

Research on Competitive of the Comprehensively Coreaction System of Ecology and Economy and Society in the State-owned Forest Area

【作者】 王玉昭

【导师】 蒋敏元;

【作者基本信息】 东北林业大学 , 林业经济管理, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 统筹经济与社会、人与自然和谐发展是科学发展观的重要内容,是以人为本、实现经济又好又快发展的根本途径。区域面积大、资源丰富的国有林区不仅是我国国民经济健康快速发展的生态保障,而且是影响我国综合国力提高的重要因素。国有林区作为独立发展的特殊区域,只有生态、经济、社会和谐发展,才能有效地发挥其功能,增强国有林区的综合竞争能力。论文对我国国有林区生态·经济·社会综合竞争力(简称:国有林区综合竞争力)进行研究,主要研究如下内容。对国有林区进行了界定,明确了研究范围和研究的目的意义,并从竞争力理论与实践、竞争力提升措施、国有林区的发展等方面的研究现状进行了分析和评述,设计了论文的研究方案。由于国有林区综合竞争力涉及到生态、经济、社会三个紧密联系的方面,使研究工作涉及面很广,涉及的理论很多。论文剖析了竞争战略理论、新经济增长理论、产业集聚理论、增长极理论、国有林区综合竞争力系统理论,提出了国有林区生态·经济·社会和谐理论、国有林区可持续竞争能力理论,建立了国有林区生态·经济·社会综合竞争力分析研究的理论框架。鉴于理论界对竞争力的概念有一定的争议,这使得国有林区综合竞争力的内涵有多种不同的理解,论文对此进行了辨识,强调国有林区综合竞争力是相互作用的生态、经济、社会三要素竞争力的综合体现,并剖析了国有林区综合竞争力的比较优势和竞争优势、核心竞争优势和国际化竞争优势。结合国有林区综合竞争力的内涵,从系统论角度研究了生态、经济、社会三个子系统的内部机制要素,深入探讨了国有林区网络竞争力、系统竞争力和综合竞争力的形成机理,构建了国有林区综合竞争力的形成机理模型。以国有林区综合竞争力形成机理为基础构建了国有林区综合竞争力的评价指标体系,设计了国有林区综合竞争力模糊综合评价模型。以大兴安岭国有林区为实例,从生态、经济、社会三个方面分析了综合竞争力的影响因素,运用国有林区综合竞争力的评价指标体系和评价模型进行了实证研究,得出了大兴安岭国有林区综合竞争力较强的结论,并对实证结论进行了综合分析。在系统论述的基础上,从生态子系统竞争力、经济子系统竞争力、社会子系统竞争力三个方面有针对性地提出了加强和提升东北内蒙古国有林区综合竞争力的对策。并从森林资源监督体制建设、森林资源资产管理体制建设、国有林区政府管理体制建设、加强国有林区投资体制建设、国有林区对外贸易交流、国有林区劳动力流动、国有林区企业管理体制建设、林权制度改革等方面深入探讨了国有林区综合竞争力提升的制度保障。

【Abstract】 Co-ordinate economic and social,man and nature for the harmonious development of is an important content of scientific concept of development,yet the fundamental way of people-oriented,fast and healthy economic development.Regional area large the resource-rich state-owned forest areas are not only ecological protection of healthy and rapid development of China’s national economy,but also an important factor impact on China’s overall national strength improving.State-owned forest areas as special areas which develop independently,only harmoniously develop the economy,ecology and society,can play their role effectively,enhance the competitiveness capacity of state-owned forest areas.Papers study China’s state owned forest areas’ ecological·economic·social comprehensive competitiveness(abbreviation: comprehensive competitiveness of state-owned forest areas),the main contents include five parts.First defined state-owned forest areas,clear the scope of the study and research purposes,and the theoretical and empirical of the competitiveness,and measures to enhance the competitiveness,state-owned forest areas’ the status of research and analysis on thedevelopment,designed of the paper’s research programme.Given the comprehensive competitiveness of state-owned forest areas related to economic, ecological and social three aspects’ factors,the study covers a very broad,involving a lot of theory,the theoretical basis part analysis for comprehensive competitiveness theory a new theory of economic growth, industrial clustering theory,growth pole theory,the state-owned forest areas’ system theory,proposed theory of the state-owned forest areas’ ecological·economic·social harmony system,state-owned forest areas’ sustainable competitive theory,built a state-owned forest areas’ ecological·economicsocial comprehensive competitive analysis and research theoretical framework.Given the concept of competitiveness itself has some controversy,which makes comprehensive competitiveness of state-owned forest areas’ content in a variety of understanding,this paper carried out identification,stressed that state-owned forest areas competitiveness is of economic,ecological and social 3 elements of the comprehensive competitiveness,and analyze the comprehensive competitiveness of state owned forest areas of comparative and competitive advantages,as well as the state-owned forests areas’ core competitiveness and international competitiveness.Content of comprehensive competitiveness of state owned forest areas,from the system point of view of the economic,ecological and social three subsystems’ elements of the internal mechanisms and then delved into the network of state-owned forest areas competitiveness,the formation mechanism of the system’s competitiveness and overall competitiveness, built a comprehensive competitiveness of state-owned forest areas formation mechanism model.Evaluation and analysis of comprehensive competitiveness of state-owned forest areas.Based on the comprehensive competitiveness of state-owned forest areas formation mechanism construct evaluation index system of the comprehensive competitiveness of state-owned forest areas,designed fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model of the comprehensive competitiveness of state-owned forest.The state-owned forest areas of the Greater Xing’an Mountains as an example,empirical analysis.First of all analyze the development of state-owned forest areas of the Greater Xing’an Mountains economic,ecological,social,and other elements, then use the comprehensive competitiveness of state-owned forest areas of the evaluation index system evaluate the empirical model shows the conclusions that the Greater Xing’an Mountains comprehensive competitiveness of state-owned forest areas is stronger.On the system on the basis of ecological subsystem competitiveness,economic subsystem competitiveness,social competitiveness of the three subsystems are targeted to strengthen and upgrade the state-owned forest of northeastern Neimeng comprehensive competitiveness measures.Then from the forest resources’ oversight system construction,construction of forest resource asset management system,building of the main government management of state-owned forest areas,strengthen the building of state-owned forest areas’ investment system,foreign trade exchange of state-owned forest areas,labour mobility of the state-owned forest areas,management of state-owned forest areas’ enterprises institution-building,reforms forest right system and so on in-depth study of the state-owned forest areas to improve the the security system of competitive strength.

  • 【分类号】X321;F326.2
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】606
  • 攻读期成果