

Influence and Control of Metro Construction with Mining Method on Adjacent Pipelines

【作者】 王霆

【导师】 刘维宁; 项彦勇;

【作者基本信息】 北京交通大学 , 桥梁与隧道工程, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 地下铁道的修建对城市既有建筑环境具有潜在的威胁,地铁线路往往沿城市主干道方向布设,不可避免地将穿越大量的地下管线。地铁施工必然扰动周围地层,致使邻近管线产生附加内力和变形,从而影响管线的正常使用和安全。为了保证地铁施工能够在管线正常使用的前提下安全有序地进行,迫切需要研究地铁施工对邻近管线的影响和控制问题。本文以北京地铁5、10号线工程为背景,密切结合10号线和4号线黄庄换乘站工程,通过地表和地下管线沉降的现场监测,系统研究了地铁施工对邻近管线的影响规律。运用数值模拟辅以现场实测的方法,选取典型管线详细论述了洞桩法施工对地层沉降和管道的影响规律。采用数值方法研究了地铁施工影响管线变形性状的主要因素。在此基础上,结合北京地区地铁浅埋暗挖法施工引起的地表沉降槽宽度参数和地层损失率规律的研究成果,提出了适用于北京地区的地铁施工对邻近管线影响的简化预测方法。系统归纳总结了现有的管线控制标准和控制措施。1、提出了地铁施工邻近管线沉降、接头变形、应变和管道与土体相互作用的变化规律。2、将地铁施工对管道变形的主要影响因素分为管道与隧道相对位置、隧道跨度和管道刚度三种类型,分析了各参数变化对管道变形的影响规律。3、提出了地铁施工对邻近管线影响的简化预测方法,该方法根据地表沉降预测管线可能产生的最大变形,根据管线的变形控制标准,可对管线安全性作出初步评价。4、为将简化预测方法应用于北京地区,对大量地表沉降实测数据进行统计,得到了北京地区地铁施工引起的地表沉降槽宽度参数及地层损失率的取值范围。5、归纳总结了地铁施工对管线影响的控制标准和控制措施,提出了邻近管线安全评估的方法步骤,并从主动控制和被动控制两个方面系统归纳了管线的保护和控制措施。

【Abstract】 Metro construction may pose a potential threat to existing buried pipelines.Metro tunneling disturbs the ground,and may cause additional deformation and stress in the nearby pipelines,which,if excessive,would affect the normal operation and safety of the pipelines.It is needed to study the influence of metro construction on adjacent pipelines and take proper control measures in order to ensure metro construction proceeds safely and orderly without affecting normal operation of the pipelines.With the construction projects of Beijing Metro Line 5 and Line 10,especially the Huangzhuang subway station of Line 10 as the background,a study is carried out about the influence of metro-construction induced ground movements on adjacent pipelines. The ground settlement,the pipeline response and the main influence factors for tunneling with the Drift-PBA method are studied by using numerical simulation and field measurement.Regression analysis of the field measured ground settlements induced by shallow metro station constructions in Beijing is conducted to acquire empirical estimations of the ground surface settlement trough width and the ground loss ratio.A simplified method using deformation as the control index for evaluating the degree of safety of buried pipelines is put forward.A systematic procedure for control of metro tunneling effects on adjacent pipelines is put forward.The main conclusions are as follows:1.Patterns of pipeline responses,including settlement,joint rotation and pullout, strain and soil-pipe interaction,induced by metro construction with mining method are analyzed and summarized.2.The main influence parameters for pipeline deformation,including the relative positions between tunnel and pipeline,the tunnel span and the flexural rigidity of pipeline,are studied.3.A simplified method for conservatively and quickly evaluating the safety of buried pipelines is put forward.4.A regression analysis of the field measured ground settlements is conducted to acquire empirical estimations of ground surface settlement trough width and ground loss ratio.5.Control criteria and measures for buried pipelines are summarized.

  • 【分类号】U231.3;TU990.3
  • 【被引频次】21
  • 【下载频次】1508
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