

Study on the Historical Evolution of Opening Ceremonies of Modern Olvmpic Games

【作者】 牛静

【导师】 任海;

【作者基本信息】 北京体育大学 , 体育人文社会学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 开幕式是专门设计的、标志某届奥运会开始的程序化活动,是举办国、举办城市向世界展示其历史文化、地方特色和社会现状的良好契机和表达其对奥林匹克主义和精神理解的场所,也是社会因素对奥林匹克运动产生影响的集中表现,更是研究多元文化的互动点。本研究以历届奥运会开幕式为研究对象,采用文献研究法、归纳法、观察法、访谈法、比较分析法和历史研究法等研究方法,以开幕式结构为衡量尺度,对其特点和功能进行阐述,将开幕式分为构形期(1896年~1912年)、剧变期(1920年~1936年)、质变期(1948年~1976年)和裂变期(1980年至今)进行分析,观点如下:1.开幕式的结构主要包括形态结构和意义结构两部分。前者外在表现,后者是基础。2.开幕式形态结构主要由时间、空间、器物、角色和行为组成。时间方面,开幕式从白天发展到了夜晚。空间方面,从体育场与教堂的结合到体育场的独立,再发展到与周围景观的有机联系,体育场的利用也日益立体化。器物方面主要是奥林匹克标识的发展,文艺表演道具呈现出越来越大型化的趋势。角色方面,除了由男性主导发展到男女平等,观众范围扩大为现场观众和媒体观众两部分,演员范围更是从单一表演者发展到包括现场观众和代表团。行为方面,则主要是入场式风格、圣火点燃和传递的变化等。3.开幕式整体上呈现出从仪式向展演发展的趋势。一战前的开幕式主要是进行基本结构搭建;两次世界大战之间,仪式和文艺表演同时达到一个高峰,但文艺表演主要还是为仪式服务;二战后到70年代,展演异军突起,赋予了开幕式以新的风格;80年代至今,展演已经成为了开幕式的主要部分,整个开幕式日益变为一个大型的秀场,在入场式等方面,仪式已经开始为展演服务。4.开幕式深刻反映了社会变迁,其演进同时受到其所处时代各因素的影响。5.开幕式具有一定的独立性,这主要是由其意义结构决定的。6.仪式和文艺表演谁为谁服务、如何保持仪式的效力已经成为影响开幕式发展的生死攸关的问题。奥林匹克运动要维持开幕式的意义结构,需要展开一场仪式效力的保卫战。

【Abstract】 The opening ceremonies are a series of procedures specially designed to mark the beginning of the Olympic Games and it is a good opportunity for the host country and city to display their historical and cultural charm,local characteristics and social state,as well as their own understanding of Olympism and Olympic Spirit.Those social factors that influence the development of the Olympic movement also have an impact on this concentrated occasion,and it is point of interaction to study the multi-cultural diversity.This study regards opening ceremonies as main object and uses the methods of previous literature study,induction study,observation study, interviews study,comparative analysis and historical analysis and so on to have a survey.On the base of analyze the basic structure of the opening ceremonies,this study summarize its features and functions.Then, this study divided the history of opening ceremonies into four periods, which is1896 ~1912,1920 ~1936,1948 ~1976 and 1980-present,and the main conclusions are as follows:1.The structure of opening ceremonies includes figure structure and significance one,in which the latter one is the base of the former one and the figure structure is external appearance of significance.2.The components of opening ceremonies figure structure includes five parts,which is time,space,implements,roles and behavior components.Time of opening ceremonies developed from day to night.Space of opening ceremonies from combination of stadium and church to stadium itself,and then developed to linking with the surrounding landscape. The dimensions of stadium are extremely increasing used.The perfection of the Olympic logo and the trend of performances prop’s increasing larger is what change the implement of opening ceremonies made.When it comes to role,apart from the male-dominated to gender development,the scope of the audience and actors range from single one into multi one, which including both present audience and TV audience as well as audience and delegations.Behavior was mainly means parade style,torch lit and relay changes.3.The trend of opening ceremonies development is from ritual to show. Its basic structure was formed before World War I and developed well between the two world wars.Meanwhile the performance reached a peak as well at the same time,yet the ritual is still the base of it.From after World WarⅡto the 1970s,ritual gave its way to show,which provide new style to opening ceremonies.After 1980’s,show,but not ritual has become an essential part of the opening ceremonies.Admission type,and so on,the ceremony has begun to show services.4.Opening ceremonies reflect the profound social changes,such as political,economic,cultural,media and technology.5.Opening ceremonies also enjoy a certain degree of independence, which is mainly determined by its significance structure.6.Whether ritual or show is the main base and how to maintain the effectiveness of the ritual has become a life-and-death issue affecting the development of the opening ceremonies.The Olympic movement may need to start a war to defend the effectiveness of the ritual and to maintain the significance structure of opening ceremonies.

【关键词】 开幕式奥运会奥林匹克运动仪式
【Key words】 Opening CeremoniesOlympic GamesOlympic MovementRitual