

Modes and Evaluation of Ecological Harvesting in Larch Plantation Areas

【作者】 董喜斌

【导师】 王立海;

【作者基本信息】 东北林业大学 , 森林工程, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 当前,林业生产正在由采伐天然林向采伐人工林为主转变。由于采伐作业条件多变,作业对象分散,作业面积大,作业工作量大,劳动消耗和机械转移消耗较大,所以研究适宜林地形态、地势、坡度、季节和作业空间等环境条件的人工林生态采伐模式及评价体系势在必行。本论文是针对落叶松人工林资源的现状,以带岭林业实验局落叶松人工林集材试验为依据,首次对落叶松人工林不同作业模式下的集材生产效率及成本进行了比较研究,对于平缓坡地带集材生产率皆伐J-50拖拉机集材最大、皆伐畜力集材次之、择伐畜力集材最小;集材成本皆伐畜力集材最低、择伐畜力集材次之、皆伐J-50拖拉机最高。首次利用三参数韦布尔函数描述采伐落叶松人工林的直径分布情况,其可信度达到92.3%;利用所建立的胸径分布模式可预测采伐后林分的胸径分布情况,为今后林木定向培育及管理提供根据。首次针对林分生长因子应用灰色模型与统计模型进行比较研究,得出未采伐落叶松人工林生长因子适用于灰色模型,对于采伐后生长因子适用于统计模型。通过调查与分析,得出落叶松人工林保留木损伤率随采伐强度和林分密度的增加而呈增大的态势。通过对比分析试验表明,拖拉机皆伐集材、畜力皆伐集材和畜力择伐集材作业均对土壤表层的物理性质产生明显的影响,采伐作业后,表层土壤的容重明显增加,土壤的孔隙度、持水量和排水能力均下降;畜力皆伐集材迹地土壤有机质降低最大,其次是畜力择伐,拖拉机皆伐降低最小。首次采用多目标决策方法,将经济指标和环境指标整合到一起,对落叶松人工林采集作业模式的目标进行综合评价,得出择伐—畜力集材的最优作业模式。该模式符合当前采伐量较少、采伐地点分散的落叶松人工林生产状况,对相同类型的落叶松人工林作业区具有借鉴作用。首次构建针对落叶松人工林生态采伐评价模型,提出了具体的指标计量方法,以促进森林的适度采伐,使之既能满足社会对木材的需求,又能充分发挥其生态效益和社会效益。研究的成果对落叶松人工林的更新、生长、林分质量和生产力的提高,落叶松人工林生态采伐的生产率的提高,作业成本的降低均具有重要的现实意义,尤其是对林区经济的可持续发展具有很高的学术价值和实用价值。

【Abstract】 Currently,the forestry operation is changing from cutting natural forest to cutting plantation forests dominantly.Due to the changeable operation conditions,the dispersed operation objects,the large operation areas,the heavy operation workloads,and the great wastage of work and machines transfer,it is urgent needed to study the cutting modes and evaluation system for plantation forest cutting on suitable environment conditions,such as the forest site configuration,terrain,slope,season and operation space.According to the current situation of larch plantation resources,based on the skidding experiments in larch plantations of Dailing forest bureau,the study first time compared the skidding operation efficiencies and costs under various operation modes.On the flat terrain,the highest skidding operation efficiency is from J-50 tractor skidding with clear cutting,and sequentially from animal skidding with clear cutting and animal skidding with selective cutting; the lowest skidding cost is from animal skidding with clear cutting,and sequentially from animal skidding with selective cutting and J-50 tractor skidding with clear cutting.The DBH distribution of harvested larch plantation was first time modeled using 3 parameters Wewibull function,and the reliability of the model was up to 92.3%.This model is able to predict DBH distribution of forest stands after cutting,and provide the guide for the directional cultivation and management in the future.The study compared the grey model and the statistical model on forest growth factors,and found that the growth factors of non-cut larch plantation worked well to the grey model,and the growth factors of cut larch plantation worked well to the statistical model.The investigations and the analysis showed that,the damage rate of reserved trees in larch plantation played an increasing trend with the increasing both cutting intensity and stand density.Under the various cutting intensities and stand densities,the cutting damage rate and the skidding damage rate for reserved trees had the similar trend,which was increased first and decreased then.The comparison experiments showed that,all of skidding ways,inclusing the tractor skidding with clear cutting,the animal skidding with clear cutting and the animal skidding with selective cutting,significantly influenced the physical characteristics of surface soil.After cutting operations,the bulk density of surface soil was increased obviously,but the porosity,the water capacity and the water drainage capacity of soil were all decreased.The organic contents were reduced most in clear-cut sites with animal skidding,and sequentially are that in selective-cut sites with animal skidding and clear-cut sites tractor skidding. The multi-objects decision method was employed first time to integrate the economy index and the environment index,for evaluating synthetically the objects of cutting/skidding operation ways in larch plantation.It was found that the selective cutting with animal skidding is the optimal operation mode.This operation mode is in accord with the current operation situation in larch plantation of less cutting mission and dispersed cutting sites,and can be used for reference by the other similar larch plantations.The study established first time the evaluation models of ecological cutting for larch plantation,and raised the particular method of index measuring.This application of evaluation model will be able to improve the moderate forest cutting,which does not only satisfy the society demands on timber,but also bring the ecological benefits and social benefits.The study results have the great significances for forest regeneration,growth,stand quality, productivity improvement,ecological cutting efficiency improvement and operation cost decrease in larch plantation,especially are highly valuable to the science and the practice of sustainable economy development in forest areas.

【关键词】 落叶松人工林生态采伐模式评价
【Key words】 Larch plantationecological cuttingmodeevaluation