

【作者】 孙宽宁

【导师】 徐继存;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 教育学原理, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 理解是人存在的根本方式,个体通过理解确定生活的目的,选择发展的策略,建构人生的意义。在教师的世界中,课程占据着很大的时空,在课程的领域里,教师扮演着关键的角色。教师与课程犹如一对形影不离的伴侣,彼此依存,相辅相成。教师对课程的理解不仅影响着课程功能的发挥,也影响着教师自我的发展,教师课程理解问题已经成为课程研究关注的热点。然而,已有研究大都着眼于课程改革实践的需要,倾向于从教师之外寻找教师课程理解的意义和方略。本研究则努力彰显课程理解对教师自我提高和自我实现的价值,探讨教师如何通过对课程的理解,实现有效课程实施与充分自我发展的和谐统一,为课程改革的推进与教师生命意义的提升创造条件。理解是人的一项基本心理活动,对教师课程理解进行研究,除了对基础理论的文献分析以外,还需采用观察、访谈和内省等方法,做到尽量全面真实地了解情况。通过对作者自我教师角色的自觉观察与反省,加之对数十位教师进行的实地观察、深度交流和访谈,同时参阅大量一线教师的教学日志、自我反思和教育叙事,发现课程理解不是教师对课程的单方面支配与利用,也不是教师对课程的简单服从与执行,而是教师与课程在特定时空中相互作用,彼此对话、交流,从而共生意义的活动,教师的课程理解是融合了教师自我生命体验与感悟的理解,是为了获得最大程度的自我实现的理解。对于教师而言,课程理解不仅是他的工作,也是其生活与生命的组成部分,是教师自我存在的重要舞台。然而,在目前的教师课程理解中,还有相当一部分教师是自我缺席的,或者自我在场仅仅处于一种无意识的自发状态。教师要理解自我,并通过自己的课程实践发展自我,就需要理解课程,并借助于对“自我课程理解”的反思来发现和认同自我。教师处于不同的专业发展阶段,具有不同的自我意识状态,在课程理解时也存在着自我生存为本、教学为本和自我实现为本等不同的理解取向。前两种取向容易导致教师与课程的机械分离,而自我实现为本的课程理解则是融入了教师自我发展追求的生命化理解,是积极主动的、具有可持续性的理解。这种理解是一个没有终点的恒久过程,其基本机制包括五个在循环中螺旋上升的环节:课程实践的困惑与冲突、获得新观念的机遇、改进课程理解并实现自我和谐、课程理解中的新问题与困惑、主动探究,深入理解。在实现的课程领域,由于制度化教育形态与技术理性等的消极影响,教师与课程的关系时常处于一种貌合神离的状态。但是,随着人们课程观、教师观的变化和课程实践的不断发展,教师与课程的融合成为必然。在这种融合关系中,教师与课程彼此渗透,教师是课程的代言人甚至课程本身,课程也成为教师生活与精神的反映。通过教师的理解,课程由静态的文本转化为活的经验,具有了现实意义,同时,课程也成为展现和延续教师生命价值和意义的载体。教师与课程的这种融合关系直接引导教师在争取积极自由的基础上获得最大程度的自我实现,而这正是教师课程理解有望达到的理想状态。对教师的课程理解进行合理评判是促进和引领教师走向理想的重要措施。鉴于教师课程理解活动突出的自我内在体验性特点,在所有的评判中,教师的自我评判具有优先性。评判教师的课程理解最根本的是看教师是否在现有的课程条件下最大限度地促进了自我发展和自我实现。同时,为了避免自我评判的偏差和兼顾教师课程理解的公共价值,在确定评判标准时应该坚持自在与他在统一、共性与个性统一和动态多样的基本原则。怀抱理想,脚踏实地,促进和提高教师的课程理解需要一点点做起。针对传统课程文化的负面影响和现有课程环境中的具体问题,我们一方面要激发教师课程理解的内外动力,另一方面要切实为教师的课程理解赋权增能,使教师能够在自主、自律和充满创造的专业生活中,主动树立教育理想,深刻理解课程,在不断创新实践的过程中,充分体验成就感和生命的意义与自由,不断发掘自身潜能,实现自我。

【Abstract】 Understanding is the basis of individual existence, through which an individual decides on his life goals, development strategies and construe the significance of life. Such is the case of teachers. The curriculum takes up a large part of a teacher’s time, while in the field of the curriculum; the teacher also plays an indispensable role. The teacher and his curriculum are inter-dependent. The teacher’s understanding of his curriculum has an effect on the realization of the intended function of the curriculum as well as the self-development of the teacher. A hot issue as it is, most existing researches focus on the needs of curriculum reform, inclined to discuss teacher’s understanding of the curriculum from other aspects other than the teacher himself. This research explores how to combine the fruitful implement of curriculum with the teacher’s self-development through the medium of understanding, aiming to highlight the importance of teacher’s understanding of the curriculum in the teacher’s self-development and self-realization, so that it may create some opportunities to enhance the curriculum reform and the teacher’s significance.This research is based on the analysis of basic theoretical literature as well as on observations, interviews and retrospections. The subjects in this research include more than 10 teachers and a large quantity of teacher’s journals, retrospections and teaching narrations. The authoress puts forward her acknowledgement of teacher’s understanding of curriculum as an interaction between the teacher and his curriculum rather than one-way control and manipulation. The teacher’s understanding of the curriculum is integrated with his own life experiences and insights, so that self-realization can be achieved to the largest degree.To the teacher, as is his work, to understand the curriculum is also a part in his life, a platform for him to exist. However, currently, some teachers are absent from their understanding of their curriculum, or they themselves are present spontaneously in their understanding of the curriculum. It is necessary for the teacher to understand his curriculum properly in order to discover himself and discover his identity.The teacher’s self consciousness varies in various development stages. There exist different understanding trends such as living-nature, teaching-nature or self-realization-nature, the first two may easily lead to the departure of curriculum from the teacher, the later is a kind of active persistent understanding as it melts self-pursuit for the life into the curriculum. The curriculum understanding natured by self-realization a constant process without destination , it includes five fundamental links rising in circulation middle helix: The puzzles from the curriculum practice with conflicts, the new opportunities of gaining new concepts, to improves curriculum understanding and self- harmony, new problems and perplexes, the initiative probes and thorough understandings.In nowadays’curriculum field, because the influence from institutionalized education mode and that from the technology reason, the relation between the teacher and the curriculum seems close but but in fact not so. With the development of curriculum practice and people’s views on curriculum and teachers, the teacher and the curriculum come to anastomose. In this anastomosing relation, each other seep through the teacher and the course , the teacher is the curriculum spokesman even the curriculum itself, the curriculum also reports the teacher’s life and spirits. The form changes into lively experience and practical or immediate significance, but the curriculum also becomes the carrier unfolding and continuing teacher life value and significance. The harmonious relation between the teacher and this curriculum guides the teacher to gain maximal degree self-realization on striving for the active free basis ,which is the ideal state of teacher’s curriculum understanding.It is an important measure for guiding the teacher towards his ideal giving reasonable evaluation to the teacher’s curriculum understanding. In all the assessments, the teacher’s self-assessment is preferential. At the same time, the assessment standard should be based on the reunification of their own and others, universality and individuality, together with dynamic variety. The general decision must consider if the teacher can promote the self-development and the self-realization at most under the available curriculum condition. To promote and improve the teacher’s curriculum understanding needs to cherish an ideal with a down-to-earth way. Considering the negative affects from the tradition curriculum culture and the concrete problems in now days’curriculum environment, we should arouse the inside and outside driving force of the teachers, on the other hand, make real efforts to provide rights and energy for the teacher , help the teacher set up the educational ideal, deeply understand the curriculum , work in the special field with self-activity and self-discipline, keep initiative in life, deeply make of his own, realizes himself in the process of the practice, and experience thoroughly the life significance and freedom.

【关键词】 教师课程课程理解自我自我实现
【Key words】 teachercurriculumunderstanding of curriculumselfself-realization