

Taxonomy of Fossil Palaeontinidae from the Late Mesozoic in Northeast China (Insecta: Homoptera: Cicadomorpha)

【作者】 王莹

【导师】 任东;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 遗传学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 我国北方内蒙古自治区赤峰市宁城道虎沟地区(中侏罗世,九龙山组)和辽宁省西部北票地区(早白垩世,义县组)蕴藏了丰富的动植物化石,其中包含了大量的昆虫化石。在众多昆虫化石标本中,保存有一批精美完整的古蝉科昆虫化石。这些材料为研究古蝉科昆虫的起源演化、与植物间的协同进化等多方面问题提供了重要的依据。本文介绍了我国东北中生代古蝉科昆虫化石的产地、地质年代及其典型地层剖面,回顾了同翅目昆虫化石在国内外的研究历史及现状,描述了蝉亚目古蝉科昆虫的外部形态,系统发育关系及生物学特征,并对我国目前所有报道的蝉亚目古蝉科昆虫化石标本进行分类描述。本文共研究整理并系统描述古蝉科昆虫化石标本14属36种,包括1新属3新种5新组合,即:联合古蝉属Synapocossus gen. nov.的缩短联合古蝉S. succinctus gen. et sp. nov.,赛氏联合古蝉S. sciacchitanoae gen. et sp. nov.,长联合古蝉S. praelongus gen. et sp. nov.,薄古蝉属Plachutella Becker-Migdisova, 1949的多点薄古蝉P. punctulosus (Wang and Ren, 2006) comb. nov.,美丽薄古蝉P. bellus (Wang and Ren, 2006) comb. nov.,弯脉薄古蝉P. ancylivenius (Wang and Ren, 2006) comb. nov.,华美薄古蝉P. decorus (Wang and Zhang, 2008) comb. nov.,陈氏薄古蝉P. cheni (Wang and Zhang, 2008) comb. nov.;和已正式发表的7属14种,即:道虎沟古蝉属Daohugoucossus Wang and Zhang, 2006的石氏道虎沟古蝉D. shii Wang, Ren and Shih, 2007,平行道虎沟古蝉D. parallelivenius Wang, Ren and Shih, 2007,李氏道虎沟古蝉D. lii Wang, Ren and Shih, 2007;东方古蝉属Eoiocossus (Wang, Ren and Shih, 2007) Wang and Zhang, 2006的强壮东方古蝉E. validus (=E. conchatus Wang, Ren and Shih, 2007) Wang and Zhang, 2006,巨大东方古蝉E. giganteus (Wang, Ren and Shih, 2007) Wang and Zhang, 2009,翼状东方古蝉E. pteroideus (Wang, Ren and Shih, 2007) Wang and Zhang, 2009;长形古蝉属Quadraticossus Wang and Ren, 2007的房氏长形古蝉Q. fangi Wang and Ren, 2007,长柄长形古蝉Q. longicaulis Wang and Ren, 2007,美丽长形古蝉Q. eumorphus Wang, Wang and Ren, 2008;钩古蝉属Hamicossus Wang and Ren, 2007的滑脉钩古蝉H. laevis Wang and Ren, 2007;苏柳客塔古蝉属Suljuktocossus Becker-Migdisova, 1949的殷氏苏柳客塔古蝉S. yinae Wang and Ren, 2007,具色苏柳客塔古蝉S. coloratus (Wang, Zhang and Fang, 2006) Wang, Zhang and Szwedo, 2009;枝古蝉属Cladocossus Wang and Ren, 2009的波状枝古蝉C. undulatus Wang and Ren, 2009;环古蝉属Cricocossus Wang and Ren, 2009的奇异环古蝉C. paradoxus Wang and Ren, 2009。文中整理和详细描述14属36种,绘制构造特征线条图48幅,化石图版26个,化石照片71张。其中发现的道虎沟古蝉属中的石氏道虎沟古蝉是该科迄今为止世界上保存最为完整的古蝉科昆虫化石标本,首次揭示了古蝉科昆虫足及腹部的结构特征,这为我们更进一步研究已灭绝的古蝉科和其他头喙亚目昆虫间的亲缘关系提供了更多的形态学依据。通过对内蒙古自治区赤峰市宁城道虎沟地区和辽宁省西部北票地区的古蝉科昆虫与现生蝉科昆虫的外部形态进行对比,探讨蝉亚目昆虫与植物的协同进化及古蝉科的灭绝原因,并根据对古蝉科昆虫在不同地质年代的新生属种数目进行统计,分析古蝉科昆虫在中生代辐射爆发的原因。本文通过对古蝉科昆虫翅表面具有不同类型的翅斑以及和其他目相似翅斑的比较,分析古蝉科昆虫可能存在的拟态机制。本文研究的蝉亚目古蝉科昆虫化石标本均保存在首都师范大学生命科学学院昆虫进化与环境变迁重点实验室。

【Abstract】 Eastern Inner Mongolia and Western Liaoning are located in the northeast part of China. Its non-marine sedimentary strata, especially in Jiulongshan Formation of Middle Jurassic and Yixian Formation of Early Cretaceous, yield a mass of notable fossils including abounded insects which providing important evidence for study of the origin and early evolution of insects. Among these abundant insect fossils, the record of fossil palaeontinid is well preserved. These valuable materials are the important supplement to the record of world fossil palaeontinid and may aid study of their origin as well as their interactions between insects and plants.In present dissertation, the location, geological age of the strata fossil Palaeontinidae of Northeast China and same representative geological sections are introduced. A brief researching history and actuality on fossil Homoptera, and geological history of Homoptera are given. The morphology and phylogenetic study of the Palaeontinidae of the suborder Cicadomorpha are reviewed. A comprehensive taxonomic work on fossils from eastern Inner Mongolia and western Liaoning and north Hebei is presented.In total, 36 species within 14 genera assigned to Palaeontinidae are treated, including 1 new genus, 3 new species and 5 new combinations: Synapocossus succinctus gen. et sp. nov., S. sciacchitanoae gen. et sp. nov., S. praelongus gen. et sp. nov, Plachutella punctulosus (Wang and Ren, 2006) comb. nov., P. bellus (Wang and Ren, 2006) comb. nov., P. ancylivenius (Wang and Ren, 2006) comb. nov., P. decorus (Wang and Zhang, 2008) comb. nov., P. cheni (Wang and Zhang, 2008) comb. nov.; and 7 genera and 14 species were published, Daohugoucossus shii Wang and Zhang, 2006, D. parallelivenius Wang, Ren and Shih, 2007, D. lii Wang, Ren and Shih, 2007, Eoiocossus validus (= E. conchatus Wang, Ren and Shih, 2007) Wang and Zhang, 2006, E. giganteus (Wang, Ren and Shih, 2007) Wang and Zhang, 2009, E. pteroideus (Wang, Ren and Shih, 2007) Wang and Zhang, 2007, Quadraticossus fangi Wang and Ren, 2007, Q. longicaulis Wang and Ren, 2007, Q. eumorphus Wang, Wang and Ren, 2008, Hamicossus laevis Wang and Ren, 2007, Suljuktocossus yinae Wang and Ren, 2007, S. coloratus (Wang, Zhang and Fang, 2006) Wang, Zhang and Szwedo, 2009, Cladocossus undulates Wang and Ren, 2009 and Cricocossus paradoxus Wang and Ren, 2009. Totally 48 line drawing and 68 photos are presented. This finding documents the first records of nearly complete fossil Palaeontinidae in world and offer more morphologic characters for the study of evolutional relationship between this extinct family and other cicadas. The fossil species of Palaeontinidae occurring in northeastern China are listed for each genus and their type localities are given.According to the references of extant family of the suborder Cicadomorpha, and Clypeus characters of Palaeontinidae, the coevolution between palaeontinid and plants and extinction of palaeontinid are discussed. A chart is provided that shows the number of the described Palaeontinidae fossils in different geological ages. By comparison, the Middle Jurassic palaeontinid diversity is greater than those in any other epoch, suggesting that the family probably went into its most prosperous stage in the Middle Jurassic. Based on wing color pattern occurred in most species of Palaeontinidae, mimicry of palaeontinid is analyzed.All the type specimens of the species are preserved at the Key Laboratory of Insect Evolution & Environment Change, Capital Normal University in Beijing, China.
