

【作者】 王俊斌

【导师】 梁景和;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 农业合作化运动是现代中国一次重要的土地变革。从整个中国历史土地制度变迁的角度来考察,其所占有的独特地位也是不言自明的。它是中国共产党在广大农村继土地改革之后的又一次土地制度的重大调整,改变了几千年来中国农村土地私有制和小农经济占主导地位的状况,实现了农村生产资料所有制和经营管理体制的历史性变革,是中国现当代农村社会经济体制变迁中的重要一环。没有以农业合作化为主要内容的社会主义农业改造,把千千万万个体小农经济改造成为社会主义集体经济,人民公社制度和家庭联产承包责任制也就无从谈起。可以说,农业合作化之后的农村土地集体所有制,是当前以及今后相当一段时间内中国土地制度的基础。农村所有的问题,都应该在这一基础上展开讨论才有意义。尽管中国农村传统社会早已存在着朴素的互助合作行为,但真正意义上的合作运动却是从欧美发达的资本主义国家起源的。最早的合作社,也不是农民组织的农业合作社,而是工人组织的消费或信用合作社。随着近代中国国门洞开,中西文化交流日益频繁,西方的合作思想作为解决中国积贫积弱的一剂良方被引荐到国内,并最早在一批知识分子中间传播开来。而随后的南京国民政府也积极支持在农村开展合作运动,并颁布了一系列条文法规来规范合作社的发展。中国共产党则一直重视合作经济在中国的发展,在不同的历史阶段举办了形式不一的合作社。建国以后,更是在吸收和借鉴了苏联合作化道路经验的基础上,通过农业合作化运动完成了农业的社会主义改造。中国共产党领导下的保德县农业合作化运动,大体经历了互助组(包括变工组、扎工队等)、初级农业社、高级农业社三个阶段。互助组从1943年毛泽东发出“组织起来”的号召开始到1955年底结束,延续的时间相对较长。但从1951年冬天开始就主要发展初级农业社,互助组就不占主导地位。互助组完全是以个体小农私有制为基础的劳动互助组织,实行等价劳动,以工顶工,是具有初步社会主义萌芽的劳动组织。合作化运动从1951年冬到1955年10月进入第二阶段,这一阶段为初级社的大发展时期。初级社是在互助组基础上发展起来的,土地、耕畜、主要农具全部入社由初级社统一支配,各项生产劳动具有计划性,年终劳动成果以劳力和土地按比例分红,是半社会主义性质的劳动组织。从1956年春—1958年9月是高级社时期,为保德县农业合作化运动的第三阶段。高级社实现了以土地为主的生产资料集体化,取消了土地分红,在分配时实行“各尽所能、按劳分配”原则。本文在占有大量档案材料的基础上,详细考察了中国共产党领导下保德县开展互助合作运动的历史进程,并注重在论述过程中采用个案分析的方法来再现历史真相,以期对合作化运动发展过程中的问题进行更为深刻的剖析。为了尽可能还原历史,弥补档案资料的缺失,笔者就保德县农业合作化运动这一段历史进行了口述访谈,并精选出12位当事人的口述资料作为附录附于正文之后,以生动再现前人所经历的历史。作为一项重要的制度变革,农业合作化不仅改变了农村的生产关系,也推动了1950年代农村社会生活的变迁。其通过国家政权的力量,使得农村传统社会的现代化进程超越了同时代农村社会经济的发展水平,从而为农村社会从整体向现代化转型做出了积极贡献。农业合作化运动在中国的产生有其历史必然性,它是我国农业现代化进程中的一次积极探索,在特定历史阶段也起到了积极作用,推动了农业的发展。但随着我国合作化道路路径的选择逐渐背离了合作制度最初的本质,它与现代化的目标也就渐行渐远。当今时代需要广大农民以“自由人”的身份重新合作,以最终实现我国农业现代化的目标。

【Abstract】 As an important land reform in modern China, the agriculture cooperative movement owns its unique position in the history of China’s land system change. It is a significant adjustment of the production relations after the policy of reducing rent and interest rates and land reform carried out by the Communist Party of China in the vast rural areas, which have changed the situation of the private land ownership small-scale peasant economy for thousands of years, fulfilled the historic move of the ownership means of production and management system in rural areas, and become an important segment of the economical system change in China’s contemporary rural society. The collective management system of the people’s commune and the household contract responsibility system would be necessities, if there are not the socialist transform for the agriculture characterized by agricultural cooperation, which have turned thousands of the small-scale farmer economies into the socialist economy under collective ownership. It can be said that, now and next time, the collective ownership of rural land following the agriculture cooperation is the very basis of the land system of Chinese rural area, and it is in this basis that the discussing about the rural issues is significant.Although there were the simple co operations in the traditional rural society of China, the really cooperative movement originated from the advanced capitalist country. The earliest cooperative was not the agricultural cooperative opened by the peasants, but the consumers’ cooperatives and credit cooperatives organized by the workers. For example, the Rochdale cooperative, which is regarded as the example of the early cooperatives by later generations, was a consumers’ cooperative run by thirteen textile workers in the Rochdale, Lancashire, England. After China opened its doors and the cultural communication between China and the West strengthened ceaselessly, the western thought about the cooperation was introduced into China as an antidote, and spread among the intellectuals at the earliest. The following Nanjing national government actively supported the agriculture cooperative movement in rural areas, and issued a series of regulations to standard the development of the cooperatives. As the famous scholar, Liang shuming and Yan yangchu have ever opened the cooperatives in Shandong and Hebei, and made some achievements.The agriculture cooperative movement in Baode led by the Communist Party of China, experienced three different steps: mutual-aid team, primary and advanced agricultural cooperative. The mutual-aid team, which started from Mao Zedong’s call“Organize " in 1943 and end at the end of 1955, has been existed for a long time. But the mutual-aid team did not perform a dominating situation any more, because the primary agricultural cooperative was started to be regarded as the emphasis from the winter of 1951. The mutual-aid team, characterized with socialism rudiments, is a labor organization based on the individual small-scale peasant ownership system. The primary agricultural cooperative is the second step of the agriculture cooperative movement, which started from the winter of 1951 and ended on the October, 1955. Based on the mutual-aid team, the land, farm animals, farming implements were all required to hand in and allocated by the primary agricultural cooperative, and all productive labor were planned, and the fruit of labor was shared in proportion of labor and land. So the primary agricultural cooperative was a labor organization characterized with semi-socialism. The advanced agricultural cooperative is the third step of the agriculture cooperative movement, which started from the winter of 1955 and ended on the September, 1958. During the period of the advanced agricultural cooperative, the collectivization of capital goods with the land as the main point was realized, the dividend on land shares was cancelled, and the principle of distribution in socialist society of“from each according to his ability”and“to each according to his work”was carried out.This paper studies the characters of every historical stage that the agriculture cooperative movement in Baode experienced, pays attention to the application of case studies to reveal the historical truth, and analyzes the problems occurred in the course of the agriculture cooperative movement. To restore the historical actuality vividly as more as possible and compensate for the archives, this paper uses a large amount of oral materials collected during field research, and chooses the oral materials made by twelve persons concerned as the appendix attached to the text.The appearance of the agriculture cooperative movement in China has its historical inevitability, and has played a very active role in the specific historical stage, and improved the agriculture development. But as the choice of the cooperative road in China departs from the primal essence, its decline is inevitable.

  • 【分类号】K27
  • 【被引频次】5
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