

Research on Estimation of Exploitation Utilization Technology and Optimization of Product Mix of Forestry Bioenergy

【作者】 徐庆福

【导师】 王立海;

【作者基本信息】 东北林业大学 , 森林工程, 2007, 博士

【摘要】 当今世界面临能源危机和环境污染两大难题的困扰,为了保证能源供应和安全,减少能源开发利用对生态环境的污染和影响,必须大力发展包括生物质能在内的可再生能源。因此,研究和开发利用生物质能源已成为全世界各国关注的焦点。林业生物质能源是生物质能源的重要组成部分,是生物量大、热值高、最适宜发展的清洁能源,也是具有巨大发展潜力的可再生能源。由于人们对发展林业生物质能源认识不足,基础薄弱,工作体系不健全,开发利用技术不成熟,开发成本高,市场风险大,相关政策及法规不配套,缺少科学、可行的发展规划及发展战略,致使林业生物质能源开发利用困难重重,林业生物质能源未能形成产业化。为了解决当前我国林业生物质能源开发利用与产业发展方面存在的技术经济、能源政策和可持续发展问题,促进林业生物质能源资源、能源、经济、社会、环境协调发展,走能源林业——能源工业一体化发展道路,实现林业生物质能源产业可持续发展,从而促进林业生物质能源产业和现代林业的发展,有必要开展林业生物质能源开发利用技术评价与产品结构优化研究。本研究运用技术经济学、运筹学、系统工程学和可持续发展的理论和方法,针对林业生物质能源产业发展障碍,对林业生物质能源开发利用技术评价、产品结构优化、可持续发展战略等问题进行系统的理论研究,为促进林业生物质能源产业的可持续发展提供理论依据。其主要研究内容如下:(1)运用层次分析法(AHP)对现有生物质能转换利用技术进行分析和综合评价。在对现有生物质能转换利用技术进行分析与比较的基础上,运用层次分析法从技术先进性、经济可行性和环境安全性三个方面对现有生物质能转换利用技术进行综合评价,确定出生物质能转换利用技术的优先发展顺序和发展方向,为因地制宜地选择和改进林业生物质能转换利用技术提供理论依据。(2)通过对林业生物质能资源及其结构分析,界定了林业生物质能资源类型,确定了农作物、薪柴、木材及木制品废弃物、草本植物等生物质资源生物量的估算方法,分析了林业生物质能资源现状及分布,对现有林业生物质能资源可用性进行分析,估算了我国林业生物质能资源可获得量为17.48亿t,其中可作为能源利用的生物量约为5.83亿t。同时对林木生物质资源培育和开发利用区域进行分析,划分了东北、内蒙古林区,西北、华北北部和东北西部地区,华北和中原地区,南方林区,华南热带地区,西南高山峡谷地区,青臧高原高寒地区七大区域,综合分析确定了能源林培育和开发利用的优先发展地区,为我国能源林发展提供科学依据。(3)运用系统工程学原理提出了林业生物质能源系统的概念、结构模型及特性。认为林业生物质能源系统是由资源供应、转换利用、消费需求、经济、社会与坏境影响等子系统构成的复杂的、开放的能源系统,并在此基础上建立了林业生物质能源系统结构模型,论述了该系统具有的复杂性、开放性和多目标动态变化的特性。此外,建立了林业生物质能源系统分析与优化理论,并在此基础上对林木生物质能源树种的优化问题进行研究,从热值(出油率)、生物量(果实产量)、生产成本(产值)等方面分别建立了薪炭林树种和生物质燃料油木本能源植物树种优化模型,并对现有薪炭林树种和生物质燃料油木本能源植物树种进行了优化。(4)依据循环经济理论,采用运筹学线性规划优化方法,以林业生物质能源产品生产、使用及使用后的治污费总和最小为目标函数,以能源消费、能源总量、环境及能源品位为约束条件,建立了林业生物质能源产品结构优化模型,并对“十一五”期间我国林业生物质能源产品结构进行了优化。(5)运用可持续发展理论,对林业生物质能源可持续发展战略进行理论研究。首先科学地界定了林业生物质能源可持续发展的概念和内涵,提出了林业生物质能源可持续发展系统的概念模型,并对林业生物质能源可持续发展的影响因素进行了分析;其次,设计出林业生物质能源可持续发展的总体思路、基本原则、发展目标和对策措施,提出“依据循环经济理论,以能源林为基础,以生物质能转换与利用为中心,以环境友好和满足能源需求为目标,建立林业生物质能循环利用系统,统筹规划,合理布局,政策扶持,大力发展林业生物质能源产业,走能源林业——能源工业一体化发展道路,实现林业、能源、环境、经济、社会的协调发展”的发展战略思路,并且确定发展林业生物质能源产业遵循的五大原则(循环经济、保障粮食安全、与生态建设相结合、与林业发展相结合、经济技术可行)、四大重点领域(沼气技术、生物质气化和固化成型燃料、生物质发电、供热和热电联供、生物液体燃料)和发展目标,提出了林业生物质能源可持续发展的五大对策措施和七大产业政策,对促进林业生物质能源产业的可持续发展具有重要的理论价值和现实指导意义。

【Abstract】 Energy issue is a hot topic in the 21st century.Today’s world is facing two troubles of energy crisis and environmental problem.To ensure energy supply and safety,and reduce the impact and pollutionte of the ecological environment caused by energy development,we must vigorously develop the renewable energy including biomass energy.Therefore, researching and developing utilization of biomass energy has become the focus of all countries in the world.Forestry biomass energy is an important part of the biomass energy,which is large and with high calorific value,the most appropriate development of clean energy.It also has great potential in the development of renewable energy.Owing to the lack of awareness of developing forestry biomass energy,the weak foundation,the perfect less system, immature exploitation technology,high development costs,market risks,the unmatch relevant policies and regulations,the lack of science and possible development planning and development strategies,they result resulting in the difficulties of developing utilization of forestry biomass energy,and forestry biomass sources being industrialized.In order to solving the China issues of technology economy,energy policy and sustainable development in the development and utilization of biomass energy and industrial development,promoting forestry biomass resources,energy,economic,and environmental development,by the way of integration of energy forestry to energy industry,realizing the forestry biomass energy industries to sustainable development,promoting forestry biomass energy industries and modern forestry development,it is necessary for the development of evaluation and development system of forestry biomass energy.This paper applies Technology Economics,Operations Research,Systems Engineering and Sustainable development of the theory and methodology.Against forestry biomass energy industry barriers,it studies systemitically the problems about technical estimation the optimization about product mix and strategy about sustainable development.It also provides the bases theory for promote the sustainable development of forestry bioenergy.Main contents are as follows:(1) It analyses and evaluates the use of existing biomass conversion technology with AHP.On the basis of application and comparison to the existing biomass conversion technology, from the advanced nature,economic viability and environrnental safety to holistically evaluate the use of biomass conversion technology,it determines the use of biomass energy conversion technologies developmental priorities and direction of development,provides a theoretical basis for selecting to suit local conditions and improving the use of forestry biomass conversion technologies.(2) Through the forestry biomass energy resources and structure analysis,it defines the forestry biomass energy resource type,defines the estimation methods on identified crops,firewood,wood and wood waste products,herbs,and other biological material resources,analyses the forestry biomass resource status and distribution,analyses the availability of existing forestry biomass resource,estimates the forest biomass resources available capacity of 1748 million tons,which can be used as bio-energy use to about 583 million tons.Meanwhile the forest biomass resources for training and development of the use of regional analysis,a division of seven alpine region of Northeast China and Inner Mongolia Forest northwest,the northern and western regions of North China,northern and central plains region,the South area,and the tropical areas of southern China,southwestern mountain gorge,a comprehensive analysis to determine the Cultivation of energy use and development of priority development areas,this provides a scientific basis for China energy development.(3) It first proposes the forestry biomass energy system concept,structure and characteristics of model with the application of systems engineering theory.It thinks the forestry biomass energy system is the availability of resources,change the use, consumption demand,economic and social and environmental impacts,and other subsystems constituted to the complex and open energy systems,and on this basis, establishes the forestry biomass energy system architecture model,describes the system’s complexity,open and more dynamic change of target properties.Moreover,it establishes the forestry biomass energy system analysis and optimization theory,and on this basis, studies the optimization issue on the species of forestry biomass energy,establishes the firewood forest trees and woody plant species oil optimization model from the heat value(of oil),biomass(yield) and production costs three aspects.It optimizes the fuel Forest of existing species and species of woody fuel plants.(4) According to the theory about circle economic,optimal method is used about operations Reseach and liner plan.By the smallest sum of reducing and controling pollution during the usage and after it as object function.Restraint condition is based on energy consumption,energy gross amount,enviroment and energy grade.Optimal Model about product Mix has been built for the first time,and product mis has been optimized of forestry bioenergy during the planabout the evelveth five years.(5) Under sustainable development theory,it’s the first time to research sustainable development strategy of forestry biomass energy with theoretical studies method,and give the definition,intension and concept pattern about forestry biomass energy sustainable development.Also I analysis the influence factor about it.Second,it’s the first time to design the totally train of thought,main principle, developing goal about sustainable development strategy of forestry biomass energy,and its step and countermeasure,and give the developing strategy thought,which is building forestry biomass energy circular utilization system,making overall plans,taking reasonable arrangement,developing the industry of forestry biomass energy,stepping on all-in-line developing of energy-forestry and energy-industry,realizing concordant developing on forestry,energy,environment,economy and society,with helping policy,basing on energy forest,under circular economic theory,fix five principle(circular economy, combine with ensuring foodstuffs safety and ecological building,combining with forestry developing,economic technology feasibility),four main field(methane technology, biomass gasification and curing process fuel,biomass power generation,heating and thermoelectric cogeneration system,biomass liquid fuel),and developing goal.I also give five countermeasures and seven industry policies about sustainable development strategy of forestry biomass energy,which hope to have more theoretical leading values and realistic significance.
