

The Research on Stalin’s Concept of National Interests

【作者】 秦正为

【导师】 李爱华;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 马克思主义理论与思想政治教育, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 关于斯大林的研究和评价,几十年来一直持续不断,褒贬不一,且大起大落。随着俄罗斯重评斯大林的兴起,这种研究和评价重新掀起热潮。近年来,马克思主义国际关系思想的研究也逐渐兴起,亦渐成热潮。在这两种热潮中,作为二者结合点的斯大林国际关系思想却极其欠缺。因此,从国际关系的热点概念“国家利益”出发来研究和评价斯大林问题和斯大林模式,总结斯大林国际关系思想和对外战略,不仅是必要的,而且具有重要的学术价值和现实意义。斯大林国家利益观的形成有其理论来源、历史影响、现实凭依和发展脉络。首先,作为一个马克思主义者,斯大林的国家利益观来自马克思主义特别是列宁的国家利益观。其次,作为一个俄罗斯传统的继承者,斯大林国家利益观的历史影响就是俄罗斯传统国家利益思想。第三,斯大林国家利益观的还有其鲜明的时代背景和客观条件,那就是社会主义国家的产生和发展、资本主义国家的发展与变化、新兴民族国家的兴起与发展、国际关系格局的演变与影响、时代思潮的激荡与滥觞、苏联决策体制的演化与影响,这些都促成了斯大林国家利益观的产生和变化。第四,斯大林国家利益观有着清晰的发展脉络,即先是青少年时期的萌芽,后又经历1907年以前的初步形成期、1907-1917年的发展摇摆期、1917-1924年的逐渐成熟期和1924—1953年的发展僵化期四个阶段。斯大林国家利益观的主要内容和基本框架包括基本内容、核心思想和基本战略。其基本内容是各种利益综合协调但又“二者必居其一”,具体表现为:政治经济文化等利益相互渗透但又强调政治利益,个人利益与公共利益彼此交织但又突出公共利益,阶级利益与民族利益紧密结合但又偏重阶级利益,国家利益与世界利益有机统一但又倾向国家利益,近期利益与长期利益协调会同但又凸显近期利益。其核心思想是“一国建成社会主义”理论,这是其出发点也是落脚点。其基本战略分为国内战略、国际战略和党际战略,是一个完整的三维体系。斯大林国家利益观的国内战略包括国内政治战略、经济战略、文化战略和社会战略四个方面,四位一体。政治战略又分为政党建设、政权建设、民族政策、军事建设和极端手段(个人崇拜和大清洗),基本特征是国家权力高度集中。经济战略包括社会主义工业化和农业集体化,目的在于实现国家的巩固和强大。文化战略既推行“文化革命”和进行文化建设,又进行思想强化和文化清洗,形成了双重影响。社会战略包括处理人与自然、人与社会、人与人、人与自我、区域与城乡、国家与社会等各种关系,最明显的是忽视了“现实的人”的需求,同时造成了“强大国家”与“弱小社会”。斯大林国家利益观的国际战略以二战为界,分为二战前、二战中、二战后三部分。其基本特征是“双重性”,即世界革命与和平共处、国际主义与大国主义相互交错。具体又表现为二战前的集体安全和中立自保、二战中的联合抗战和大国分赃、二战后的大国合作和集团对抗,另外还有与法西斯的斗争和联手、与盟国的合作和冲突、社会主义阵营内部的矛盾和纠纷等等。但这一切都统一于斯大林的国家利益思想,国家利益是最高原则。斯大林国家利益观的党际战略包括斯大林与共产国际、斯大林与共产党情报局、斯大林与中国共产党三个部分。斯大林时期,共产国际在发展中逐渐“斯大林化”,共产国际的“国际利益中心”也逐渐“苏联国家利益中心”化,国家利益其实也成为共产国际解散的重要原因之一。共产党情报局,是斯大林实行阵营对抗的一种选择,也是冷战局面下进行内部控制和统一行动的工具,还是重建国际共运中心的最终努力,结果失败。中国共产党,对于斯大林既是盟友兄弟又是欢喜冤家,因而悲欢离合几十年,根据形势发展和矛盾变化可分为1921-1931、1931-1945、1945-1949、1949-1953四个阶段。在党际战略中,国际主义是明显的,但国家利益是贯穿一切的主线。斯大林国家利益观的综合评析既包括对与斯大林国家利益观密切相关的理论上的评析,也包括对斯大林国家利益观的历史地位、影响和启示的评析。斯大林国家利益观既与其马克思主义观密不可分,也与其对世界历史的认识紧密相连。斯大林国家利益观是斯大林模式、国际关系思想的重要组成和指导思想,也是马克思主义的重要组成和重要阶段。斯大林国家利益观对本国、他国的影响是双重的,为世界经济社会发展也提供了许多经验教训。其启示意义在于:必须坚持理论与实践紧密结合,实事求是,与时俱进;必须坚持各种利益的综合协调,科学和谐发展;必须坚持爱国主义和国际主义的真正结合,构建“和谐世界”;必须立足于中国实际,构建中国特色社会主义国家利益观及战略。

【Abstract】 On Stalin’s research and evaluation, has been continuous for several decades, and mixed the ups and downs. With the Russian Re-evaluation of Stalin rise, such a study and evaluation re-up boom. In recent years, the Marxist ideology of international relations research has gradually rise, but also become an upsurge. In both wave,as a combination of both points Stalin’s international relations thinking extremely lacking. Therefore, from "national interest" which is a hot concept in international relations starting to study and evaluate the model of Stalin and Stalinism, sum up Stalin’s international relations and foreign strategic thinking, is not only necessary, but also an important academic value and practical significance.The formation of Stalin’s concept of national interests has its theoretical sources,historical influence,reality accordance and development context. First of all, as a Marxist, Stalin’s concept of national interests is from the Marxist especially Lenin’s concept of national interests. Secondly, as a successor of the Russian tradition, Stalin’s concept of national interests is the historical influence of Russia’s traditional idea of national interests. Third, Stalin’s concept of national interests has its distinct historical background and objective conditions, they are the socialist country emergence and development, the capitalist country development and changes, the emerging nation-state rise and development, the pattern of international relations evolve and influence , Time thoughts agitate and beginning, the Soviet decision-making system influence and evolve, which led to Stalin have a concept of national interests and changes.Fourth, Stalin’s concept of national interests has a clear development context,that is ,first budding adolescence,and later going through the initial formation period in 1907 before,the swing-development period in 1907-1917,the gradual maturation period in 1917-1924 and the development-rigid period in 1924-1953.The main content and the basic framework of Stalin’s concept of national interests include the basic content, the core idea and the basic strategic. Its basic content is a variety of benefits integrated and coordinated, but "must be one". specific performance: benefits of political, economic and culture mutual infiltration but emphasized political interests, personal interests and public interests are intertwined but to highlight the public interest, class interests and national interests in close connection with but the emphasis on class interests, national interests and the world interests organic unity but tend to the national interest, the recent benefits and long-term benefits coordination but highlighted the benefits in the near future. Its core idea is the "one country into a socialist" theory, which is its starting point and the end result. Its basic strategic is divided into national strategies, international strategies and inter-party strategy, and is a complete three-dimensional system.National strategies for Stalin’s concept of national interests, including the domestic political strategy, economic strategy, cultural strategy and community strategy, four-in-one. Political strategy is divided into party-building, regime-building, national policy, military construction, and extreme means (personal worship and Big cleaning), the basic characteristic is the high concentration of state power. Economic strategy, including the socialist industrialization and agricultural collectivization, the aim of achieving the consolidation and powerful country. Cultural strategy is the implementation of the "cultural revolution" and the cultural construction, but also strengthen the ideological and cultural cleansing, the formation of a double impact. Social strategies, including relations such as treatment of man and nature, man and society, man and man, man and himself, regional and urban and rural areas, state and society, the most obvious is the neglect of "real people" demand, at the same time created a "strong country" and "weak society."International strategy for Stalin’s concept of national interests, divided into three parts of pre-World War II, in World War II, after World War II. Its basic characteristic is the "dual nature" that the world revolution and peaceful coexistence, internationalists and big country intertwined. Specific performance is, before World War II to protect the collective security and neutrality, in World War II the Joint War of Resistance Against Fascist and Great States dividing up the gains, after World War II the major powers cooperation and confrontation between blocs, as well as the struggle and join with the fascists, cooperation and conflict with its allies, internal contradictions and disputes in social camp, and so on. But all are united in the thinking of Stalin’s national interests, national interests is the highest principle.Inter-party strategies for Stalin’s concept of national interests, including Stalin and Comintern, Stalin and Communist Party Intelligence Bureau, Stalin and Communist Party of China. Stalin period, Comintern developing "Stalin" gradually and Comintern "international benefits center" developing "Soviet National benefits center" gradually, national interests has become one of the important reasons the dissolution of Comintern. Communist Party Intelligence Bureau is an option Stalin’s camps against, but also the internal controls and unified action tool in the situation of the Cold War, the final efforts of the reconstruction of the international communist movement center, which ended in failure. Communist Party of China, for Stalin is not only allies brother but also happy enemy, which for decades joys and sorrows, Separation and Polymerization, in accordance with the development of the situation changes and contradictions can be divided into 1921-1931, 1931-1945, 1945-1949,1949-1953 four stages. In the inter-party strategy, internationalism obvious, but the state benefits as a cross-cutting is the main line.On Stalin’s concept of national interests, the comprehensive assessment including both the analysis theorys closely related to Stalin’s concept of national interests, and the assessment historical status, influence and inspiration of Stalin’s concept of national interests. Stalin’s concept of national interests is inseparable to his Marxist concept, but also closely linked with his understanding of the history of the world. Stalin’s concept of national interests, is an important component thinking and the guiding ideology of Stalin model, Stalin international relations thought, but also an important component and important phase of Marxist. Stalin’s concept of national interests for his own country, Other country’s influence is twofold, also provides many lessons for the world economic and social development. Its significance lies in: we must adhere to closely integrate theory and practice, seeking truth from facts, advance with the times; must adhere to the various benefits of an integrated and coordinated, scientific and harmonious development; must adhere to the true patriotism and internationalism combined, build a "harmonious world"; must be based on the actual conditions of China, to build socialism with Chinese characteristics view of national interests and it’s strategies.

【关键词】 斯大林国家利益观社会主义战略
【Key words】 Stalinconcept of national interestssocialiststrategy