

【作者】 周丽娜

【导师】 朱德发;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 货币是人类文明发展进程中的重要事物。货币的出现,促进了人类从野蛮的初民社会向文明社会的转变。伴随货币经济的发展,货币功能的普遍化和深入化,“金钱”大量而频繁地出现于文学文本中。在人类的文化领域和精神领域,金钱所表征的是“经济理性”与“道德理性”之间的“现代性悖论”。论文以此为理论依据采用内外结合、点面结合的方式分析论述中国现代小说金钱书写的主要特征、价值和意义。全文分为导论、中国现代小说金钱书写的语境、中国现代小说金钱书写的主体、罪财:道德理性视角的存留与遮蔽、工具:经济理性视角的深度与限度、穷人的生存悲剧与美德、知识者的生存与理想、女性的商品化与独立性、个案研究以及结语,共十部分。导论部分阐明了“经济理性”、“道德理性”、“现代性悖论”以及“中国现代小说中的金钱书写”的涵义,介绍了本选题的研究现状和研究价值及本论文的逻辑框架和创新性。论文主体部分首先描述和分析了中国现代小说金钱书写的具体历史语境和书写主体的特征。第一章主要总结了中国现代小说金钱书写的社会现实语境和思想文化语境的特征。中国现代社会的经济发展初具现代性特征,开始由自然经济向商品经济和货币经济发展和过渡,现代货币制度也初步建立和发展起来,而这种以金钱为核心的经济结构必然渗透到人的精神结构中,影响和制约着中国现代思想文化的发展与表述。第二章主要分析了中国现代小说金钱书写主体的产生、特征及其金钱观念。由中国现代社会经济发展所带来文学运作方式和知识分子谋生方式的变化,促进了以稿酬为生的中国现代职业作家——中国现代小说金钱书写主体的产生。可靠的金钱收入既为中国现代职业作家保持人格独立、思想自由和对黑暗现实的批判立场提供了最大可能,同时由于中国现代商品经济发展的不充分和现代文化市场的不成熟,金钱也成为制约他们行动和选择的重要因素。在中西价值理念的共同作用下,中国现代书写主体的金钱观充满矛盾和悖论,他们既从现代经济理性的角度反思和重估了中国传统的德性主义金钱观,又兼具“金钱万恶”的“罪财意识”和“精神优于物质”的道德主义取向,总是力图在物质与精神之间寻找一个平衡点。论文的第三章至第八章是对中国现代小说文本中金钱书写的具体分析和论述。第三章主要分析了中国现代小说金钱书写的首要特征:“罪财意识”。在“罪财意识”支配下,中国现代小说从道德理性的角度书写金钱和金钱欲望,深刻地揭示了由金钱所制造的人的异化过程和结果,在特定的时代背景下塑造金钱异化人形象。“罪财意识”使书写主体能够始终坚持对金钱负面影响的清醒认识和批判立场,从而使中国现代小说的金钱书写达到一定的批判与反思的深度与广度,但同时也在一定程度上忽视了对金钱正面影响和积极作用的表述,不能更全面的揭示金钱的现代性内涵,遮蔽了对人的物质存在意义的全面书写与深入探索。第四章主要分析了中国现代小说金钱书写中的“工具意识”。它与“罪财意识”相反,是从积极的意义上将金钱视为现代人生存必需的重要工具和手段,是从现代经济理性的角度肯定金钱对人类生存和发展的正面作用和意义。正是在现代经济理性的烛照下,中国传统的生存方式和观念显示出其保守性和落后性,显示了其与现代经济环境的错位与不适。其客观书写方式也使得在现代商品经济和货币经济环境中所产生的现代金钱化社会关系获得了崭新的思想价值和美学意义。在现代经济理性的影响下,书写主体不仅在物质生存层面肯定了人的物质欲望和金钱欲望的合理性,而且也在精神层面肯定了这种欲望的价值和意义,塑造了富有生命活力与质感的金钱欲望人形象。现代经济理性为中国现代小说的金钱书写主体提供了新的具有现代意义的思考维度和表达方式,在一定程度上弥补了中国现代思想在物质生存问题方面思考的不足。第五章、第六章、第七章分析论述了在传统道德理性与现代经济理性双向影响下,中国现代小说在穷人与金钱、知识者与金钱、女性与金钱关系的书写中,所体现出的现代性悖论。第五章分析了中国现代小说的金钱书写主体对生存权,尤其是底层劳动者的生存与命运的关注。他们既从道德理性的角度赋予了“贫穷”以美和善的价值,书写穷人的美德,同时也从经济理性的角度将“贫穷”作为不合理因素,批判和否定了现存社会制度。第六章论述了中国现代知识者与金钱的复杂关系,这也是书写主体自身金钱体验的表达。在现代经济环境中,中国现代知识者既要维持自身的生存,又不愿轻易放弃崇高的理想和追求;既在精神层面蔑视金钱,又在物质层面离不开金钱。这使他们一方面陷入与环境博弈的囚徒困境,另一方面又无法摆脱生存的焦虑。第七章论述了在中国现代经济环境中,女性与金钱之间的复杂关系。中国现代小说文本首先揭示的是“典妻”、“卖妻”等以女性为物品或商品等野蛮风俗的非人性特征。男性视点下的女性商品化集中于对事件发生过程的叙述与反思,而女性视点下的女性商品化则着重于“典妻”过程中,女性作为一个有感情的人其身心俱受折磨和摧残的叙述和表达,这种书写方式既是对金钱负面影响的反思,同时也指向了不合理的男权制度。中国现代小说书写了女性因掌握了经济权而具有独立的意志和人格,从而在两性关系中掌握着充分的主动权;也书写了女性争取经济权的艰难过程及经济独立后的悲剧性命运。第八章分析论述了六位代表性作家小说文本中金钱书写的特征和意义。鲁迅的小说文本最早建构了具有多重现代性内涵的金钱话语,且具有鲜明的现实指向性,表现出强大的人文力量和实践力量。他对“金钱”这一现代社会“世俗之神”的智性审视开启了中国现代小说对人的物质存在的现代反思。作为一位具有鲜明政治理念的现实主义作家,茅盾的小说文本既客观地书写了“金钱”在现代社会生活各个层面所产生的巨大影响,揭示了其所具有的“双刃剑”特征,同时也以政治表述方式书写了中国现代经济的整体发展与变化。郁达夫在其小说文本中极力渲染知识者主人公的贫困生活处境,表达了生存于传统和现代夹缝之间的中国现代知识分子的物质生存焦虑,也是无法摆脱沉重传统负担的中国现代知识分子在现代经济环境中自我身份认同焦虑的折射。早年的贫穷生活和在英国这个发达资本主义国家的生活经历和体验给予了老舍双重影响,使其既坚守着穷人的立场,关注着金钱对人的精神和灵魂的影响,书写穷人的美德,也在一定程度上认同现代经济理性,反思和批判了无法适应现代经济环境的传统金钱观和生存观。张恨水通过金钱、性别与爱情三者复杂关系的叙事,既在一定程度上肯定了人的金钱欲望和物质欲望的合理性,也将这种欲望的膨胀作为一种道德失范进行了否定。张爱玲的小说文本是女性“金锁记”的书写。在其文本世界中,女性的金钱欲望隐含双重意义:一方面,它展示的是人性的脆弱;另一方面,它又解构了传统的女性形象,展示了女性生命中被压抑和忽略的深层真实。这六位作家都是在“现代性悖论”中揭示金钱的现代内涵,同时又都在不同程度的压抑状态中言说和表述人的物质存在和物质欲望。结语部分通过与西方文学的比较,总结了中国现代小说金钱书写的特征:压抑性的物质言说方式和缺乏对人的物质生存和精神生存关系复杂性的深层探索与书写。论文以金钱作为切入中国现代小说文本的一种经济维度,分析研究中国现代小说中的金钱书写,改变了以往经济视角的现代文学研究中过分注重外部研究的倾向。这种研究方式既意味着一个文本研究新视角的引入,也意味着一个新的研究领域的开辟。基于中国现代社会经济的发展变化和中国现代思想对人的物质存在问题所进行的现代思考的不足,中国现代小说如何言说和表述金钱及其相关问题将是一个具有独特思想价值和美学意义的尚待研究和梳理的新问题。论文既着重于从这一视角对传统经典文本进行新的阐释,同时也力图发掘更多已被历史淹没的文本,借此阐明中国现代小说中的金钱书写对于现代文学、文化以及思想等发展的价值和意义。在实践方面,论文希望能够针对我们生活的时代发言,帮助当代人认识货币作为现代文明发展标志物所具有的多重现代性内涵,能够更好地适应货币经济时代的发展。

【Abstract】 The currency is an important thing during the human civilized development. The currency appearance promoted the humanity transformation from the barbaric primitive people society to civilized society. Accompanying the development of money economy, and the generalization and depilation of the currency function,“money”appears in the literature text massively and frequently. In humanity’s cultural and spirit domain,“money”symbolizes“the modernity paradox”between“economical rationality”and“moral rationality”. So the paper takes it as the theory basis, analyze the main characteristic, value and significance of the money writing in the Chinese modern novel through uniting the inside and the outside, the part and the entire.The whole text includes introductory remarks, the linguistic environment of the money writing in Chinese modern novel, the subject of the money writing in Chinese modern novel, the exploration of human nature under the moral rationality, the reflection and writing under economical rationality, the poor person’s survival tragedy and the moral excellence, the intellectual’s survival and ideal, the woman’s commercialization and independence, the research of the cases and the conclusion. The paper concludes ten parts altogether. Chapter one described and analyzed the characteristic of the social reality and the ideological and cultural background of the money writing in the Chinese modern novel. Chinese modern society’s economic development was at the beginning of modern economy. It has started to develop and transit from the natural economy to the commodity economy and the money economy. The modern currency system also initially established. And this kind of economic structure which takes the money as the core would affect and penetrate the human’s spirit structure inevitably, restricting the development and indication of Chinese modern culture and thought. Chapter two mainly analyzed the generation, characteristic and money idea of the subject of the money writing in Chinese modern intellectual by the Chinese modern society’s economic development, promoted the generation of the Chinese modern professional writer- the subject of the money writing in Chinese modern novel. The reliable money income has already provided the biggest possibility of independence, thought freedom and critical standpoint to the dark reality for the Chinese modern professional writer. But simultaneously because the development of Chinese modern commodity economy was not full and the modern cultural market was not mature, the money also became an important attribute which restricts their action and choice. Under the combined effect of Chinese and Western value idea, the money idea of Chinese modern writing subject was filled contradiction and paradox. They both reflected from modern economic rationality and evaluated Chinese traditional money idea - moral doctrine money idea. Concurrently they had the idea of“money is evil”, and the moral principle orientation of“spirit surpassed material”. They always tried hard to seek a balance point between material and spirit. From chapter three to chapter eighth is to analyze the money writing in the Chinese modern novel text concretely. Chapter three mainly analyzed the most important characteristic of the money writing in Chinese modern novel:“the idea which attributes evil to money”. Chinese modern novel expressed money and money desire from moral rationality, and profoundly promulgated the process and result of human’s dissimilation which was made by the money, and created the dissimilated human characters under the specific time background.“The idea which attributes evil to money”enabled the subject to persist in sober understanding and critical standpoint toward money negative influence, thus enabled the money writing in Chinese modern novel to achieve certain depth and breadth in critique and reconsidering. It neglected the indication of the positive influence and role of money to a certain extent simultaneously, and could not reveal the modernity connotation of money more comprehensively. Chapter four mainly analyzed the idea which takes money as tool in Chinese modern novel. With“the idea which attributes evil to money”opposite, it took money as the essential important tool and method for modern people to survive from positive significance. It had affirmed the positive function and sense of the money to the human survival and development from modern economic rationality. Illuminated by modern economic rationality, Chinese traditional survival way and idea demonstrated its conservative nature and backwardness, and its dislocation with modern economic environment. Modern money social relations had also obtained the brand-new thought value and esthetics significance in the money writing in Chinese modern novel which produced in modern commodity economy and money economy environment. Under the influence of modern economic rationality, the subject not only had affirmed the rationality of human’s material desire and money desire at material survival stratification plane, but also affirmed the value and significance at the energetic stratification plane. It molded the character images with rich life vigor and the sense of reality.Modern economic rationality provided new modern thinking way and expressing way for Chinese modern novel. It has made up the insufficiency of the thought about material survival aspect in Chinese modern thought to a certain extent.Chapter five, chapter six, and chapter seven analyzed“modern paradox”in the relations between the poor and money, the knowledge and money, the feminine and money which was embodied by Chinese modern novel under the traditional moral rationality. Chapter five analyzed the attention which the subject of the money writing in Chinese modern novel paid to the right to subsistence, in particular the first floor worker’s survival and destiny. They not only entrusted“poor”with the beautiful and the good from the moral rationality, writing poor person’s moral excellence, but also took poor as unreasonable factor to criticize and deny the existing social system from the economic rationality. Chapter Six analyzed complex relations of Chinese modern intellectuals and money, which also is the writing of the subject own money experience. In the modern economic environment, Chinese modern intellectual both wanted to maintain own survival, and were not willing to give up the lofty ideal and pursue easily. They not only despised money at spirit level, but also cannot leave money at material level. On the one hand it caused them to fall into convict difficult position gambling with the environment, on the other hand made them not to get rid of the anxiety of survival. Chapter seven analyzed the complex relations of the feminine and money in Chinese modern economic environment. First Chinese modern novel text revealed the non-human nature characteristic which the barbaric customs, as“pawning wife”and“selling wife”had. It concentrated on the narration during the process of story under the masculine viewpoint. But it concentrated on the torture and destroying which woman’s body and mind received as man with feelings. The way not only was to reflect those negative influences of money, but also aimed at the unreasonable male power system. Chinese modern novel wrote the female had independent will and personality because they grasped the economic power, and grasped full initiative in both sexes’relations. It also wrote the difficult process which the female strive for the economic power and the tragic destiny after autarchy. Chapter eight analyzed the characteristic and significance of the money writing in novel texts of six representative writers. Lu Xun’s novel text constructed the money discourse with multiple modern connotations most early. It also had the realistically directive property obviously, displaying the formidable humanities strength and the practice strength. The wisdom examined opened the reflection to human’s physical existence of Chinese modern novel. As a realism writer with bright political idea, Mao Dun’s novel text objectively wrote the huge influence in the modern society, and revealed the characteristic of money as the double-edged sword. It also wrote the whole development and change of Chinese modern economy by the political indication way. Yu Dafu vigorously exaggerated the impoverished life situation of the intellectual character in his novel text. He expressed Chinese modern intellectual’s anxiety in material survival who survived in traditional and modern crevice, refracting the self-status approval anxiety in modern economic environment. Double life and experiences of his early poor life and life in the England that is developed capitalist country gave Lao She dual influences. He sticks to poor person’s standpoint, and paid attention to the influence of money into human’s spirit and soul, and wrote poor person’s moral excellence. He also approved modern economic rationality to a certain extent, reconsidered and criticized the traditional money idea and survival idea which was unable to adapt modern economic environment. The money writing in Zhang Henshui’s novel text represented the money idea and survival idea of public class. Through narrating the relation of love and money, he not only affirmed the rationality of human’s money desire and material desire to a certain extent, but also denied it, taking as the inflation and deviation from morals. Zhang Ailing’s novel text wrote“Jin Suo Ji”of the female. In her text world, the feminine money desire had double meaning: on one hand, it demonstrated the frailty of human nature, on the other hand, it deconstructed traditional feminine image, demonstrating the real neglect in-depth in the feminine life which is constrained. These six writers all have promulgated money’s modern connotation in modern paradox. Simultaneously they all spoke and indicated human’s physical existence and material desire in the constrained condition in the varying degree. The conclusion part summarized the characteristic of the money writing in Chinese modern novel, comparing with western literature: suppressive material speaks, and lack of deep exploration and writing into complexity about relations of human’s material survival and spiritual survival.The paper took“money”as one kind of economic dimension to analyze the money writing in Chinese modern novel text, which is a new research angle of view, also opened a new research area, trying hard to push forward the research of modern literature from the economic angle of view further. The paper explains those traditional classical texts from this new angle of view emphatically, simultaneously also tries hard to excavate many texts which have been submerged by history. It will expound the values and significance of the money writing in Chinese modern novel regarding development of modern literature, culture as well as thought. In the practical aspect, I hope the paper will aim at the times which we live to speak, and will help the present generation to know the multiple modernity connotations of currency regarding modern civilization development, and help them adapt the period of money economy development well.
