

【作者】 姒鹭

【导师】 王淑芹;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 行政伦理法治化是行政伦理建设中不可或缺的重要环节。尽管学界对道德法律化的质疑一直存在,但是对于执掌公权力的政府公职人员来说,鉴于个体道德理性约束的有限性和社会伦理价值的多元化,仅仰赖于个体的道德自律,不足以对权力运行过程中产生的负效应和权力滥用现象进行有效规约,需要将最基本的行政道德义务转化成法律规范,发挥法律的强制力对破坏规则的不德行为进行严惩,促使行政伦理价值观得以普遍践行。构建结构体系完整的行政伦理法律法规已成为我国深化行政体制改革、建立廉洁政府、建设和谐社会的当务之急。从行政伦理建设的实践来看,行政伦理法治化已成为一种世界趋势。本文对行政伦理法治化的研究不囿于经验层面的一般概述和归纳,而是注重对问题领域的分析,对我国行政伦理法治建设中存在的问题,不仅是把脉和解构,更在于应对和建构。文章以分析行政伦理法治化对社会整体、行政个体和行政组织的不同功效为理论维度,以梳理其他国家行政伦理法治化的建设经验为实践维度,指出行政伦理法治化在公共行政实践中之必然普遍性,尝试对公共行政领域中的伦理规范上位为法律规范的界限予以廓清。通过对不同国家的行政伦理法治化的建设历程进行全面系统梳理,对行政伦理法规内容、监督保证机制进行综括和分析,探究其行政伦理法治化建设的可操作性和实践性。把脉目前我国行政伦理制度建设现状,针对在建设服务型政府中出现的现实问题,借鉴其他国家实践经验,尝试提出我国行政伦理法规建设框架模式。本文共有五章,主要框架结构和研究内容如下:第一章以阐释公务员职业道德的特殊性为基点,在界定行政伦理法治化意涵的基础上,分别条陈行政伦理法治化对社会整体、行政个体和行政组织不同的道德功效,指出行政伦理法治建设是时代发展之趋势,是我国完善公务员道德约束机制,建设服务型政府、构建和谐社会之必然。同公民道德的广泛性和普世性相比,公务员道德更具鲜明的政治性、适度的强制性和典型的示范性。公务员的道德品质,对整个社会的理想信仰、道德风尚和价值观念的形成具有相当重要的示范性和影响力。行政伦理法治化不是对公务员所有的道德要求都上位为法律规范,而是以一定原则为指导、有针对性的、适度的道德法律化,旨在通过法律手段促进道德规范的有效践履,建立完善的制度机制约束个人的贪欲。第二章和第三章分别以美国、加拿大、韩国和新加坡四国的行政伦理法治建设状况为例证,通过系统梳理,分别概述上述国家行政伦理法治建设的历程和立法情况,探究其行政伦理法治建设的可操作性和实践性,以期对我国提供借鉴和启示。行政伦理法治化的重点不仅强调对违法行为的惩治,更侧重于对公务员利用公权谋取私利的可能性的杜绝,针对一切潜在和可能性损害,做到事前预防。厉行法治,以明晰的制度约束政府公职人员的行为,将部分公务员道德规范上位为法律规定,使道德具有与法律同等的效力和作用,已成为许多发达国家行政伦理建设的重要内容。第四章从阐述我国行政伦理法治建设现状出发,剖析存在问题,指出我国的行政伦理法治建设正日渐推进、发展和完善,各种行政伦理相关制度法规不断出台,但是仍存在亟待解决的问题。我国近年制定的很多行政伦理方面的制度规范,都不是针对公务员伦理道德行为的专门性法律规范,没有上位到法的高度。其中涵盖的行为规范和伦理要求多是一些原则性规定,内容较模糊而零散,相互之间协调性不足,缺乏统一而具体、真正具有现实可操作性的行动指南、量化的具体规定及其强制性的惩罚措施。相关的行政伦理监督执行机制缺位,导致实施效果不佳,与制度设立的初衷尚有一段距离。尽管如此,仍为政府进一步推进行政伦理法治建设奠定了坚实的政策和制度基础。第五章针对我国行政伦理法治建设中出现的现实问题,在把脉我国目前行政伦理法治建设现状的基础上,借鉴其他国家实践经验,尝试提出“一规两法”的行政伦理法规建设框架模式。“一规”是指公务员行政伦理基本规范《国家公务员服务规定》;“两法”即行政伦理核心法规《国家公务员伦理法》和行政伦理扩展法规《反腐败法》。在行政伦理法治建设中,道德法律化是必要的但不是唯一途径,加强行政伦理教育、推进廉政文化建设、完善党内外各级监督机制、积极发挥非政府组织的监督功能也是必要的建设路径。行政伦理法治建设是一项系统工程,只有从各角度、各方位齐抓共管形成合力,管理与建设同步才能取得成效。

【Abstract】 Administrative Ethics Rule of Law is an indispensable important aspect in the administrative ethics building. In the academic sector, even though the existence of moral law has been questioned, But for these government officials who are in charge of the public authority, because of the limited individual rationality,the moral constraints and the diversity of social ethical values, the power abuse that generated in the course of the exercise of power can not be effectively bound by the individual’s moral self-discipline. At this time, the most basic administrative moral obligations need to be transformed into legal norms to exert coercive power of law and severely punish those who broke the rules, so that can the administrative ethical values be generally fulfilled.The construction of complete structural system on the administrative ethics laws and regulations have become imperatively for our country to deepen the administrative system reform to set up a clean government and a harmonious community. From the practice point of view, the Administrative Ethics Rule of Law has been the world trend. In this paper, the study of Administrative Ethics Rule of Law was not only limited to the general description, summary and generalization on the experienced level, but rather focused on the analysis. As to the problem of the construction of Administrative Ethics Rule of Law, this article is more than to grasp and deconstruct, but to respond and construct.From the theoretical point of view, this article analyzed different effects that Administrative Ethics Rule of Law showed on the whole community, the administrative individual and organization. From the practical point of view, this article expounded the construction experience of the Administration Ethics Rule of Law in other countries, pointed out the inevitability of the construction in the public administration practice, tried to define the Code of Ethics, which can be transformed into legal norms in the field of the Administration Ethics Rule of Law, overviewed and analyzed the content of the ethical administrative regulations and supervision mechanism in other countries to look into the practical operability of the Administrative Ethics Rule of Law. Facing with the ethics administration legal system in our country, targeted at questions arise in reality in building the service-oriented government, learned from the practical experience in other countries, made the construction of administrative ethics and regulations framework model in our country.There are five chapters in this paper. The Main structure is as follows:Chapter I, on the base of explaining the specificity of the professional ethics of civil servants and defining the meaning of Administrative Ethics Rule of Law, analyzed different effects that Administrative Ethics Rule of Law showed on the whole community, the administrative individual and organization, pointed out that the Administrative Ethics Rule of Law is the development trend and a kind of civil servant moral mechanisms. It is also the necessary channel to build a service-oriented government and set up a harmonious society. Compared With the breadth and universal civic virtue, the moral of the civil servant is more political, mandatory and demonstrative. Moral qualities of civil servants made very important and influential effect on the formation of the whole social ideal of faith, morality and values. In the Administration Ethics Rule of Law, not all of the moral demands of civil servants are epistatic to the legal norms, but a kind of appropriate degree of moral law which be guided by some principles and targeted, which aimed to improve the institutional mechanisms to made the individual greed bounded through the legal means to promote ethical and effective fulfillment.Chapter II & Chapter III descried the construction of the Administrative Ethics Rule of Law in other four countries, such as The United States, Canada, Korea and Singapore. System outlined Administrative ethics rule of law and legislative history of the situation in the above countries to look into the practical operability of the Administration Ethics Rule of Law, and provided some reference and inspiration to our country. The focus of the Administrative Ethics Rule of Law is not only on punishing violations but more focused on eliminating the possibility of civil servant abuse; prevent all potential and possible damages. Rule of law is the main channel to build the administrative ethics in many countries. The practice of constructing the administrative ethics in developed countries shows that the system constrain on the behavior of government officials,upper part of the civil service code of ethics for the legal provisions,so that the moral has the same effect with the legal force, the above methods have become the main channel to build the administrative ethics in many countries.Chapter IV, from the perspectives of elaborating the status quo of the construction of Administrative Ethics Rule of Law in our country, analyzed the existing problem, pointed out that in China, the building up of Administration Ethics Rule of Law has been promoted and developed, various administrative ethics laws and regulations related to the system have been continuously introduced. Nevertheless, there are still some problems calling for urgent solutions. The norms on the administrative ethic which draft these years were not the specialized legal norms which for civil servants ethical conduct. Many provisions are only of principle, more ambiguous and scattered, lack of coordinated and really practical guide to action, which led to ineffective implementation. Nevertheless, the pre-construction still laid a solid foundation of policy and system to the promotion of the construction of the Administrative Ethics Rule of Law.Chapter V, facing with the ethics administrative legal system in our country, targeted at questions arise in reality in building a service-oriented government, learned from the practical experience in other countries, made the construction of administrative ethics and regulations framework model in our country---“One Rule Two Laws”.“One Rule”Refers to the basic ethical norms of the Civil Administration----“National Civil Service Regulations”;“Two Laws”Refers to the core ethical administrative regulations----“National Public Service Ethics Act”, expansion of administrative ethics and regulations----“Anti-Corruption Law”. In the Administrative Ethics Rule of Law construction, moral laws are necessary but not the only way. There are some other necessary methods, such as the administrative ethics education, honesty political culture promoted, oversight mechanisms at all levels inside and outside the party Improved, Non-Governmental Organizations developed etc. The construction of the Administration Ethics Rule of Law is a kind of systematic project. Only to form a concerted effort on the whole, can the Management and construction to achieve the synchronization effectiveness.

  • 【分类号】D912.1
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】2179