

Status and Strategic Research on the Sport-books Publishing in China

【作者】 吴文峰

【导师】 郝勤;

【作者基本信息】 北京体育大学 , 体育人文社会学, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 本论文对从1949年到2004年出版的15940种体育图书进行整理,从历年出版的品种数量情况、总体出版结构情况、参与体育图书出版的出版社数量情况等角度入手,通过我国体育图书出版事业发展的6个阶段,并结合各发展阶段中,各类别体育图书出版选题在出版结构中的变化情况,为读者描绘出中国体育图书出版事业的发展历程和现状。笔者通过文献资料分析法和问卷调查法,对我国体育图书出版现状进行研究,发现:体育图书出版作为一种大众传媒,为推动我国体育事业的发展、繁荣我国图书市场做出过重要贡献。但目前仍然存在不少的问题,如体育图书出版仍停留在低水平过剩阶段,体育图书市场结构性失衡、有效供给不足,体育图书的社会效益以及对出版单位所带来的经济效益并不算很乐观等。因此,有必要对体育图书出版结构和选题进行深入研究,以便更好地发挥体育图书积累与传播体育知识的作用,满足人民日益增长的对体育知识的需要,进而促进我国体育事业发展。笔者运用模糊数学中模糊聚类分析方法,对影响我国体育图书出版结构构建的因素集进行分析,找出起最重要影响的因素集,为体育图书出版结构的优化研究抓住了矛盾的主要方面。并在此分析的基础上,建立体育图书出版结构优化指标,设计出体育图书出版结构优化模型。在体育图书出版选题研究中,结合现代体育图书选题策划在体育图书出版中的地位和功能,论文提出了3个层次把关的双向“三级策划制”模式。并以体育图书出版选题增长率和选题联带发展效应为指标,来衡量体育图书出版选题开发情况,认为要素重组法具有创新性。体育图书出版发行是一个出版者随着时间的变化而不断扩大体育运动精神劳动成果传播范围的过程,读者的自主性购买行为和从众性购买行为对这个过程具有显著影响。同时,当代中国文化从原来的政治文化格局向主流文化、精英文化、大众文化多元鼎立的文化格局迅速转型,这也决定着现代体育图书出版的文化走向和发展趋势。

【Abstract】 This thesis,combining the changes of different sport-books in the whole publishing structure during different phases,makes a comprehensive research on the kinds and quantities,publishing structure, participating publishing houses with the 15,940 sport-books published between 1949 and 2004 using both qualitative and quantitative methods such as literature analysis,inductive reasoning and the correlative analysis in advanced mathematics,and gives an overview on the development history of the sport-books publishing industry in China based on the principles of Publishing Science,Communication,Management, Informatics,Philosophy and Economics,thus realizing the integration on micro-level and macro-level.According to the research,sport-books publishing have contributed to the development of society,sports industry and the exchange of sports culture,problems,however,still remain in some areas including low level surplus,structure imbalance,insufficiency of effective supply, low competitiveness in overseas market.The thesis tries to make an analysis in fuzzy mathematics on the factors influencing the sport-books publishing in China and construct a better indicators system to optimize the sport-books publishing structure.Setting targets for optimize the sport-books publishing structure and designing an optimize model base on the analysis.The ways to select sport-books topics for publishing are identified by studying on its significance and function to develop more selection resources and increase the sufficient supply of sport-books.An up-to-date select topic model is designed to fit the modern publishing industry,and some methods are found to tap publishing resources in the thesis.Sport-books publishing is under the remarkable influence of reader’s purchasing action.As a complicated system,sport-books publishing is influenced collectively by contemporary cultural trend,mainstream culture controlling,elite culture marginalization and the rising of popular culture which will directly lead the cultural trend of contemporary Chinese sport-books publishing.Nevertheless,certain rules are still observed by the development of sport-books publishing.
