis of FES sector globally,it suggests that the integration of public finances and market instruments is the trend of FES,and the application of market tools in FES gives good reference to China.And 6) this dissertation provides the strategies and policy recommendations for the development of FES sector in China,in terms of organization form,institutional guarantee,policy and technical support.

  • 【分类号】S788;F719
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】491
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