

Research on Reform of the Sport Administration System of China from the Perspective of Public Service

【作者】 王会寨

【导师】 任海;

【作者基本信息】 北京体育大学 , 体育人文社会学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 公共服务是演绎中国体育行政管理体制改革政治逻辑的重要因素。为此,本文以公共服务为逻辑主线和分析工具,规范研究与实证研究相结合,辅之以比较研究和文献数据研究方法,结合中国社会实践,剖析体育公共服务的基本框架在中国体育行政管理体制改革中的应用与路径选择问题。主要结论如下:1、改革开放以来,中国社会进入了前所未有的社会转型时期,深刻的社会变革对政府的组织结构、管理职能、运作机制等各个方面提出全面挑战,从而促使中国体育行政管理体制走上改革之路。尽管我们有明确的改革目标,但几经改革,在计划经济体制下形成的单纯依赖国家和主要依靠行政手段办体育的高度集中的体育体制并未发生实质性的变化,传统的全能政府的行政模式与中国体育实践的矛盾日益加剧。事实表明,中国体育行政管理体制改革不仅需要明确的目标,更需要寻求新的实现目标的途径,使改革的路线清晰,改革的进程有所依托,体育公共服务由是进入中国体育改革的视野。2、体育公共服务的提供是现代化的必然要求,体现了现代民族国家的自觉和社会公民的基本权利。体育公共服务的属性主要体现在服务的公益性、消费的层次性、发展的阶段性以及生产和提供要遵循伦理要求等四个方面。这些属性与中国社会转犁的基本趋势,与构建“以人为本”的和谐社会的社会目标和科学发展观的理论方向高度契合。因此,全面而系统地将公共服务的理论运用于中国体育行政管理体制的改革,对中国体育未来的发展具有重要的战略意义。3、体育公共服务的基本框架包括体育公共服务的内容、环境、供给模式、供给机制、服务绩效评估及监管与激励机制等。这一框架以确定社会体育公共需求为出发点,以满足体育公共需求为导向,以服务体系与环境的相互作用为动力,以政府主导的多中心主体为供给模式,以行政手段与市场结合为供给机制,从而界定了中国政府体育行政部门在体育公共服务中的位置、职能、规模以及与市场和社会边界的划分,并为中国体育行政管理体制的改革提供了完整的具体路径和实际操作模式。4、根据体育公共服务的基本框架,以服务型的体育行政管理体制取代传统的全能管制型政府行政模式,是一场深刻的变革,其进程不仅与相关各方认识的深化、观念的更新、利益的调整有关,还与中国社会和体育发展的实际状况密切相关。因此,中国体育行政管理体制向服务型体育行政管理体制的转化将会是一个渐进的过程。

【Abstract】 Public service plays a significant role in deducing the political logic in the reform of sport administration system of China.Therefore, according to the Status of China society,taking public service as logic clue and analysis tool,this paper combined the research methods of normative research,empirical study,comparative study,literature study and data study together to analyze how the fundamental framework of public sport service applied in the reform of sport administration system of China.The main conclusions are as follows:1.Since the opening up to outside world,China has moved into an unprecedented age of transformation,the organization structure of government,management duty,operation mechanism and so on,consequently met a comprehensive challenge produced by profound society reform,thus sport administration system of China was pushed onto the road of reform. The government of China has set its reform target.However,after several stages of reform,highly centralized system of sport which developing sport simply relying on state and administrative instruments,formed under planned economy system,haven’t changed substantively, contradiction between traditional mode of government administration and status of Chinese sport has aggravated increasingly.Facts indicate that the reform of sport administration system of China needs a new way of how to achieve a target much more than a clear one.Therefore,public sport service came into the field of vision in China’ s sport reform for the objective to clarify the route and build the foundation of reform.2.Supply of public sport service is an inevitable requirement for modernization,which embodied the consciousness of contemporary nation-state and the human rights of citizens.The attributes of public sport service are:public welfare,level of consumption,stage of development,and production and supply complying with ethical requirement.These attributes are extremely in accordance with basic trend of transformation of China society,with the target of constructing a harmony society of human-oriented,and with the theory of scientific development.Consequently,applying theory of public service systematically in the reform of sport administration system of China has strategic significance for the future development of China’s sports.3.The fundamental framework of public sport service includes content system,environment,supply mechanism,supply mode,and mechanism of performance evaluation,supervision and incentive.Taking confirming common sport demands in society as starting point,filling them as orientation,interaction of service system and environment as power, government-led multi-centered subject as supply mode,connecting administrative instruments and market as supply mechanism,this framework defined the role,position and duty of sport administration department of China in public service,and provided a complete path and practical operation mode of the reform of sport administration system of China.4.Within the fundamental framework of public sport service,replacing traditional mode of regulation government with service-oriented administration system is a profound reform,which is not only related to deepening cognition,updating conception and adjusting interests,but also to the development of China’s society and sport.Thus,the transformation to service-oriented administration system would be a progressive process.
