

【作者】 马桂萍

【导师】 曲庆彪;

【作者基本信息】 辽宁师范大学 , 马克思主义基本原理, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 本文主要由三个部分构成:第一部分阐述了“农民工市民化制度演进与创新”问题的研究背景、目的和意义;对与本文研究相关的概念农民、农民工、农民工市民化以及制度等作了界定;对农民工问题、农民(工)非农化、市民化问题的国内外研究文献作了综述;概要了本文研究思路、方法和结构。第二部分对与本文研究密切联系的马克思主义农民非农化思想、马克思主义制度观、发展经济学和人口学关于人口流动的理论等作了梳理。同时,对农民市民化国际经验及对中国农民工市民化的启示作了分析。第三部分对农民工问题的溯源作深入的探究,在此基础上剖析了我国农民工市民化的制度关联以及农民工市民化制度演进,最后阐释了农民工市民化制度创新的基本思路。基于以上基本逻辑和结构,本文主要阐释以下学术观点:第一,中国城市化在长期滞后于工业化的态势下发展,由此引发农民工群体的涌现及与其相关各种社会问题的显现。农民工是我国改革开放和工业化、城镇化进程中涌现出的一支新型劳动大军。农民工虽然生活和工作在城市,但其社会地位、经济收入和生活质量都与市民存在很大差距,他们没有完全融入城市。第二,农民工问题是中国社会改革和发展中的问题,是与中国独特的城市化、工业化道路、中国“三农”问题紧密联系的问题。如果说20世纪80年代的“民工潮”主要体现的是人口流动问题,20世纪90年代大量农民工群体的出现所凸显的是种种社会问题,那么,21世纪农民工问题则是有关全面建设小康社会奋斗目标的实现、社会和谐稳定的重要政治问题。解决中国农民工问题要遵循马克思主义农民非农化思想、马克思主义制度观,借鉴世界其他国家农民非农化、市民化的经验,并汲取发展经济学和人口学等关于人口流动研究有价值的理论成果。第三,解决农民工问题既要着眼于当前,又要关注未来。急于解决农民工问题,以为可以在很短的时间内实现农民工的市民化是不现实的,而农民工群体的长期增量,农民工问题长期有增不减,同样是社会发展所不允许的。当前,农民工问题的核心是农民工权益的缺失,维权是当前解决农民工问题的重中之重。而就长远来看,从根本上解决农民工问题在于实现农民工的市民化。简单地说农民工市民化就是农民工社会身份、社会角色转化的过程。与其他已经实现现代化的国家不同,我国不是简单的农民市民化,而是农民工的市民化,即在中国经历了农民——农民工——市民这样的过程。从总体上,我国农民工市民化水平低、速度慢、环境复杂。农民能否顺利融入城市,实现市民化,是一个与经济、社会管理、文化、社会心理、制度相联系的综合性问题。就目前农民工现状而言,农民工能否顺利实现市民化,关键在制度。第四,影响农民工市民化的制度是一簇制度,这些制度不是孤立存在的,各项制度之间具有关联性。我国农民工市民化各个制度之间既有互斥性关联,又有耦合性(相互依存、共生互补性)关联。在促进农民工市民化的制度供给不足状况得到改善后,大量农民工将完成向市民的转化,之后,农民工市民化制度将在演进中完成其功能作用并逐步解构。在农民工市民化制度体系中,有的制度不对农民工市民化起直接、明显的促进或阻碍作用;有的制度对农民工市民化作用显著;有的制度对农民工市民化作用不大。从制度视阈的角度,农民工市民化与多角度、多层面的制度关联,凡是与农民工市民化相联系的制度都属于农民工市民化制度范畴。农民工市民化与中国特色社会主义的发展分不开,与中国社会主义初级阶段分不开,从这个意义上说,农民工市民化制度与社会形态意义上的制度——社会主义制度相联系。但其不对农民工市民化起直接、明显的促进或阻碍作用。既然,中国农民工市民化与社会主义制度相联系,那么它一定与现阶段中国特色社会主义基本经济制度和政治制度相联系。农民工市民化问题本身是一个经济发展问题,也是一个政治问题(如果农民工市民化有利于社会稳定,那农民工问题便是一个政治问题),基本经济制度和基本政治制度虽然与农民工市民化相联系,但是它对农民工能否市民化的影响不大。与农民工市民化密切联系的制度是在基本经济政治制度之下的具体制度及制度安排。在一系列与农民工市民化相联系的具体制度中,最为重要的是城乡二元经济社会制度,尤其是与其联系的户籍制度。城乡二元经济社会制度渗透在各个与农民工市民化密切联系的具体制度及制度安排中。土地制度、社会保障制度等也是影响农民工市民化的重要制度。第五,制度是静态的,也是动态的,而且主要是动态的,即制度是演进的。农民工市民化的制度瓶颈,又反映出农民工市民化的制度惯性。从整体上看,我国农民工市民化制度是由促进农民工市民化和阻碍农民工市民化两种制度构成的,从具体的微观角度看,阻碍或促进农民工市民化制度可以是一项制度中的不同制度安排,也可以是多项不同制度或不同制度中的不同制度安排。改革开放后,影响农民工职业稳定的农村剩余劳动力转移的制度及制度安排,以党的十六大为界分为二元经济社会制度架构内的制度安排和城乡统筹思路上的制度安排前后两个时期。与农民工市民化密切相关的二元户籍制度改革经历了城乡二元户籍制度的解冻、对二元户籍制度的有限突破、城乡一体化户籍制度构建的演进脉络。改革开放后,我国土地制度经历了以土地经营权为核心的演进过程。第六,从实际出发,以新的思路推进农民工市民化制度创新。首先,不固化现有的仅针对农民工市民化的制度及制度安排,这是当前农民工市民化制度安排问题所必须关注的。不固化现有的仅针对农民工市民化的制度及制度安排的一个切入点,是使那些对农民工市民化具有负面作用的制度及制度安排解构。不固化现有的仅针对农民工市民化的制度旨在实现制度的“一元性”,使促进农民工市民化的制度及制度安排逐步与富有“城市偏好”的制度及制安排对接,或者说最终促使“城市偏好”制度及制度安排祛除其“城市偏好”的特征,使其作用于全体社会成员,而不仅仅是市民。一以言之,如果存在恒久性的农民工市民化制度,那么农民工概念、农民工群体、农民工问题则恒久。积极的、富有社会效应的、有利于农民工市民化的制度及制度安排,其功能在于解构农民工这一群体,实现绝大多数农民工的市民化。而当大量农民工实现了市民化时,农民工市民化制度也就发挥了其应有的作用而自然地解构。从这个意义上说,不固化农民工市民化制度体现了制度演进的应然性。其次,阻碍农民工市民化的制度只能逐步取消。在当前我国农民工群体不断增量,农民工问题凸显的情况下,农民工市民化制度创新的根本思路在于:逐步突破、取消对农民工市民化具有限制或阻碍作用的制度及制度安排,要以解构二元经济社会制度尤其是与此相联系的户籍制度为重点,形成有利于农民工市民化的自洽制度体系。而目前有利于农民工市民化的自洽制度体系的形成,更重要的是强制性(正式)制度的大量供给问题。党、政府等要致力于有利于农民工市民化制度及制度安排的设计,尤其是重视农民工市民化制度与市场经济的对接问题。再次,关注农民工退出农业(主要是退出土地)、进入城市(主要是指职业、定居方面)、融入城市(主要指身份转变、生活方式、思想等等)各个环节相联系的总体制度设计。确立起促进农民工市民化的过渡性制度安排。促进农民工市民化具体制度安排的思路与促进农民工市民化的根本制度安排的思路一致。最后,创新农民工市民化制度,重点在于改革户籍制度。我国户籍制度改革的方向是逐步弱化社会待遇与户籍相联系的制度安排,恢复户籍制度的本有功能。逐步建立与社会主义市场经济体制相适应的新型人口管理制度,使新型的人口管理制度嵌入到社会主义市场经济体制中去。此外,还要创新有利于农民工市民化的就业制度、社会保障制度、土地制度、教育培训制度、住房制度、社会救助制度等等。

【Abstract】 This paper consists of three components:The fist part of this paper explains the study background,purpose and significance of the "migrant workers’ citization system evolution and innovation"; defines concepts related to this study such as farmers,migrant workers,migrant workers’ citization and the system;reviews the study of home and abroad on the issue of migrant workers,non-agricultural farmers,and citization;and summaries the researching ideas,methods and structures of this paper.The second part of this paper is on some issues related to the paper,such as the non-agricultural farmers of Marxist ideology,the system of the Marxist concept, developing economics,and Demographic theory on population flows,and so on.Then, concludes the international experience of non-agricultural farmers and the enlightenment to China’s migrant workers’ citization.The third part of this paper is based on the in-depth analysis of the source of the migrant workers,on this base,the paper describes the relating system of the migrant workers’ citization and the evolution of Chinese system,then explains the basic innovation ideas of the migrant workers’ citization system.Based on the above basic logic and structure,the paper explains the following major academic perspectives:First,Chinese urbanization development lags behind industrialization in the long-term,which triggers the emergence of groups of migrant workers and social problems.Migrant workers are a new type of workforce emerged in the process of China’s reform-opening up,the industrialization and urbanization.Although migrant workers live and work in cities,but there is a big difference on their social status, income and quality of life comparing to all the citizens’,they are not fully integrated into the city.Second,the issue of migrant workers is closely related to China’s social reform and development,closely linked to China’s unique urbanization and industrialization system,the China’s "Three Rural Issues".If it is said that in the 1980s the "peasant worker tide" is embodied in the major population movement,the 1990s large group of migrant workers is highlighted by various social problems,then in the 21st century,it is a political problem relating to the comprehensive construction of a well-off realization of the objective of the community and the social harmony and stability.It is necessary to follow the Marxist ideology of non-agricultural farmers,the Marxist concept of the system,and learn from other countries’ experience in the world,and learn from the Development of economics and Demographics,and other valuable studies and theoretical results on population movements to solve Chinese migrant workers problem.Third,solving the migrant workers problem should both focus on the current and pay attention to the future.It is not realistic that solving the migrant workers’ problem eagerly and realizing the course of farmer becoming citizen in a short time.But the migrant workers community’s long-term increase and the migrant workers’ problem increase but does not reduce for a long time,all this are not permitted by the social development.Presently,the core of the migrant workers ’ problem is the absence of the migrant workers rights and interests,so currently how to protect rights and interests is the emphasis of solve the problem.But In the long run,solving the migrant workers’ problem fundamentally lies in realization of the course of farmer becoming citizen.In a word,the process of migrant workers’ urbanization means that the migrant workers’ society station and society role is changed into citizen.It should not be said that this process is only to alter the peasant to the townspeople in China.Instead,we alter the migrant workers urbanized,which is different from the modernized countries. That is,we will experience the alteration from peasant to migrant worker and then to urban residents in China.Generally speaking,migrant workers’ urbanization faces some problems in China:lowly,slowly,and complicated.It is a synthetical issue whether the peasants can mix together with cities smoothly which leads to accomplish the urbanization.Economy,society administration,culture,psychology of society and social system may influence this problem.Nowadays,take the condition for remarked,the social system plays an important role in the urbanizing process.The fourth,the systems influencing the migrant workers’ urbanization are not isolated but related to each other.The relationship of the systems is not only mutual exclusion but also coupling(interdependence and complement each other) in China. Large numbers of peasants will complete the alteration to the urban residents when the situation of lacking of rules is improved.Then the rules of migrant workers’ urbanization will achieve its function in the course of evolution.In addition,its structure will be removed gradually.In the migrant workers’ urbanization systems,some could not promote or hinder the process obviously,some affect strikingly while some have a little affection.The migrant workers’ urbanization is connected with many-angled and many-sided systems.The rules connected with the urbanization belong to the migrant workers’ urbanization systems.The migrant workers altering to urban residents could not be away from the development of the socialism with Chinese characteristic and the initial stage of socialism in China.It means that the system of the migrant workers’ urbanization is related to the socialism system,which is taken as the social formation.But this system doesn’t promote or hinder the urbanization strikingly.Because of its relation to the socialism system,this system is also connected with the primary economic and political systems.This issue of migrant workers’ urbanization is not only economic but also political one(If the urbanization is good for the steady of society,it will become a political problem).Though the primary economic and political systems are linked with the migrant workers’ urbanization,thy have only a little affection.Under the primary economic and political systems in China,the rules that connected with the migrant workers’ urbanization are the special ones and the system arrangement.In a series of specific systems linked to migrant workers urbanization,the most important thing is the urban-rural dual system especially the household registration system.The urban-rural dual system has infiltrated specific systems and system arrangements which linked to it closely.Land system,the social security system and so on are also the importance system affecting it.Fifth,the system is not only static but also dynamic,and mainly is dynamic,that is,the system is evolving.System bottlenecks of migrant workers citization reflect the inertia of the system.On the whole,China’s migrant workers citization system is composed by the promotion of migrant workers citization and the hinder of it,from the micro-specific point of view,hindering or promoting migrant workers citization system can be one system which arranged differently,and it also would be a number of different systems or different systems in different institutional arrangements. After the reform and opening up,to the 16th CPC National Congress as a separate point the transfer of rural surplus labor force system and institutional arrangements which affect the migrant workers occupational stabilization can be sectored into the urban-rural dual institutional arrangements and co-ordinate institutional arrangements two periods.And the binary household registration system closely related to migrant workers citization has experienced binary household registration system gradually melting period,limited breakthrough to it and urban and rural household registration system construction.Since reform and opening up, China’s land system has evaluated at the core of the of the Land management right.Sixth,promote the system innovation of the migrant workers citization with new ideas.First of all,we cannot solidify the existing migrant workers citization system and the institutional arrangements which are just for migrant workers,this must be concerned.In order to reach it,the breakthrough point is to deconstruct those system and the institutional arrangements of which have a negative role.Non-solidify the existing migrant workers citization system and the institutional arrangements aimed at achieving system "unified",so that migrant workers citization system and the institutional arrangements can be connected with "urban preference" system and institutional arrangements or ultimately make the "city preference" system and the institutional arrangements wipe out its "urban preferences" characteristics of their role in all members of society,not just the citizens.In a word,if there is the permanent system of the migrant workers,then the concept of migrant workers,migrant workers groups,the problem of migrant workers are permanent.Positive and social effects,and the advantageous in the migrant workers resident’s system and the institutional arrangements,its function is to deconstruction of this group of migrant workers,the realization of the vast majority of migrant workers and members of the residents of the city.When the migrant workers realize the process,the resident system of the migrant workers will play its due role and realize the natural deconstruction.In this sense,not solidifying the resident system of the migrant workers reflects the evolution of the system.Secondly,systems which hinder the migrant workers’ citization can be cancelled gradually.In the current,China’s migrant workers are a continuous incremental group, the situation highlights the issue of farmers,the fundamental idea of innovation is: The breakthrough,removes the restriction gradually or hinders the migrant workers resident’s system and the institutional arrangements,we should take the dual deconstruction economic and social system especially with the associated focus on the household registration system,migrant workers formed to promote the resident of the self-consistent system.At present,there are farmers and the resident to the self-consistent system of the formation of a more important point is supplying the large number of mandatory(formal) system.Party and the government should pay attention to the institutional arrangements of the system design,with particular attention to the resident system of the migrant workers and the market economy docking problems.Again,the concern about farmers from agriculture(mainly from the land),into urban areas(mainly refers to occupation,settlement areas),the integration of urban (mainly refers to changing identity,way of life,thinking,etc.) linking all aspects of the overall system design.We should establish the transition system.We should promote the resident concrete institutional arrangements mentality of the migrant workers with to promoting the resident’s basic institutional arrangements mentality of the migrant workers to be consistent.Finally,we can innovate the resident system of the migrant workers,the focus should reform the household registration system,the reform of China’s household registration system is gradually weakening the social direction of treatment associated with the household registration system arrangements,restoration of the household registration system has social functions.Gradually establish a socialist market economy system to a new type of account registration system so that the new population management system embedded in the socialist market economy system to the economy.In addition,we must help migrant workers innovation of the resident employment system,the social security system,land system,the education and training system,the housing system,social relief system and so on.

  • 【分类号】D412.6
  • 【被引频次】27
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