

Study on Characteristics of Melilotoides Ruthenica Strains

【作者】 赵丽丽

【导师】 李青丰; 王照兰;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古农业大学 , 草业科学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本论文从生物学特性、光合特性、抗旱、耐盐性、遗传多样性等多个层面上对课题组已经筛选和培育出的扁蓿豆4个品系进行研究,鉴定了4个品系的遗传多样性和品系特异性,主要结果如下:1.扁蓿豆4个品系的生物学特性不同。利用与农艺性状关系密切的10个单项指标,采用主成分分析法对各品系进行综合比较分析,4个品系的综合性能排序为:品系00-61>品系93-21>品系90-36>品系00-81。4个扁蓿豆品系均为二倍体,2n=2x=16。2.扁蓿豆4个品系的种子均存在不同程度的硬实性。砂磨法和98%硫酸处理,均能破除扁蓿豆4个品系的种子硬实。98%硫酸破除扁蓿豆4个品系种子硬实的最佳处理时间分别为:品系93-21,20min;品系90-36,25min;品系00-61,30min;品系00-81,40min。在打磨处理中,要根据不同品系的种子特性掌握好打磨的适宜力度。3.扁蓿豆4个品系的光合特性和光适应能力不同。00-61和93-21具有相对高产的生理和生物物理基础。品系00-61具有较强的强光的适应能力,更适合在高光环境下种植利用。品系90-36具有相对较强的防御光抑制破坏的能力。品系00-81耐荫力较强,与其他品系相比更能适应相对弱光环境。4.扁蓿豆4个品系及其对照材料种子萌发期的抗旱耐盐性顺序为:扁蓿豆品系90-36>品系93-21>直扁>品系00-61>品系00-81>黄花苜蓿。苗期抗旱性顺序为:品系90-36>品系00-61>直扁>品系93-21>品系00-81>黄花苜蓿。扁蓿豆各品系在种子萌发期、苗期的抗旱性和种子萌发期的耐盐性均高于黄花苜蓿。在扁蓿豆4个品系之中,品系90-36抗旱、耐盐性最强,品系00-81相对较弱。半致死渗透胁迫强度和半致死盐浓度可以作为扁蓿豆各品系种子萌发期抗旱耐盐性鉴定的指标。5. 4个品系在种子可溶性蛋白和盐溶蛋白图谱上的谱带数目、位置、宽窄和颜色深浅均存在不同程度的差异。无论依据种子的可溶性蛋白或盐溶蛋白,均可以将扁蓿豆4个品系区分开。盐溶蛋白指纹图谱谱带数目较可溶蛋白指纹图谱谱带数目少,且其大部分差异位点都为弱带,谱带的重复性不如可溶性蛋白稳定。6.扁蓿豆的遗传变异主要存在于品系内,但品系间的遗传分化水平亦较高。生物学特性、生化标记和分子标记所反映出的扁蓿豆4个品系之间的遗传关系一致,即:品系00-61和00-81遗传差异相对较小,其次是品系90-36。品系93-21遗传多样性最大,与各品系的遗传差异较大。生物学特性、种子可溶性蛋白、RAPD和ISSR研究结果之间存在显著至极显著的相关关系。7.扁蓿豆4个品系均具有各自的品系特异性,可以以其各自的品系特异性为依据进行下一步的品种申报工作。

【Abstract】 Based on the prophase studying, four better Melilotoides ruthenica strains were chose for this study. The biological characteristics, photosynthetic characteristics, drought tolerance, salt tolerance and genetic diversity of four strains were analyzed and compared. The main results were as follows:1. The biological characteristics of four M. ruthenica strains were different. Ten important indexes which affect agronomic characters were analyzed and compared. The ordination of integration performance based on these ten biology characters was: 00-61>93-21>90-36>00-81.All of four M. ruthenica strains were Diploid,2n=2x=16.2. Four M. ruthenica strains had different degree of hard seed. Using sanding treatment and 98% sulfuric acid treated the seeds of four M. ruthenica strains, the hard seed could be broken. The optimum treatment times of 98% sulfuric acid were: strain 93-21, 20min; strain 90-36, 25min; strain 00-61, 30min; strain 00-81, 40min. And by the sanding treatment, the suitable force was the key.3. Photosynthetic characteristics and photoadaptability of four strains of M. ruthenica were different. Strain 00-61and 93-21 have the potential to produce higher biomass. At the same time, strain 00-61 has the highest photoadaptability to strong light. Strain 90-36 has higher defensive ability to light inhibition damage than other three strains. Strain 00-81 has stronger shade tolerance, and has higher adaptability to weak light.4. The drought-resistance ability and the salt-tolerance ability of M. ruthenica strains were: 90-36>93-21>M. ruthenicus“Zhilixing”>00-61>00-81>sickle alfalfa. The drought-resistance ability of four M. ruthenica strains in seedling stage were: 90-36>00-61>M. ruthenicus“Zhilixing”>93-21>00-81>sickle alfalfa.So the ability of drought-resistance and salt-tolerance of M. ruthenica strains were higher than that of sickle alfalfa. The drought-resistance ability and the salt-tolerance ability of strain 90-36 were strongest and strain 00-81 was weakest in four M. ruthenica strains.The half-lethal density could be used as drought-resistant and salt-tolerance identification index.5. Among strains, the bands of the seed soluble proteins and seed salt soluble proteins were different in number, distribution, width, and concentration. Four strains could be identified from each other based on the appearance, lose, width and concentration of those bands.The bands of the seed salt soluble proteins were less than the seed soluble proteins, and most of different salt soluble-protein bands were weak. The repeatability of salt soluble-protein bands were lower than that of seed soluble-protein6. The majority of genetic variation of M. ruthenica occurred within strains. But the level of genetic differentiation among strains was relatively high. The genetic relationship of M. ruthenica strains revealed by biological characteristics, biochemical marker, and molecular marker was similar. That is, genetic identity of strain 00-61 and 00-81 was relatively higher, followed by strain 90-36. The genetic identity of strain 93-21, with highest genetic diversity, was lowest. The correlations among morphological biological characteristics, seed soluble-protein, RAPD and ISSR markers were significant.7. Four strains have their own specificity. According to their own specificity, variety application could be done.
