

【作者】 徐兵

【导师】 李君如;

【作者基本信息】 中共中央党校 , 中共党史, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 近代资本主义的发展孕育了近代完整意义上的资产阶级政党,由此世界政治文明中出现了政党和政党制度。鸦片战争中,帝国主义的炮舰使中国沦为半殖民地半封建社会,资产阶级民主政治理念也随之而入,对古老的中华帝国产生重要影响。先进的中国人深刻认识到“落后就要挨打”,因而“民族的独立”、“国家的繁荣富强”成为一代代中国人的梦想,“救亡图存”与“发展求富”成为近代中国的两大基本问题。怎样解决这些问题?一些“先知先觉者”在斗争中,目睹了西方的船坚炮利,既而倾向西方政治文明,掀起了“立党救国”的浪潮。一时间,中国政坛党派林立,政见各异,虽称得上完整意义上政党者,寥寥无几,但毕竟在这个封建帝国开始了“立政党”、“开议院”的尝试,开创了在中国探索政党制度的先河。尽管“政党治国”的善良愿望很快被封建统治者扼杀,但思想闸门业已打开,引来的是追求民主政治的滚滚洪流。几经博弈,伟大的革命先行者,孙中山先生领导建立的中国国民党,在苏联和中国共产党的帮助下,逐步发展壮大,并夺取政权,建立了资产阶级政党制度。孙逝世后,蒋介石窃取革命果实,大肆屠杀中国共产党人,压制其他政党,抛弃多党制,实行其一党独裁统治。但事与愿违,就在蒋氏冒天下之大不韪,倒行逆施的过程中,产生了一大批中间党派,一些中间党派成为后来的民主党派。同时,勇敢的中国共产党人,并没有被吓倒,而是“掩埋了战友的尸体,擦干身上的鲜血”,拿起武器开始了艰苦卓绝的斗争。在两次国内革命战争和抗日战争中,中国共产党彰显了先进性和战斗力,逐渐为广大人民群众所接受,赢得民主党派的支持,在战斗中和民主党派建立了密切关系。中国共产党提出的“民主联合政府”主张成为和民主党派合作的重要政治基础。1948年,中国共产党发布了“五一口号”,得到各民主党派的积极响应。经过周密筹备,1949年9月21日,中国人民政治协商会议胜利召开,标志着中国特色政党制度的正式确立。新中国成立后,民主党派的发展经历了一些波折,经过整合,还有8个民主党派,即中国国民党革命委员会、中国民主同盟,中国民主促进会、中国民主建国会、中国致公党、中国人民救国会、九三学社、台湾民主自治同盟。这些党派同中国共产党一道,为国民经济的恢复和社会主义建设做出了巨大贡献,为中国特色政党制度的发展做出了不懈的努力。1956年,中国共产党明确提出“长期共存,互相监督”的口号,成为中国特色政党制度的指导方针,开始了中国特色政党制度发展的新起点。同时,在特定的社会历史条件下,中国共产党和各民主党派一起创新了中国特色政党制度的运行方式,各党派自身的运行方式也呈现出新特点,逐步向执政党和参政党转变。文章按照上述历史逻辑,设计了框架:绪论、主体四个部分和结语。绪论阐明选题意义、研究现状,介绍相关概念、研究方法,从宏观上说明文章主要内容。第一部分,首先简单介绍世界上资本主义政党、社会主义政党的产生和政党政治的出现。接着,说明清末,中国政党的建立、政党政治、议会民主的兴起与破产,以及孙中山倡导的政党制度的失败。这部分还介绍中国国民党、中国共产党及一些民主党派的产生和分化组合。第二部分,开始说明确立政党制度的准备工作,以及政党制度怎样在全国范围内建立。文章较为详细地说明了民主党派代表和无党派民主人士如何在险恶的环境中顺利到达解放区,以及怎样筹备新政协。作者认为新政协的召开,仅在国家体制层面上建立了政党制度,而全国范围内政党制度的建立是随着各级民主政权的建立而建立。这部分还介绍中国共产党制定具体政策帮助民主党派发展,说明“长期共存,互相监督”提出的过程及历史意义。第三部分,用社会生态一般理论说明中国特色政党制度形成的社会历史条件、多党合作的具体内容,以及这一制度对社会生态的影响。围绕经济发展这条主线,中国共产党和各民主党派密切合作、共同奋斗,保证了国民经济的较快恢复和社会主义改造的顺利完成;接着说明在政治认同的基础上,民主党派实现了自身的两次转变。另外,这部分还详细论述了中国特色政党制度与社会主义意识形态确立的相互关系。第四部分,前两节说明政党制度的运行方式,即在政权系统内的运行和执政一参政合作的几种具体形式。接着文章分析了政党制度主体(执政党和参政党)自系统的组织活动方式。结语分析这一时期政党制度的主要价值和存在的不足。并对长期坚持中国特色政党制度做了分析,就如何加强和改善中国特色政党制度建设提出了一些思考。

【Abstract】 The development of modern capitalism gave birth to the bourgeois political parties which had the modern sense of the integrity,so the political parties and political party system emerged in the political civilization of the world.In the Opium War,the imperialist gunboat made China become a semi-colonial and semi-feudal society,and the invasion of bourgeois democracy ideas had an important impact on China,an old Empire.Some advanced Chinese people knew that backwardness is always followed by defeat, thus national independence,strength and prosperity becoming Chinese people’s dream from generation to generation,so national salvation and development toward richness were two basic issues for modern China.How to solve them? Some foresights witnessed the western firepower of ships and guns in the struggle,therefore admiring for the Western political civilization,so they waged a wave for national salvation through building parties.For a time,many Chinese political parties with different political views appeared,though few of them were political parties with full sense, however they created China’s exploration of the political party system,by attempting to build parties and establish House in the feudal empire.Although the kind-hearted desire for saving the country was quickly killed by the feudal rulers,the thinking gate had been opened,which lead to the pursuit of the rolling tide of democracy.After many games,Dr.Sun Yat-sen,the great revolutionary forerunner,built the China Kuomingtang which developed very progressively and seized political power, therefore establishing the bourgeois political party system,with the help of Communist Party and the Soviet Union.After Sun’s death,Chiang Kai-shek stole the fruits of the revolution,carried out a massacre on Chinese Communists and suppressed other political parties,abandoning the multi-party system and implementing one party dictatorship.But it turned out that a large number of intermediate parties some of which changed to democratic parties appeared in the process of Chiang Kai-shek’s flouting the people’s wishes and conducting massive massacre.At the same time,the brave Chinese communists were not intimidated,but they buried the bodies of comrades,wiped away the blood,and took up arms to start arduous struggles.In two Domestic Revolutionary wars and the War of Resistance against Japan,Chinese Communist Party demonstrated her advanced nature and the fighting capacity,gradually accepted by the masses,winning the support of the democratic parties and establishing a close relationship with them in the battle.Chinese Communist Party’s political idea for Democratic Coalition Government was accepted by the democratic parties,which became the important political foundation for cooperation.In 1948,Chinese Communist Party issued the May Day slogan,which was positively responded by democratic parties.After careful preparation,in September 21st,1949,Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference convened successfully,marking the establishment of political party system with Chinese characteristics formally.After the founding of new China,the development of democratic parties endured some twists and turns,so there are only eight democratic parties by integration,which are Revolutionary Committee of the Kuomingtang of China,China Democratic League,China Association for Promoting Democracy,China Democratic National Construction,Chinese Peasant’s and Workers Democratic Party,China Zhi Gong Party,Jiu San Society,Taiwan Democratic Self-Government League.These parties, together with Chinese Communist Party,made tremendous contributions to the resumption of the national economy and the socialist construction,and made unremitting efforts for the development of political party system with Chinese characteristics.In 1956,Chinese Communist Party put forward the slogan that was long-term coexistence and mutual supervision,and it became the guiding principle of the political party system with Chinese characteristics,which was a new starting point for the development of the political party system with Chinese characteristics. Meanwhile,in the particular social and historical condition,Chinese Communist Party and democratic parties innovated the operation mode of the political party system with Chinese characteristics,with their own operation mode also appearing new features,and they gradually changed to the ruling party or the Participating parties.In accordance with the historical logic mentioned above,the dissertation designs the framework:introduction,the four main parts and the concluding remarks. Introduction clarifies the meaning of the topic,research on related concepts,research methods,and introduces the main contents of the dissertation from the macro level.The first part introduces the birth and the emergence of modern political parties including bourgeois political parties and socialist political parties in the world briefly, then explores the establishment of China’s political parties,the rise and bankruptcy of the party politics,parliamentary democracy in the late Qing Dynasty,as well as the failure of political party system advocated by Sun Yat-sen.This part also describes the realignment and regrouping of Kuomingtang of China,the Communist Party of China and some intermediate political parties.The second part notes the preparatory work for the establishment of the political party system and how to set it up nationwide.The dissertation elaborates how the delegates of democratic parties and democratic personages without party affiliation reached liberated areas smoothly in the sinister environment,and how they prepared for Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference.The author believes that the hold of CPPCC means that the political party system was established only in political institution,however the political party system was established at the national level with the establishment of democratic regimes at all levels.This part also describes the Communist Party of China helped the democratic parties develop by constituting some specific policies,and elaborates the proposal progress and historical significance of the Long-term Coexistence and Mutual Supervision.The third part explores the social and historical conditions in which the political party system with Chinese characteristics forms,using the theory of ecology,the specific contents of multi-party cooperation,as well as the political party system’s impacts on the system of social ecology.Around the main line of economic development,CPC and these democratic parties cooperated closely and worked together very well to ensure the rapid restoration of the national economy and the successful completion of socialist transformation.And then,the author points out that democratic parties achieved their own two changes in the basis of political identity.In addition,this section also discusses the interaction of the party system with Chinese characteristics and the establishment of socialist ideology in detail.The first two sections of the fourth part explain the operation mode of the political party system,i.e.in the political power system and several specific forms of cooperation for ruling and participating.Then the dissertation analyzes the operation mode of these political parties’(the ruling party and the participating parties) own organizations.Conclusion Analyses the main value and shortcomings of the political party system during this period.What’s more,this part also analyses how to follow through the political party system with Chinese characteristics for long and makes a number of thinking on how to strengthen and improve it.

  • 【分类号】D665
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】1476